MuonGun C++ API Reference

class BasicSurfaceScalingFunction : public I3MuonGun::SurfaceScalingFunction

Public Functions

virtual ~BasicSurfaceScalingFunction()
virtual SamplingSurfacePtr GetSurface(double energy) const override

Propose a target surface for the given energy.

virtual bool operator==(const SurfaceScalingFunction&) const override

Compare for equality.

void SetCapScaling(double energyScale, double scale, double offset, double power)
void SetSideScaling(double energyScale, double scale, double offset, double power)
void SetRadiusBounds(double rmin, double rmax)
void SetZBounds(double zmin, double zmax)
void SetCenterMin(double x, double y)
void SetCenterMax(double x, double y)

Private Types

typedef std::pair<double, double> pair

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)
double GetMargin(double logenergy, double scale, double offset, double power) const

Private Members

pair scale_
pair energyScale_
pair offset_
pair power_
pair rBounds_
pair zBounds_
std::pair<pair, pair> centerBounds_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class BMSSEnergyDistribution : public I3MuonGun::EnergyDistribution

Public Functions

virtual double GetLog(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity, double radius, log_value log_energy) const
virtual std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> Generate(I3RandomService &rng, double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity, unsigned samples) const

Sample samples (radius, energy) pairs.

virtual double GetMaxRadius() const override
virtual bool operator==(const EnergyDistribution&) const override
OffsetPowerLaw GetSpectrum(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned m, double r) const

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)

Private Members

double beta_
double g0_
double g1_
double e0a_
double e0b_
double e1a_
double e1b_
double a0_
double a1_
double b0a_
double b0b_
double b1a_
double b1b_
double q0_
double q1_
double c0a_
double c0b_
double c1_
double d0a_
double d0b_
double d1a_
double d1b_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class BMSSFlux : public I3MuonGun::Flux
#include <Flux.h>

Total flux according to Becherini et al.

Public Functions

virtual double GetLog(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity) const
virtual bool operator==(const Flux&) const override

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)

Private Members

double k0a_
double k0b_
double k1a_
double k1b_
double v0a_
double v0b_
double v0c_
double v1a_
double v1b_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class BMSSRadialDistribution : public I3MuonGun::RadialDistribution

Radial distribution according to Becherini et al.

Public Functions

virtual double GetLog(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity, double radius) const

Calculate the logarithm of the probability of obtaining the given radial offset.

See also


virtual double Generate(I3RandomService &rng, double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity) const

Draw a sample from the distribution of radii.

  • rng[in] a random number generator

  • depth[in] vertical depth in km

  • cos_theta[in] cosine of zenith angle

  • multiplicity[in] number of muons in the bundle


a radius in m

virtual bool operator==(const RadialDistribution&) const override

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)
double GetMeanRadius(double, double, unsigned) const
double GetShapeParameter(double, double, unsigned) const
double GetGenerationProbability(double, double, double) const

Private Members

double rho0a_
double rho0b_
double rho1_
double theta0_
double f_
double alpha0a_
double alpha0b_
double alpha1a_
double alpha1b_
double rmax_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
struct BundleEntry
#include <Generator.h>

The radial offset and energy of each muon in a bundle

Public Functions

inline BundleEntry(double r = 0., double e = 0.)
inline bool operator<(const BundleEntry &other) const
inline bool operator==(const BundleEntry &other) const

Public Members

double radius
double energy
struct BundleModel
#include <WeightCalculator.h>

Convenience struct to hold the components of a muon bundle flux model.

Public Functions

inline BundleModel(FluxPtr f, RadialDistributionPtr r, EnergyDistributionPtr e)

Public Members

FluxPtr flux
RadialDistributionPtr radius
EnergyDistributionPtr energy
struct Checkpoint
#include <Track.h>

A point at which the absolute energy of the particle is known.

Public Functions

inline Checkpoint(double l, double e = 0., size_t o = 0)

Public Members

double length
double energy
ptrdiff_t offset
class CompactTrack
#include <CompactTrack.h>

A compressed representation of a muon in a bundle.

