segmented-spline-reco C++ API Reference

class I3EquatorParametrization : public I3ServiceBase, public I3ParametrizationBase

A parametrization which restricts the direction phase space to a the hemisphere centered around the seed track direction.

Public Functions

I3EquatorParametrization(const std::string &name, double ddir, double dxyz, double dLogE, double dt, bool use_rotated_vertex_para, bool use_differential_eloss_para, bool fit_effective_domeff)

constructor with full initialization, for unit tests

I3EquatorParametrization(const I3Context &context)

constructor for use in icetray scripts

virtual ~I3EquatorParametrization()


void Configure() override


bool InitChainRule(bool wantgradient, bool wanthessian) override
void ApplyChainRule() override
void ApplyChainRuleHessian() override
void UpdatePhysicsVariables() override

this should calculate datamembers of the I3Particle from the values in par

this should calculate datamembers of EmissionHypothesis from the values in par_

void UpdateParameters() override

This should calculate the values in par_ from datamembers of the I3Particle If relevant it should also update stepsizes.

This should calculate the values in par_ from datamembers of EmissionHypothesis If relevant it should also update stepsizes.

inline bool CheckEnergyFit() override
void SetEvent(const I3Frame &f) override
inline const std::string GetName() const override

name to use for log_messages

SET_LOGGER ("I3EquatorParametrization")

macro which sets the name to use to configure log4cplus.conf

Private Functions


inhibit the default constructor

I3EquatorParametrization(const I3EquatorParametrization&)

inhibit the copy constructor

I3EquatorParametrization operator=(const I3EquatorParametrization &rhs)

inhibit the assignment operator

void ObtainInitVec(const I3Frame &f)
void InitializeFitSpecs()

initialize the FitParameterInitSpecs and parameter vectors

Private Members

std::vector<double> initval_vec_
I3Particle seed_track_
std::vector<I3Particle> seed_cascades_
std::vector<double> seed_distances_
bool var_dir_
double step_dir_
bool var_loge_
double step_loge_
int var_vertex_pos_
double step_vertex_pos_
bool use_rotated_vertex_para_
bool differential_eloss_para_
bool fit_effective_domeff_
bool var_dt_
double step_dt_
class I3SegmentedRecoSeedService : public I3SeedServiceBase

Base class seed track collection & preparation services.

Basic seed services collects first guess tracks and can do a simple vertex correction. It needs recopulses to do this vertex corrections. Only useful for pure I3Particle seeds, any non-standard topologies won’t work with this.

See also


See also


See also


See also


Public Types

enum I3TimeShiftType

enumerate the different ways to fix the vertex time (of an infinite track)


enumerator TUndefined
enumerator TNone
enumerator TMean

keep vertex time from first guess

enumerator TFirst

set vertex time such that the mean time residual is zero

enumerator TChargeFraction

set vertex time such that the smallest time residual is zero

enumerator TDirectChargeFraction

set vertex time such that a fixed fraction (e.g. 90%) of the charge has positive time residual

enum I3PositionShiftType

enumerate the different ways to fix the vertex position (of an infinite track)


enumerator PUndefined
enumerator PNone
enumerator PCOG

keep vertex position from first guess

enum I3SeedAlternatives

The basic behavior of the seed service is to generate only one seed per first guess. We could however also add more seeds, with some trivial transformations. This enum serves to enumerate various ways to generate 1 or more extra seeds.


enumerator SeedAlt_None
enumerator SeedAlt_Reverse

no extra seeds

enumerator SeedAlt_Tetrahedron

for each first guess, add 1 extra seed, with opposite direction

enumerator SeedAlt_Cube

add 3 first guesses, with tetrahedric angles

Public Functions

I3SegmentedRecoSeedService(const std::string &name, const std::vector<std::string> &fgnames, const std::string &inputreadout, double fixedE, std::vector<double> eguesspar, I3PositionShiftType pstype, I3TimeShiftType tstype, I3TimeShiftType alt_tstype, bool speedpolice, double tresmeanmax, double frac, int altMode, bool onlyAlt, bool use_differential_energy_loss_, double shower_spacing, I3Surfaces::SurfacePtr bounding_surface)
  • name[in] name of seed service factory, for log messages

