.. _core-removal: ============ Core-Removal ============ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 release_notes **Original Author**: Doug Rutledge This module splits a given pulse-series (``InputRecoPulseSeries``) into two parts: The one close around a given vertex (``VertexName``) (it is called the core pulses and stored in ``CorePulsesName``) and the part far out (corona pulses stored in ``OutputRecoPulseSeries``). The pulses of an OM are part of the core pulses if the OM distance to the vertex position is smaller than a radius :math:`R=k R_{SPE}`, where :math:`k` is a scaling factor given by ``SPEFraction`` and the SPE radius :math:`R_{SPE}` (stored as ``SPERadiusName``) is calculated with the formula .. math:: R_{SPE}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} \lambda_{Att}\ln E + c_\lambda &\quad E > E_c\\ R_{min} + c_{spline}\ln^2E &\quad E\le E_c \end{array}\right. where :math:`\lambda_{Att}` (``LambdaAttn``), :math:`C_\lambda`, :math:`E_c` (``CriticalEnergy``) and :math:`R_{min}` (``MinimumSPERadius``) are given as parameters. The spline parameter is calculated as :math:`c_{spline}=\frac{\lambda_{Att}}{2\ln E_c}` and constant is calculated as :math:`c_\lambda=R_{min} - \frac{\lambda_{Att}}{2}\ln E_c`. The energy :math:`E` is taken from the vertex particle or if ``NChCalib`` is set estimated from the numbers of channels with different algorithms depending on ``DetectorConf`` (0: Amanda, 1: IceCube, 2: Combined). See Also ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 C++ API Reference IceTray Inspect Reference