Public Functions

inline CompactTrack()
CompactTrack(const I3Particle &track)
inline void SetRadius(double r)
inline double GetRadius() const
inline void SetEnergy(double r)
inline double GetEnergy() const
inline void SetTime(double r)
inline double GetTime() const
inline void SetType(I3Particle::ParticleType t)
inline I3Particle::ParticleType GetType() const
bool operator==(const CompactTrack&) const

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)

Private Members

double radius_
double energy_
double time_
I3Particle::ParticleType type_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class ConstantSurfaceScalingFunction : public I3MuonGun::SurfaceScalingFunction

Public Functions

ConstantSurfaceScalingFunction(SamplingSurfacePtr surface)
virtual ~ConstantSurfaceScalingFunction()
virtual SamplingSurfacePtr GetSurface(double energy) const override

Propose a target surface for the given energy.

virtual bool operator==(const SurfaceScalingFunction&) const override

Compare for equality.

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)

Private Members

SamplingSurfacePtr surface_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class CORSIKAGenerationProbability : public I3MuonGun::GenerationProbability

A parametrization of the muon yield from direct air-shower simulation.

Public Functions

CORSIKAGenerationProbability(SamplingSurfacePtr, FluxPtr, RadialDistributionPtr, EnergyDistributionPtr)
inline SamplingSurfaceConstPtr GetSurface() const
inline FluxConstPtr GetFlux() const
inline RadialDistributionConstPtr GetRadialDistribution() const
inline EnergyDistributionConstPtr GetEnergyDistribution() const
inline virtual SamplingSurfaceConstPtr GetInjectionSurface() const override

Get the injection surface this generation scheme uses.

If generation schemes are combined, the injection surfaces must be identical!

virtual GenerationProbabilityPtr Clone() const

Copy self into a shared pointer

virtual bool IsCompatible(GenerationProbabilityConstPtr) const override

Compare to another GenerationProbability.


true if the argument is identical to *this to within a scale factor, false otherwise.

Protected Functions

virtual double GetLogGenerationProbability(const I3Particle &axis, const BundleConfiguration &bundle) const

Calculate the differential probability per event that the given configuration was generated.

For single muons, this is \( \log(dP/dE) [\log(1/GeV)]\), for bundles \( \log(d^2P/dEdr) [\log(1/GeV m)]\)

  • axis[in] the bundle axis

  • bundle[in] the radial offset and energy of each muon in the bundle

Private Members

SamplingSurfacePtr surface_
FluxPtr flux_
RadialDistributionPtr radialDistribution_
EnergyDistributionPtr energyDistribution_
struct cosine
#include <histogram.h>

Bin edges linear in \( \cos{\theta} \).

Public Static Functions

static inline double map(double v)
static inline double imap(double v)
class Crust
#include <MuonPropagator.h>

A set of nested media layers.

Public Functions

inline Crust(boost::shared_ptr<MuonPropagator> defaultPropagator)
void AddLayer(I3Surfaces::SurfacePtr, boost::shared_ptr<MuonPropagator>)

Add an inner layer

I3Particle Ingest(const I3Particle &p)

Propagate a muon to the outer boundary of the innermost layer

Private Members

boost::shared_ptr<MuonPropagator> defaultPropagator_
std::vector<I3Surfaces::SurfacePtr> boundaries_
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<MuonPropagator>> propagators_
class Cylinder : public I3MuonGun::detail::UprightSurface<I3Surfaces::detail::CylinderBase<SamplingSurface>>
#include <Cylinder.h>

A cylinder aligned with the z axis.

Public Functions

inline Cylinder(double length, double radius, I3Position center = I3Position(0, 0, 0))
bool operator==(const SamplingSurface&) const
inline virtual double GetLength() const
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned version)

Protected Functions

virtual double GetTopArea() const
virtual double GetSideArea() const
virtual std::pair<double, double> GetZRange() const

Private Types

typedef I3Surfaces::detail::CylinderBase<SamplingSurface> CylinderBase
typedef detail::UprightSurface<CylinderBase> Base

Private Functions

inline Cylinder()
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class EnergyDependentSurfaceInjector : public I3MuonGun::StaticSurfaceInjector

A rejection-sampling Generator with energy-dependent sampling surface.