  • fgnames[in] Labels of first guess fit results

  • inputreadout[in] Name of I3RecoPulseMap (for vertex correction)

  • fixedE[in] fixed energy value (overrides FG energy)

  • eguesspar[in] coefficients of polynomial for E guess (overrides FG energy)

  • pstype[in] position shift type

  • tstype[in] time shift type

  • alt_tstype[in]

  • speedpolice[in] flag to enable/disable enforcement of v=c for infinite tracks

  • tresmeanmax[in] max mean time residual (protection with TFirst time shift type)

  • frac[in] charge fraction value for “TChargeFraction” vertex time correction

  • altMode[in] specifies if alternative seeds should be created, with which algorithm

  • onlyAlt[in] specifies if nonalternative seeds (based directly on input fg) should be skipped

virtual ~I3SegmentedRecoSeedService()

base class destructor (idle)

virtual unsigned int SetEvent(const I3Frame &f)

provide event data

  • purge old seed tracks

  • get the first guess tracks, prepare new seeds

  • do time/space corrections (if wanted)


f[in] Frame with event data


number of available seeds

virtual I3EventHypothesis GetSeed(unsigned int iseed) const

get a seed

virtual I3EventHypothesis GetDummy() const

get a dummy seed (useful in case of fg failure)

virtual void Tweak(I3EventHypothesis &eh) const

Space and time coordinates of the vertex are tweaked, for numerical convenience (minimumizer algorithms). If no hits/pulses are configured, then no corrections are applied. Vertex time is corrected such that the timeresiduals are either positive or centered around 0, depending on configuration flags; xyz is chosen such that it is closest to the COG of the hits.

void FillInTheBlanks(I3EventHypothesis &eh) const

If “FixedEnergy” or “NChEnergyGuessPolynomial” is configured for this service, then this service will use that energy instead of the FG energy.

virtual I3EventHypothesis GetCopy(const I3EventHypothesis &eh) const

This will just make a (deep) copy of the I3Particle datamember of the I3EventHypothesis. The “nonstd” datamember is not copied.

virtual I3EventHypothesis GetCopyNonStd(const I3EventHypothesis &eh) const

This will just make a (deep) copy of the I3ParticlePtr and I3FrameObjectPtr datamember of the I3EventHypothesis. The “nonstd” datamember IS now copied.

Public Static Functions

static std::vector<I3ParticlePtr> Reverse(I3ParticleConstPtr p)

Make a new first guess with direction opposite to input track.

This static method was made public method purely for unit test convenience. If other people would find it useful in other classes, then maybe it would better move to some utility namespace, e.g. I3Calculator.


p[in] input particle


a vector with just 1 new particle (pointer) with opposite direction

static std::vector<I3ParticlePtr> Tetrahedron(I3ParticleConstPtr p)

Make three new first guesses with directions tetrahedric w.r.t. input track (i.e. the original direction and the three new directions are arranged like the points of a tetrahedron).

This static method was made public method purely for unit test convenience. If other people would find it useful in other classes, then maybe it would better move to some utility namespace e.g. I3Calculator.


p[in] input particle


a vector with 3 new particles (pointers)

static std::vector<I3ParticlePtr> Cube(I3ParticleConstPtr p)

Make five new first guesses with directions “cubic” w.r.t. input track (1 opposite + 4 perpendicular)

You should think of the faces of the cube, rather than its points, otherwise this method should have been called “Octahedron”. Are you confused yet?

This static method was made public method purely for unit test convenience. If other people would find it useful in other classes, then maybe it would better move to some utility namespace, e.g. I3Calculator.


p[in] input particle


a vector with 5 new particles (pointers)

Private Functions

bool SeedOK(const I3Particle &seed) const

basic tests: OK fit status, non-NAN datamembers

void GetFirstGuesses(const I3Frame &f)

get FG tracks from the frame, using the configured track labels

void GetNonStdHypothesis(const I3Frame &f)

get track and cascades FG from the frame, using the configured track labels, and construct nonstd hypothesis

void ShiftVertex(I3Particle &p) const

shift the vertex position as close as possible to the COG of the hits (only for inf. tracks)

void ShiftTime(I3Particle &p, const I3RecoPulseSeriesMap &hitmap) const

adjust the vertex time (such that timeresiduals are more or less OK)

double PolynomialEnergyGuess() const

guess energy with a polynomial logE = p0+p1*x+p2*x*x+… with x=log(NCh)

void GetAlternatives()

extend seed set with reverse/tetrahedric/cubic alternatives (if wanted)

