
Original Author: Doug Rutledge

This module splits a given pulse-series (InputRecoPulseSeries) into two parts: The one close around a given vertex (VertexName) (it is called the core pulses and stored in CorePulsesName) and the part far out (corona pulses stored in OutputRecoPulseSeries).

The pulses of an OM are part of the core pulses if the OM distance to the vertex position is smaller than a radius \(R=k R_{SPE}\), where \(k\) is a scaling factor given by SPEFraction and the SPE radius \(R_{SPE}\) (stored as SPERadiusName) is calculated with the formula

\[\begin{split}R_{SPE}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} \lambda_{Att}\ln E + c_\lambda &\quad E > E_c\\ R_{min} + c_{spline}\ln^2E &\quad E\le E_c \end{array}\right.\end{split}\]

where \(\lambda_{Att}\) (LambdaAttn), \(C_\lambda\), \(E_c\) (CriticalEnergy) and \(R_{min}\) (MinimumSPERadius) are given as parameters. The spline parameter is calculated as \(c_{spline}=\frac{\lambda_{Att}}{2\ln E_c}\) and constant is calculated as \(c_\lambda=R_{min} - \frac{\lambda_{Att}}{2}\ln E_c\). The energy \(E\) is taken from the vertex particle or if NChCalib is set estimated from the numbers of channels with different algorithms depending on DetectorConf (0: Amanda, 1: IceCube, 2: Combined).

See Also