EnergyDependentSurfaceInjector samples bundle impact points, angles, multiplicities, and radial distributions at their natural frequencies, but scales the sampling surface based on the highest-energy muon in the bundle: dim, low-energy muons are targeted only at a small inner surface, while the surface scales up to full size for potentially bright muons. This technique can be used to efficiently simulate background for an event selection that requires a thick veto for dim events (where the rates are also highest) but becomes more accepting for bright events.

Public Functions

EnergyDependentSurfaceInjector(CylinderPtr surface = CylinderPtr(), FluxPtr flux = FluxPtr(), boost::shared_ptr<OffsetPowerLaw> energies = boost::shared_ptr<OffsetPowerLaw>(), RadialDistributionPtr radius = RadialDistributionPtr(), SurfaceScalingFunctionPtr scaling = boost::make_shared<BasicSurfaceScalingFunction>())
virtual double GetLogGenerationProbability(const I3Particle &axis, const BundleConfiguration &bundle) const override

Calculate the differential probability per event that the given configuration was generated.

For single muons, this is \( \log(dP/dE) [\log(1/GeV)]\), for bundles \( \log(d^2P/dEdr) [\log(1/GeV m)]\)

  • axis[in] the bundle axis

  • bundle[in] the radial offset and energy of each muon in the bundle

virtual GenerationProbabilityPtr Clone() const override

Copy self into a shared pointer

virtual bool IsCompatible(GenerationProbabilityConstPtr) const override

Compare to another GenerationProbability.


true if the argument is identical to *this to within a scale factor, false otherwise.

virtual void Generate(I3RandomService &rng, I3MCTree &tree, BundleConfiguration &bundle) const

Generate a muon bundle.

  • rng[in] A random number generator

  • tree[out] An I3MCTree to fill the generated bundle in to. The bundle axis should be used as the primary, with its type set to I3Particle::unknown

  • bundle[out] the radial offset and energy of each muon in the bundle

inline SurfaceScalingFunctionPtr GetScaling() const
inline void SetScaling(SurfaceScalingFunctionPtr &f)
SamplingSurfacePtr GetTargetSurface(double energy) const

Scale the sampling cylinder to a size appropriate for the given maximum muon energy by the given energy. This is not necessarily the fastest.

double GetTotalRate(SamplingSurfaceConstPtr surface) const

Integrate the flux to get the total rate on the surface. This is not necessarily the fastest.

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)

Private Members

SurfaceScalingFunctionPtr scalingFunction_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class EnergyDistribution

Normalized distribution of energies within a bundle.

The energy distribution \( dP/dE \,\, [GeV^{-1}] \) is parameterized in terms of vertical depth \( [km] \), cosine of the zenith angle, bundle multiplicity, perpendicular distance from the bundle axis \( [m] \), and energy \( [GeV] \).

Single muons are assumed to be colinear with the bundle axis.

Subclassed by I3MuonGun::BMSSEnergyDistribution, I3MuonGun::SplineEnergyDistribution

Public Types

typedef double result_type

Public Functions

inline EnergyDistribution()
virtual ~EnergyDistribution()
double operator()(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity, double radius, double energy) const
double Integrate(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity, double r_min, double r_max, double e_min, double e_max) const
virtual double GetLog(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity, double radius, log_value log_energy) const = 0
virtual std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> Generate(I3RandomService &rng, double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity, unsigned samples) const = 0

Sample samples (radius, energy) pairs.

inline double GetMax() const
inline double GetMin() const
inline void SetMax(double v)
inline void SetMin(double v)
virtual double GetMaxRadius() const = 0
virtual bool operator==(const EnergyDistribution&) const = 0
template<typename Archive> void serialize (Archive &ar __attribute__((unused)), unsigned version __attribute__((unused)))

Protected Attributes

double minLog_
double maxLog_

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
template<typename Signature>
class EnsembleSampler
#include <EnsembleSampler.h>

An affine invariant Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler.