SET_LOGGER ("I3SegmentedRecoSeedService")

Private Members

std::string name_
std::vector<std::string> firstGuessNames_
double cascade_spacing_
I3Surfaces::SurfacePtr bounding_surface_
bool NonStdHypothesis_
std::string inputReadout_
std::vector<I3EventHypothesis> seeds_
I3EventHypothesis dummy_
std::vector<double> energyGuessPolynomial_
double fixedEnergy_
I3PositionShiftType posShiftType_
I3TimeShiftType timeShiftType_
I3TimeShiftType altTimeShiftType_
bool speedPolice_
double maxTResMean_
double chargeFraction_
int altMode_
bool onlyAlternatives_
bool use_differential_energy_loss_
unsigned int nMissingFG_
unsigned int nBadFG_

number of events without FG

unsigned int nReadoutMissing_

number of bad first guesses (fit status not OK), can be larger than nSetEvent_ in case of multiple FG per event

unsigned int nSetEvent_

number of events without pulses (while needed)

I3Position cog_

number of events

I3GeometryConstPtr geometry_
I3RecoPulseSeriesMapConstPtr pulses_
class I3SegmentedRecoSeedServiceFactory : public I3ServiceFactory

This class installs a I3SegmentedRecoSeedService.

You can configure the I3SegmentedRecoSeedService via eight parameters:

  • FirstGuess name first guess track/shower (I3Particle or I3Vector<I3Particle>)

  • FirstGuesses list of names of first guess tracks/showers (I3Particle or I3Vector<I3Particle>)

  • InputReadout name of hit/pulse series map

  • FixedEnergy energy value to use in seed (overrides FG energy)

  • NChEnergyGuessPolynomial smarter energy guess (overrides FG energy), specify coefficients [c0,c1,c2…] of polynomial log10(E/GeV) = c0 + c1 * x + c2 *x *x + … with x=log10(NCh)

  • TimeShiftType how to compute the vertex time

  • AltTimeShiftType how to compute the vertex time for the “alternative” seeds

  • SpeedPolice flag, whether or not to enforce speed=1 for tracks and speed=0 for cascades.

  • MaxMeanTimeResidual bound on time shift when using timeshift type TFirst

  • AddAlternatives Add simple alternative seeds for each first guess; argument is a a string; possibilities: “None” (default, no alternatives), “Reverse” (add a track with the same vertex in the opposite direction), “Cubic” (add 5 more tracks: the reverse track and four perpendicular tracks).

The names of first guesses can refer to either single (I3Particle object in the frame) or multiple results (I3Vector<I3Particle>), both are accepted. By default no energy guess/fix is performed. In case of an NCh-based energy guess you need also to provide a hit/pulse seriesmap (NCh will be set to the size of that map).

If you specify a hit/pulse seriesmap, then the vertex of each seed with type “InfiniteTrack” will always be shifted to the point closest to the COG of the hits/pulses, and the time will be adjusted correspondingly.

Timeshifts are intended to improve the vertex time. If the input track already comes from a log-likelihood reconstruction, then you probably want to set it to “TNone”, no correction. If you set it to “TMean”/”TFirst” then the vertex time is adjusted such that the mean/smallest time residual is zero. For AMANDA analyses in the past TMean was most common (its the default now), for IceCube data it seems that TFirst works better. In order to protect the TFirst shift against anomalous very early hits, there is a maximum on the mean of time residual, which can be configured with MaxMeanTimeResidual.


$Id: I3SegmentedRecoSeedServiceFactory.h 165272 2018-09-07 10:57:06Z fbradascio $



Public Functions

I3SegmentedRecoSeedServiceFactory(const I3Context &context)


virtual ~I3SegmentedRecoSeedServiceFactory()


virtual bool InstallService(I3Context &ctx)

Installed this objects service into the specified services object.


ctx – the I3Context into which the service should be installed.


true if the service is successfully installed.

virtual void Configure()

Configure service prior to installing it.

