icecube.production_histograms.histograms.expression_histogram module

class icecube.production_histograms.histograms.expression_histogram.ExpressionHistogram(xmin, xmax, nbins, name, expression)

Bases: Histogram

This class makes is easy to generate histograms by taking a python expression that’s used to calculate the value to be histogrammed.

This expression is passed directly to the built-in function ‘eval’ where frame, I3Units, and everything in the python math library is available.

So ‘log10(frame[“SomeParticle”].energy/I3Units.GeV)’ is a valid expression.

Users typically should not use this class directly, but instead one of its derived classes like PhysicsHistogram or DAQHistogram.

You have to specify several things on construction. - xmin : Minimum x value. - xmax : Maximum x value. - nbins : Number of bins. - name : Histogram name.

  • expressionThis expression is passed directly to the python

    built-in fuction ‘eval’ which returns the value to be histogrammed. NB: ‘frame’ is available.

    So ‘log10(frame[“MyParticle”].energy/I3Units.GeV)’ is perfectly valid.