Goodman & Weare, Ensemble Samplers With Affine Invariance Comm. App. Math. Comp. Sci., Vol. 5 (2010), No. 1, 65–80

This implementation is a simplified C++ port of emcee’s EnsembleSampler:

Public Types

typedef detail::traits<Signature>::array_type array_type

Public Functions

inline EnsembleSampler(boost::function<Signature> log_posterior, const std::vector<array_type> &initial_ensemble)
inline void Reset()
inline const std::vector<sample> &Sample(I3RandomService &rng)
inline double GetAcceptanceRate() const

Private Functions

inline double LogProbability(const array_type &point)
inline void ProposeStretch(I3RandomService &rng, unsigned pos, unsigned offset)
inline double Stretch(I3RandomService &rng) const

Private Members

boost::function<Signature> log_posterior_
std::vector<sample> ensemble_
double stretch_scale_
double dimension_scale_
unsigned half_size_
unsigned total_samples_
unsigned accepted_samples_
class ExtrudedPolygon : public I3MuonGun::detail::UprightSurface<I3Surfaces::ExtrudedPolygonBase<SamplingSurface>>
#include <ExtrudedPolygon.h>

Public Functions

virtual ~ExtrudedPolygon()
inline ExtrudedPolygon(const std::vector<I3Position> &points, double padding = 0.)
inline virtual bool operator==(const SamplingSurface&) const

Protected Functions

inline virtual double GetTopArea() const
inline virtual double GetSideArea() const
inline virtual double GetLength() const
inline virtual std::pair<double, double> GetZRange() const

Private Types

typedef I3Surfaces::ExtrudedPolygonBase<SamplingSurface> ExtrudedPolygonBase
typedef detail::UprightSurface<ExtrudedPolygonBase> Base

Private Functions

inline ExtrudedPolygon()
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class Floodlight : public I3MuonGun::Generator
#include <Floodlight.h>

Public Functions

Floodlight(SamplingSurfacePtr, boost::shared_ptr<OffsetPowerLaw>, double cosMin = -1, double cosMax = 1)
virtual void Generate(I3RandomService &rng, I3MCTree &tree, BundleConfiguration &bundle) const override

Generate a muon bundle.

  • rng[in] A random number generator

  • tree[out] An I3MCTree to fill the generated bundle in to. The bundle axis should be used as the primary, with its type set to I3Particle::unknown

  • bundle[out] the radial offset and energy of each muon in the bundle

virtual GenerationProbabilityPtr Clone() const override

Copy self into a shared pointer

virtual bool IsCompatible(GenerationProbabilityConstPtr) const override

Compare to another GenerationProbability.


true if the argument is identical to *this to within a scale factor, false otherwise.

virtual double GetLogGenerationProbability(const I3Particle &axis, const BundleConfiguration &bundle) const override

Calculate the differential probability per event that the given configuration was generated.

For single muons, this is \( \log(dP/dE) [\log(1/GeV)]\), for bundles \( \log(d^2P/dEdr) [\log(1/GeV m)]\)

  • axis[in] the bundle axis

  • bundle[in] the radial offset and energy of each muon in the bundle

inline virtual SamplingSurfaceConstPtr GetInjectionSurface() const override

Get the injection surface this generation scheme uses.

If generation schemes are combined, the injection surfaces must be identical!

Private Functions

inline Floodlight()
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)

Private Members

SamplingSurfacePtr surface_
boost::shared_ptr<OffsetPowerLaw> energyGenerator_
std::pair<double, double> zenith_range_
double log_acceptance_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class Flux
#include <Flux.h>

A parameterization of the total muon-bundle flux.

The total flux (in units of \( [ m^{-2} sr^{-2} s^{-1} ]\)) is parameterized in terms of vertical depth \( km \), the cosine of the zenith angle, and bundle multiplicity.