Private Functions

I3SegmentedRecoSeedServiceFactory(const I3SegmentedRecoSeedServiceFactory &rhs)
I3SegmentedRecoSeedServiceFactory operator=(const I3SegmentedRecoSeedServiceFactory &rhs)

no copy constructor

SET_LOGGER ("I3SegmentedRecoSeedServiceFactory")

Private Members

std::string fgName_

no assignment operator

std::vector<std::string> fgNames_

single first guess name (old option)

double cascade_spacing_

list of first guess names (new option)

I3Surfaces::SurfacePtr bounding_surface_
std::string inputReadout_
bool NonStdHypothesis_

hits, pulses needed for vertex correction

std::string name_

use a track (particle hypothesis) and a series of cascades (nonstd hypothesis) as seed

unsigned int nContext_

name of this service

I3SeedServiceBasePtr seedService_

number contexts into which a service pointer was installed

std::vector<double> energyGuessPolynomial_

pointer to the service object

double fixedEnergy_

coefficients of E guess polynomial (if given: overrides FG energy)

std::string posShiftTypeName_

energy to use (if not NAN: overrides FG energy)

std::string timeShiftTypeName_

name of position shift type

std::string altTimeShiftTypeName_

name of time shift type

I3SegmentedRecoSeedService::I3PositionShiftType posShiftType_

name of time shift type for the alternative seeds

I3SegmentedRecoSeedService::I3TimeShiftType timeShiftType_

actual position shift type

I3SegmentedRecoSeedService::I3TimeShiftType altTimeShiftType_

actual time shift type

bool speedPolice_

actual time shift type for alternative seeds

double maxTResMean_

whether or not to force the speed of inf tracks to be c

double chargeFraction_

max value of average time residual (protection against very early hits in case of TFirst shift type

std::string addAlternativesString_

charge fraction, for vertex time correction strategy based on tres-ordered hit charges

int addAlternatives_

name of recipe for generating more than one seed per first guess

bool onlyAlternatives_

number of the recipe for generating more than one seed per first guess

bool use_differential_energy_loss_

do not use the seed based on the input track at all

struct I3SegmentedSplineRecoDOMCache

Public Members

I3OMGeo geo
double noise_rate
double rde
double maximal_time
bool use_constrained_time
class I3SegmentedSplineRecoDOMCacheMap : public std::map<OMKey, struct I3SegmentedSplineRecoDOMCache>

Public Functions

void UpdateParams(I3GeometryConstPtr geometry, I3CalibrationConstPtr calib, I3DetectorStatusConstPtr det_status, I3RecoPulseSeriesMapConstPtr pulses, double effective_dom_efficiency, double spe_charge_correction, I3TimeWindowSeriesMap excluded_doms)

Private Members

I3GeometryConstPtr geometry_
I3CalibrationConstPtr calib_
class I3SegmentedSplineRecoLikelihood : public I3EventLogLikelihoodBase, public I3ServiceBase

Public Functions

I3SegmentedSplineRecoLikelihood(const I3Context &ctx)
inline virtual ~I3SegmentedSplineRecoLikelihood()
virtual void Configure() override

I3ServiceBase interface.

void SetEvent(const I3Frame&) override

Gulliver interface.

void SetGeometry(const I3Geometry &f) override
double GetLogLikelihood(const I3EventHypothesis&) override
double GetLogLikelihood(const I3EventHypothesis&, I3EventHypothesis*, bool solve_for_energies, double weight = 1) override
double GetLogLikelihoodCascades(const I3EventHypothesis&, I3EventHypothesis*, I3EventHypothesis*)
double GetLogLikelihoodHess(const I3EventHypothesis&, I3EventHypothesis&, I3EventHypothesis&) override
unsigned int GetMultiplicityNPulsesChargeWeight(I3RecoPulseSeriesMapConstPtr pulses)
unsigned int GetMultiplicityNPulses(I3RecoPulseSeriesMapConstPtr pulses)
unsigned int GetMultiplicityNCh(I3RecoPulseSeriesMapConstPtr pulses)
unsigned int GetMultiplicity() override
inline const std::string GetName() const override
void ChainHess(bu::symmetric_matrix<double> &result_hess, bu::symmetric_matrix<double> &hess_upper, std::vector<double> &grad_upper, std::vector<bu::symmetric_matrix<double>> &inner_hess_vec, bu::matrix<double> &inner_jacobian)
void ChainHessSecond(unsigned int oi1, unsigned int oi2, unsigned int jacobian_row_dim, bu::symmetric_matrix<double> &result_hess, bu::symmetric_matrix<double> &hess_upper, bu::matrix<double> &inner_jacobian)
inline bool HasGradient() override
inline bool HasHessian() override

