
Maintainer: Alex Olivas


This project contains several trigger modules and corresponding utilities.

The Modules

  • SimpleMajorityTrigger - Simple majority trigger for InIce and IceTop. The simple majority trigger only passes events that contains a certain number of DOMLaunches (“threshold”) within a given time window (“timeWindow”). This module works both on InIce and IceTop DOM launches.

  • ClusterTrigger - This trigger emulates the string trigger in IceCube.

  • CylinderTrigger - This trigger emulates the cylinder trigger in IceCube.

  • SlowMonopoleTrigger - Slow monopole trigger.

  • I3GlobalTriggerSim - Collects the various trigger hierarchies and builds a global trigger.

  • I3Pruner - Cleans IceCube DOMs outside of the readout window.

  • I3TimeShifter - Shifts the times of all known elements in the frame with respect to the the event time.

Note: The CylinderTrigger now has the ability to accept both I3DOMLaunches (from IC86) and I3RecoPulses (from the IceCube Upgrade or Gen2).

Utility Classes