Subclassed by I3MuonGun::BMSSFlux, I3MuonGun::SplineFlux

Public Types

typedef double result_type

Public Functions

virtual ~Flux()
double operator()(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity) const
virtual double GetLog(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity) const = 0
inline unsigned GetMaxMultiplicity() const
inline unsigned GetMinMultiplicity() const
inline void SetMaxMultiplicity(unsigned m)
inline void SetMinMultiplicity(unsigned m)
virtual bool operator==(const Flux&) const

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)

Private Members

unsigned minMultiplicity_
unsigned maxMultiplicity_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class general : public I3MuonGun::histogram::binning::scheme
#include <histogram.h>

A non-equispaced binning scheme.

In the general case, the proper bin can be found in logarithmic time by binary search

Public Functions

inline general(const std::vector<double> &edges)

Construct a binning scheme from the given ordered list of bin edges, inserting under- and overflow bins as necessary

virtual ~general()
inline virtual long index(double value) const

Get the bin index of the given value

Public Static Functions

static inline boost::shared_ptr<general> create(const std::vector<double> &edges)
class GenerationProbability : public I3FrameObject
#include <Generator.h>

A muon bundle generation scheme.

GenerationProbability represents the normalization required for WeightCalculator

Subclassed by I3MuonGun::CORSIKAGenerationProbability, I3MuonGun::GenerationProbabilityCollection, I3MuonGun::Generator

Public Functions

inline GenerationProbability()
virtual ~GenerationProbability()
inline void SetTotalEvents(double n)
inline double GetTotalEvents() const
double GetLogGeneratedEvents(const I3Particle &axis, const BundleConfiguration &bundle) const

Calculate the logarithm of the differential number of events that should have been generated by the represented scheme.

  • axis[in] the bundle axis

  • bundle[in] the radial offset and energy of each muon in the bundle


The logarithm of a number whose units depend on the number of muons in the bundle. For single muons, this is \( dN/dA d\Omega dP/dE \) and has units of \( [ 1/GeV m^2 sr ] \). For multi-muon bundles it contains an additional doubly differential probability in radius and energy for each muon in the bundle.

double GetGeneratedEvents(const I3Particle &axis, const BundleConfiguration &bundle) const

Call GetLogGeneratedEvents and exponential the result.

virtual SamplingSurfaceConstPtr GetInjectionSurface() const = 0

Get the injection surface this generation scheme uses.

If generation schemes are combined, the injection surfaces must be identical!

virtual GenerationProbabilityPtr Clone() const = 0

Copy self into a shared pointer

virtual bool IsCompatible(GenerationProbabilityConstPtr) const = 0

Compare to another GenerationProbability.


true if the argument is identical to *this to within a scale factor, false otherwise.

Protected Functions

virtual double GetLogGenerationProbability(const I3Particle &axis, const BundleConfiguration &bundle) const = 0

Calculate the differential probability per event that the given configuration was generated.

For single muons, this is \( \log(dP/dE) [\log(1/GeV)]\), for bundles \( \log(d^2P/dEdr) [\log(1/GeV m)]\)

  • axis[in] the bundle axis

  • bundle[in] the radial offset and energy of each muon in the bundle

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)

Private Members

double numEvents_

The total number of events that should be generated.


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class GenerationProbabilityCollection : public I3MuonGun::GenerationProbability, public std::vector<GenerationProbabilityPtr>
#include <Generator.h>

A collection of muon bundle generation schemes.

Public Functions

GenerationProbabilityCollection(GenerationProbabilityPtr, GenerationProbabilityPtr)
void push_back(const GenerationProbabilityPtr&)
virtual GenerationProbabilityPtr Clone() const override

Copy self into a shared pointer

virtual SamplingSurfaceConstPtr GetInjectionSurface() const override

Get the injection surface this generation scheme uses.

If generation schemes are combined, the injection surfaces must be identical!

virtual bool IsCompatible(GenerationProbabilityConstPtr) const override

Compare to another GenerationProbability.


true if the argument is identical to *this to within a scale factor, false otherwise.

Protected Functions

virtual double GetLogGenerationProbability(const I3Particle &axis, const BundleConfiguration &bundle) const override

Calculate the total probability that the given configuration was generated by any of the distributions in the colleciton.