Public Members

I3PhotonicsServicePtr muon_ps_

basic spline, probably bare muon

I3PhotonicsServicePtr cascade_ps_

basic spline cascade

double preJitter_

jitter options

double postJitter_
bool PrePulsesReco_

Prepulse reconstruction option, set to true by default (true = prepulses are reconstructed)

bool MuonReco_

Muon reconstruction option, without cascade’s information.

double cutoff_distance_

cutoff_distance: distance DOM-cascade after which cascade contributions are not considered anymore

std::string pulses_name_
std::string llhChoice_
double noiseRate_
bool chargeWeight_
double noise_scale_factor_
double energy_regularization_
bool use_cache_
bool update_eval_cache_
double effective_dom_efficiency_
double spe_charge_correction_
std::vector<std::string> exclusion_names_
bool EnergyDependentPostJitter_
std::vector<std::string> E_estimator_names_

Private Functions

double CalculateTimeWindow(I3RecoPulseSeriesMapConstPtr pulses)
void GaussianIIR1D(double *data, long length, double sigma, int numsteps)
void GaussianIIR1D_logsumexp(double *data, long length, double sigma, int numsteps)
double CheckEnDependentJitterSettings()
double MeanEstimatedEnergy(const I3Frame &frame)
double llh_per_pulse(I3OMGeoMap::const_iterator omGeo, std::vector<photo_source> photo_sources, std::vector<I3RecoPulse>::const_iterator hit, int hit_id, double hitTime, std::vector<double> sources_energy, std::vector<double> src_vertex_shifts, double noiseprob, double RDE, double totcharge, std::vector<double> &om_src_geotimes, std::vector<double> &om_src_dists, std::vector<double> &om_src_meanamps, std::vector<std::vector<double>> &om_src_amp_grads, std::vector<bu::symmetric_matrix<double>> &om_src_amp_hesses, std::vector<bu::matrix<double>> &jacobian_casc_to_track_incl_distance, std::vector<bu::symmetric_matrix<double>> &hess_vec_casc_to_track, I3EventHypothesis *gradient, double basic_grad[6], I3MatrixPtr hessian, TableEvalCache &rescale_cache, I3SegmentedSplineRecoDOMCacheMap::const_iterator domcache_iter)

Function for cascades

void InitSymmMatrix(bu::symmetric_matrix<double> &mat)
void InitMatrix(bu::matrix<double> &mat)
void InitMatrixIdentity(bu::matrix<double> &mat)
void InitBasics(const I3EventHypothesis&)
void DatamapFromFrame(const I3Frame &frame)

DOMCacheMap to get noise and RDE.

Private Members

I3RecoPulseSeriesMapConstPtr pulses_
I3RecoPulseSeriesMapPtr cleaned_pulses_
I3GeometryConstPtr geometry_
std::map<OMKey, double> domCharge_

stores the dom charge calculated by Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test or in case of KS-test switched off just the dom charge avoids recalculation every iteration

