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C++ I3Modules


"I3IceTopBaselineModule" (C++ I3Module)


Param BaselineRange:

Default = [0, 0], Range of bin numbers, which are considered the baseline. Numbers are inclusive.They can be negative. In that case bins are counted from the last bin. For instance, -1 is the last bin, while 0 is the first bin. There is no difference between 0 and -0.

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param Output:

Default = '', Name of the output I3IceTopBaselineSeriesMap

Param Source:

Default = icecube._dataclasses.Source.ATWD, Should we look at ATWD or FADC waveforms?

Param Waveforms:

Default = '', Waveforms to use for baseline calculations


"I3IceTopSLCCalibrator_fromCframe" (C++ I3Module)


Param CframeObjectName:

Default = 'IceTop_SLCcals', Name of I3IceTopSLCCalibrationCollection in the C-frame

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputWaveforms:

Default = 'CalibratedIceTopATWD_SLC', Name of input I3WaveformSeriesMap (required only to know the ATWD channel)

Param PulsesAreVEMConverted:

Default = False, The input pulses are already VEM-converted? (Default=False)

Param SLCPulses:

Default = 'IceTopSLCVEMPulses', ID of input calibrated SLC pulse list (this gets replaced by default)

Param SLCPulsesOut:

Default = '', ID of output calibrated SLC pulse list. If it is not specified, it is set equal to SLCPulses. If an object with this name is present, it will be replaced.


"I3TopHLCPulseExtractor" (C++ I3Module)


Param BadDomList:

Default = 'IceTopBadDOMs', List of bad DOMs

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param MinimumLeadingEdgeTime:

Default = -200.0, Earliest possible time of the leading edge, measured from the beginning of the ATWD waveform. If the leading-edge extrapolation returns a time earlier that this minimum (for example, when the algorithm extrapolates from the peak rather than the true leading edge because the ATWD turns on halfway into the pulse), the leading-edge time will be snapped to this value.

Param PEPulses:

Default = 'IceTopHLCPEPulses', Output pulse series calibrated in pe (optional)

Param PulseInfo:

Default = 'IceTopHLCPulseInfo', Output pulse info (amplitudes, rise time, …) (optional)

Param VEMPulses:

Default = 'IceTopHLCVEMPulses', Output pulse series calibrated in vem (optional)

Param Waveforms:

Default = 'IceTopCalibratedATWD', Input calibrated HLC I3WaveformSeriesMap


"I3TopSLCPulseExtractor" (C++ I3Module)


Param BadDomList:

Default = 'IceTopBadDOMs', List of bad DOMs

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param PEPulses:

Default = 'IceTopSLCPEPulses', Output pulse series calibrated in pe (optional)

Param VEMPulses:

Default = 'IceTopSLCVEMPulses', Output pulse series calibrated in vem (optional)

Param Waveforms:

Default = 'IceTopCalibratedSLC', Input calibrated SLC I3WaveformSeriesMap


"I3VEMConverter" (C++ I3Module)


Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param PEPulses:

Default = '', Input pulses with charge in PE units

Param Stream:

Default = icetray.I3Frame.DAQ, Frame type where to do the merging. (Default = DAQ)

Param VEMPulses:

Default = '', Output pulses, will be calibrated in VEM

Python I3Modules


I3IceTopSLCCalibrator (Python I3Module)

I3Module to apply a correction to SLC charges. This version of the module was used for creating L3 in 2021. It takes as input a “running average pickle file” of the kind created from run-by-run fits of SLC calibration constants. Will probably be obsoletified someday…

Param Config:

Default = <Unprintable>, Configuration file with the parameters for each OM/chip/ATWD

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputWaveforms:

Default = 'CalibratedIceTopATWD_SLC', Name of input I3WaveformSeriesMap (required only to know the ATWD channel)

Param SLCPulses:

Default = 'IceTopSLCVEMPulses', ID of input calibrated SLC pulse list (this gets replaced by default)

Param SLCPulsesOut:

Default = '', ID of output calibrated SLC pulse list. If it is not specified, it is set equal to SLCPulses. If an object with this name is present, it will be replaced.

I3Tray segments


CalibrateSLCs (I3Tray segment)

This extracts and calibrates SLC pulses. The current implementation MAY need to know the ATWD channel used and therefore needs access to the waveforms generated by I3WaveformSplitter. Since these are discarded, they have to be produced again (hence this segment).

Param Launches:

Default = 'IceTopRawData',

Param SLCVEMPulses:

Default = 'OfflineIceTopSLCVEMPulses',

Param SLCTankPulses:

Default = 'OfflineIceTopSLCTankPulses',

Param VEMalready:

Default = True,


CalibrateSLCs_Legacy (I3Tray segment)

Similar to the above, except that this version REQUIRES the waveforms, and will not calibrate pulses at all (or run TankPulseMerger to produce TankPulses) without them.

Param Config:

Default = None,

Param Launches:

Default = 'IceTopRawData',

Param SLCVEMPulses:

Default = 'OfflineIceTopSLCVEMPulses',

Param SLCTankPulses:

Default = 'OfflineIceTopSLCTankPulses',