Private Functions

inline GenerationProbabilityCollection()
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class Generator : public I3MuonGun::GenerationProbability
#include <Generator.h>

A muon bundle generator.

Generators know both how to draw muon bundles from some distribution and how to calculate the probability that they would have drawn some arbitrary bundle from that same distribution.

Subclassed by I3MuonGun::Floodlight, I3MuonGun::NaturalRateInjector, I3MuonGun::StaticSurfaceInjector

Public Functions

virtual ~Generator()
virtual void Generate(I3RandomService &rng, I3MCTree &tree, BundleConfiguration &bundle) const = 0

Generate a muon bundle.

  • rng[in] A random number generator

  • tree[out] An I3MCTree to fill the generated bundle in to. The bundle axis should be used as the primary, with its type set to I3Particle::unknown

  • bundle[out] the radial offset and energy of each muon in the bundle

Public Static Functions

static I3Particle CreateParallelTrack(double radius, double azimuth, const I3Surfaces::Surface &surface, const I3Particle &axis)

Place a muon at a given radial offset and rotation with respect to the shower axis.

  • radius[in] perpendicular distance from the shower axis

  • azimuth[in] rotation about the shower axis

  • surface[in] place the muon on this surface, with timing adjusted so that it remains in the shower plane

  • axis[in] the shower axis

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class GeneratorModule : public I3Module

Interface between Generator and IceTray.

Public Functions

inline GeneratorModule(const I3Context &ctx)
inline void Configure()
inline void DAQ(I3FramePtr frame)
void Finish()

Private Members

GeneratorPtr generator_
I3RandomServicePtr rng_
size_t maxEvents_
size_t numEvents_
std::string mctreeName_
bool firstFrame_
template<size_t N, typename T = double>
class histogram : public I3MuonGun::histogram::histogram_base
#include <histogram.h>

An N-dimensional histogram.

Template Parameters:
  • N – number of dimensions

  • T – type weight stored in the histogram

Public Types

typedef boost::array<boost::variant<std::vector<double>, boost::shared_ptr<binning::scheme>>, N> bin_specification

Public Functions

inline histogram(const boost::array<std::vector<double>, N> &edges)

Construct with non-uniform bins in all dimensions

inline histogram(const boost::array<boost::shared_ptr<binning::scheme>, N> &schemes)

Construct with uniform bins in all dimensions

inline histogram(const boost::array<boost::variant<std::vector<double>, boost::shared_ptr<binning::scheme>>, N> &schemes)

Construct with a mix of uniform and non-uniform bins in different dimensions

inline void fill(const boost::array<double, N> &values, T weight = 1)

Add a sample to the histogram

  • values[in] value of the sample in each dimension

  • weight[in] weight to assign to the sample

inline const boost::array<std::vector<double>, N> &edges() const
inline const T *bincontent() const
inline const T *squaredweights() const
inline virtual const char *raw_bincontent() const

Get a pointer to the memory backing the bin contents

inline virtual const char *raw_squaredweights() const

Get a pointer to the memory backing the sum of squared weights

inline virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> binedges() const

Get the bin edges

inline virtual size_type ndim() const

Get the dimensionality of the histogram

inline virtual std::vector<size_type> shape() const

Get the number of elements along each dimension

inline virtual std::vector<index> strides() const

Get the stride required to move sequentially along each dimension

Private Types

typedef boost::multi_array<T, N> datacube_type

Private Functions

inline void make_datacube()

Private Members

boost::array<scheme_ptr, N> binners_
boost::array<std::vector<double>, N> edges_
datacube_type bincontent_
datacube_type squaredweights_
class histogram_base
#include <histogram.h>

A base class for histograms of arbitrary type and dimensionality.

Subclassed by I3MuonGun::histogram::histogram< N, T >

Public Types

typedef boost::multi_array_types::index index
typedef boost::multi_array_types::size_type size_type

Public Functions

virtual ~histogram_base()
virtual const char *raw_bincontent() const = 0

Get a pointer to the memory backing the bin contents

virtual const char *raw_squaredweights() const = 0

Get a pointer to the memory backing the sum of squared weights

virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> binedges() const = 0

Get the bin edges

virtual size_type ndim() const = 0

Get the dimensionality of the histogram

virtual std::vector<size_type> shape() const = 0

Get the number of elements along each dimension

virtual std::vector<index> strides() const = 0

Get the stride required to move sequentially along each dimension

struct identity
#include <histogram.h>

Trivial linear mapping.