I3CalibrationConstPtr calib_
const double jitterWidth_

reasonable gauss conv settings

const double posResLimit_

calculation width of jitter in multiples of sigma(preJitter/postJitter)

const int convDataLength_

convolving only if tres < posResLimit;

const int halfSupport_

must be odd. Number of sample points

const int numSteps_
double enEstimate_

accuracy of approximation

double timeWindow_
double startTime_
double endTime_
int chargeCalcCount_
I3SegmentedSplineRecoDOMCacheMap domCache_
std::map<OMKey, std::vector<double>> dom_to_casc_distances_
std::map<OMKey, std::vector<double>> dom_to_casc_geotimes_
std::map<OMKey, TableEvalCache> meanamp_cache_
std::map<OMKey, TableEvalCacheList> prob_cache_
std::map<OMKey, TableEvalCacheList> cdf_cache_
std::map<OMKey, TableEvalCache> rescale_cache_
I3Particle last_optimization_particle_
std::vector<photo_source> photo_sources_
std::vector<double> sources_energy_
std::vector<double> sources_shifts_
std::vector<bu::matrix<double>> jacobian_casc_to_track_incl_distance_
std::vector<bu::symmetric_matrix<double>> hess_vec_casc_to_track_
unsigned num_cascades_
const double probPP_ = 0.003
const double delayPP_ = 31.8 * pow(1345. / 1300, 1. / 2)
class I3TimingEquatorFitter : public I3ConditionalModule

Gulliver-based module to perform simple generic log-likelihood reconstructions.

This module obtains seeds from a seed service (specified with the “SeedService” option), then performs reconstruction using a minimizer service (specified with the “Minimizer” option), a loglikelihood service (specified with the “LogLikelihood” option) to find a best fit, with the fittable variables determined by a parametrization service (specified with the “Parametrization” option).

This module is very generic, it does not make any assumptions about what kind of event you are trying to reconstruct. The actual physics is taken of by the Gulliver services.

For more general information about Gulliver services, read the documentation of of the gulliver project, which defines the interfaces for gulliver services. The lilliput project contains a collection of actual implementations.

The result of the fit consists of two or three objects. First: an I3Particle object, stored under the module name. Second: if the kind of events to be reconstructed required “nonstandard” variables, organized in some class deriving from I3FrameObject, then an object of that class stored under the name composed as the module name plus the “Params” suffix. Third: the details of the log-likelihood reconstruction, such as the final (proper and reduced) likelihood, the number of times the likelihood function was evaluated and the number of degrees of freedom; these are stored as a I3LogLikelihoodFitParams object, under the name composed as the module name plus the “FitParams” suffix.

Public Functions

I3TimingEquatorFitter(const I3Context &ctx)
inline ~I3TimingEquatorFitter()
void Configure()
void Geometry(I3FramePtr frame)
void Physics(I3FramePtr frame)
void Finish()

Private Types

enum TraceModeType

Type to specify tracing option.


enumerator TRACE_NONE
enumerator TRACE_ALL
enumerator TRACE_SINGLE
enum StoragePolicyType

Type to remember whether to store all or some of the fits.


enumerator ONLY_BEST_FIT

Private Functions

I3TimingEquatorFitter(const I3TimingEquatorFitter &source)
I3TimingEquatorFitter &operator=(const I3TimingEquatorFitter &source)
I3LogLikelihoodFitPtr Fit(I3FramePtr frame, const I3EventHypothesis &seed)
I3LogLikelihoodFitPtr Fit(I3FramePtr frame, unsigned int nseeds, I3VectorI3ParticlePtr allFits, I3LogLikelihoodFitParamsVectPtr params, std::vector<I3VectorDoublePtr> &traces)
SET_LOGGER ("I3TimingEquatorFitter")

Private Members

I3GulliverPtr fitterCore_

The core Gulliver object for basic tracks.

I3SeedServiceBasePtr seedService_

Seed preparation service.

I3EventLogLikelihoodBasePtr likelihood_

Event loglikelihood calcuation service.

I3ParametrizationBasePtr parametrization_

Track/shower/anything parametrization service.

I3MinimizerBasePtr minimizer_

Minimizer service.

std::string storagePolicyString_

Option to store single or multiple results.

StoragePolicyType storagePolicy_

Option to store single or multiple results.

std::string nonStdName_

Name to use when storing non-standard part of hypothesis.

std::string traceModeString_

Whether to keep trace information and what to store.

