icecube.production_histograms.histograms.frame_histograms module

Below are several convenience histograms that contain methods that simply thunks to _Process. This way a user just has to inherit from the correct class, configure the histograms and Bob’s your uncle.

class icecube.production_histograms.histograms.frame_histograms.CalibrationHistogram(xmin, xmax, nbins, name, expression)

Bases: ExpressionHistogram

Implements only the Calibration method.

class icecube.production_histograms.histograms.frame_histograms.DAQHistogram(xmin, xmax, nbins, name, expression)

Bases: ExpressionHistogram

Implements only the DAQ method.


Derived classes can override this. Same for the other IceTray-like methods below.

Pull objects out of the frame, perform whatever calculations are required and call the base class fill method… e.g. ‘self.fill(x)’

def DAQ(self, frame):


Write safer code than that, but you get the idea.

class icecube.production_histograms.histograms.frame_histograms.DetectorStatusHistogram(xmin, xmax, nbins, name, expression)

Bases: ExpressionHistogram

Implements only the DetectorStatus method.

class icecube.production_histograms.histograms.frame_histograms.GeometryHistogram(xmin, xmax, nbins, name, expression)

Bases: ExpressionHistogram

Implements only the Geometry method.

class icecube.production_histograms.histograms.frame_histograms.PhysicsHistogram(xmin, xmax, nbins, name, expression)

Bases: ExpressionHistogram

Implements only the Physics method.