TraceModeType traceMode_

Option to store fit tracing information (for debugging)

std::string fitName_
unsigned int eventNr_
unsigned int nSeeds_
unsigned int nSuccessFits_
unsigned int nSuccessEvents_
struct photo_source

Public Members

PhotonicsSource source
I3PhotonicsServicePtr service
const I3Particle *particle
struct TableEvalCache

Public Members

std::vector<double> evals
std::vector<bool> skip_hg_calc
std::vector<std::vector<double>> grads
std::vector<bu::symmetric_matrix<double>> hesses
struct TableEvalCacheList

Public Members

std::vector<TableEvalCache> hit_info
namespace std

STL namespace.

file gaussianiir1d.cxx
#include <math.h>

Fast 1D Gaussian convolution IIR approximation.

Fast 1D Gaussian convolution


Copyright (c) 2011, Pascal Getreuer All rights reserved.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under, at your option, the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, or the terms of the simplified BSD license.




Pascal Getreuer

You should have received a copy of these licenses along with this program. If not, see and

Implements the fast Gaussian convolution algorithm of Alvarez and Mazorra, where the Gaussian is approximated by a cascade of first-order infinite impulsive response (IIR) filters. Boundaries are handled with half-sample symmetric extension.

Gaussian convolution is approached as approximating the heat equation and each timestep is performed with an efficient recursive computation. Using more steps yields a more accurate approximation of the Gaussian. A reasonable default value for numsteps is 4.

Reference: Alvarez, Mazorra, “Signal and Image Restoration using Shock Filters and

Anisotropic Diffusion,” SIAM J. on Numerical Analysis, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 590-605, 1994.

param data:

the data to be convolved, modified in-place

param length:

number of elements

param sigma:

the standard deviation of the Gaussian in pixels

param numsteps:

number of timesteps, more steps implies better accuracy


double log_sum_exp(double v1, double v2)
file I3EquatorParametrization.cxx
#include “gulliver/I3EventHypothesis.h”
#include “icetray/I3Logging.h”
#include “icetray/I3SingleServiceFactory.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3Double.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3Vector.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3Matrix.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3Position.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3Direction.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3Constants.h”
#include “phys-services/I3Calculator.h”
#include “gulliver/I3Gulliver.h”
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>

implementation of the I3EquatorParametrization class

(c) 2018 the IceCube Collaboration $Id$






Federica Bradascio <


typedef I3SingleServiceFactory<I3EquatorParametrization, I3ParametrizationBase> I3EquatorParametrizationFactory


file I3EquatorParametrization.h
#include <string>
#include “icetray/IcetrayFwd.h”
#include “icetray/I3ServiceBase.h”
#include “gulliver/I3ParametrizationBase.h”
#include “gulliver/I3FitParameterInitSpecs.h”
file I3SegmentedRecoSeedService.cxx
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include “icetray/I3Frame.h”
#include “icetray/I3FrameObject.h”
#include “icetray/I3Units.h”
#include “phys-services/I3Cuts.h”
#include “phys-services/I3Calculator.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h”

copyright (C) 2004 the icecube collaboration $Id:$






David Boersma


double MeanTimeResidual(const I3Particle &particle, const I3Geometry &geometry, const I3RecoPulseSeriesMap &hitmap)
double MinimumTimeResidual(const I3Particle &particle, const I3Geometry &geometry, const I3RecoPulseSeriesMap &hitmap, double tresmeanmax)
double ChargeFractionTimeResidual(const I3Particle &particle, const I3Geometry &geometry, const I3RecoPulseSeriesMap &hitmap, double fraction, bool all, const std::string &logname)
file I3SegmentedRecoSeedService.h
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include “boost/shared_ptr.hpp”
#include “icetray/IcetrayFwd.h”
#include “icetray/I3DefaultName.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3RecoHit.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3RecoPulse.h”
#include “phys-services/surfaces/Surface.h”
#include “gulliver/I3SeedServiceBase.h”

copyright (C) 2004 the icecube collaboration $Id$






David Boersma


file I3SegmentedRecoSeedServiceFactory.cxx
#include “icetray/IcetrayFwd.h”


static const char *fgname_optionname = "FirstGuess"
static const char *fgnames_optionname = "FirstGuesses"
static const char *nonstdhypothesis_optionname = "NonStdHypothesis"
static const char *inputreadout_optionname = "InputReadout"
static const char *fixedE_optionname = "FixedEnergy"
static const char *energynch_optionname = "NChEnergyGuessPolynomial"
static const char *posshift_optionname = "PositionShiftType"
static const char *timeshift_optionname = "TimeShiftType"
static const char *alttimeshift_optionname = "AltTimeShiftType"
static const char *speed_optionname = "SpeedPolice"
static const char *tresmax_optionname = "MaxMeanTimeResidual"
static const char *chargefraction_optionname = "ChargeFraction"
static const char *addalt_optionname = "AddAlternatives"
static const char *onlyalt_optionname = "OnlyAlternatives"
file I3SegmentedRecoSeedServiceFactory.h
#include <string>
#include “icetray/IcetrayFwd.h”
#include “icetray/I3ServiceFactory.h”
#include “gulliver/I3SeedServiceBase.h”
file I3SegmentedSplineRecoDOMCacheMap.cxx
#include “icetray/I3Units.h”
#include “dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h”
#include “dataclasses/status/I3DetectorStatus.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3RecoPulse.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3DOMFunctions.h”
#include “boost/shared_ptr.hpp”
#include “boost/foreach.hpp”
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
file I3SegmentedSplineRecoDOMCacheMap.h
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include “gulliver/I3EventLogLikelihoodBase.h”
#include “gulliver/I3EventHypothesis.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h”
#include “dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h”
#include “dataclasses/status/I3DetectorStatus.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3RecoPulse.h”
#include <dataclasses/I3TimeWindow.h>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/symmetric.hpp>
file I3SegmentedSplineRecoLikelihood.cxx
#include “dataclasses/I3Vector.h”
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3MCTreePhysicsLibrary.hh”
#include “gulliver/I3Gulliver.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3Matrix.h”
#include <dataclasses/I3TimeWindow.h>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/symmetric.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>

Implementation of I3SegmentedSplineRecoLikelihood


(c) 2012 The IceCube Collaboration





file I3SegmentedSplineRecoLikelihood.h
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include “icetray/I3ServiceBase.h”
#include “gulliver/I3EventLogLikelihoodBase.h”
#include “gulliver/I3EventHypothesis.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h”
#include “dataclasses/calibration/I3Calibration.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3RecoPulse.h”
#include “photonics-service/I3PhotonicsService.h”
#include “dataclasses/I3Matrix.h”
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/symmetric.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>


file I3SegmentedSplineRecoLikelihoodFactory.cxx
#include “icetray/I3SingleServiceFactory.h”

Implementation of I3SegmentedSplineRecoLikelihoodFactory


(c) 2012 The IceCube Collaboration





2012-09-26 11:16:32 +0200 (Wed, 26 Sep 2012)


typedef I3SingleServiceFactory<I3SegmentedSplineRecoLikelihood, I3EventLogLikelihoodBase> I3SegmentedSplineRecoLikelihoodFactory


file I3TimingEquatorFitter.cxx
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include “dataclasses/I3Vector.h”
#include “dataclasses/geometry/I3Geometry.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h”
#include “gulliver/I3EventHypothesis.h”
#include “gulliver/I3Gulliver.h”
#include “gulliver/I3LogLikelihoodFit.h”
#include “gulliver/utilities/ordinal.h”
#include “icetray/I3ConditionalModule.h”
#include “icetray/I3Context.h”
#include “icetray/I3Frame.h”
#include “icetray/I3Logging.h”
#include “icetray/I3Units.h”
#include “icetray/I3PhysicsTimer.h”

copyright (C) 2005 the icecube collaboration $Id$








file I3TimingEquatorFitter.h
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include “dataclasses/I3Vector.h”
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h”
#include “gulliver/I3Gulliver.h”
#include “gulliver/I3SeedServiceBase.h”
#include “gulliver/I3EventLogLikelihoodBase.h”
#include “gulliver/I3ParametrizationBase.h”
#include “gulliver/I3MinimizerBase.h”
#include “gulliver/I3LogLikelihoodFit.h”
#include “icetray/I3ConditionalModule.h”
#include “icetray/IcetrayFwd.h”

copyright (C) 2005 the icecube collaboration $Id$







dir icetray
dir private
dir public
dir segmented-spline-reco
dir segmented-spline-reco
dir segmented-spline-reco