Public Static Functions

static inline double map(double v)
static inline double imap(double v)
struct log10
#include <histogram.h>

Bin edges linear in \( \log_{10}{x} \).

Public Static Functions

static inline double map(double v)
static inline double imap(double v)
struct log_value

A tag type to enforce units.

Public Functions

inline explicit log_value(double v)
inline operator double() const

Public Members

double value_
struct LossSum
#include <Track.h>

The sum of stochastic energy losses since the last checkpoint.

Public Functions

inline LossSum(double l, double e = 0.)

Public Members

double length
double energy
class MuonBundleConverter : public I3ConverterImplementation<I3MCTree>
#include <WeightCalculator.h>

Public Functions

MuonBundleConverter(size_t maxMultiplicity = 25, SamplingSurfaceConstPtr surface = SamplingSurfaceConstPtr())
I3TableRowDescriptionPtr CreateDescription(const I3MCTree&)
size_t FillRows(const I3MCTree&, I3TableRowPtr)

Private Functions

SET_LOGGER ("I3MuonGun::WeightCalculator")

Private Members

size_t maxMultiplicity_
SamplingSurfaceConstPtr surface_
class MuonGunBackgroundService : public I3GeneratorService

Service Generator for MuonGun.

Public Functions

inline MuonGunBackgroundService()
MuonGunBackgroundService(I3MuonGun::GeneratorPtr generator, I3RandomServicePtr rng)
void SetRate(double rate)
void SetMCTreeName(std::string mctreeName)
void SetRNG(I3RandomServicePtr rng)
void SetGenerator(I3MuonGun::GeneratorPtr generator)
virtual void Init()
virtual double GetRate()
virtual I3MCTreePtr GetNextEvent()
virtual I3FramePtr GetNextFrame()

Private Members

I3MuonGun::GeneratorPtr generator_
I3RandomServicePtr rng_
double rate_
std::string mctreeName_
bool configured_
class Muonitron : public I3Module
#include <Muonitron.h>

a utility module for recording the state of a muon bundle as it propagates to depth

Public Functions

Muonitron(const I3Context&)
void Configure()
void DAQ(I3FramePtr)

Public Static Functions

static double GetOverburden(double z, double d = OriginDepth, double r = SurfaceRadius)
static double GetSurfaceZenith(double z, double d = OriginDepth, double r = SurfaceRadius)
static double GetGeocentricZenith(double z, double d = OriginDepth, double r = SurfaceRadius)
static double GetDetectorZenith(double z, double d = OriginDepth, double r = SurfaceRadius)
static I3Direction RotateToZenith(const I3Direction&, const I3Direction&)
static I3Position RotateToZenith(const I3Direction&, const I3Position&)
static I3Particle RotateToZenith(const I3Particle&, const I3Particle&)
static I3Position Impact(const I3Particle&)

Private Functions

bool PropagateTrack(I3Particle &target, double depth)

Private Members

boost::shared_ptr<I3MuonGun::MuonPropagator> bulkPropagator_
boost::shared_ptr<I3MuonGun::Crust> crust_
I3Surfaces::Sphere iceWorld_
std::vector<double> depths_
class MuonPropagator
#include <MuonPropagator.h>

A simple muon energy-loss calculator.

This hides the nasty details of PROPOSAL (a C++ translation of MMC)

Public Functions

MuonPropagator(const std::string &medium, double ecut = -1, double vcut = -1, double rho = 1.0)
  • medium[in] The name of the medium, e.g. “ice”

  • ecut[in] Absolute energy above which an energy loss is considered stochastic \( [MeV] \)

  • vcut[in] Proportion of the current muon energy above which an energy loss is considered stochastic

  • rho[in] Density adjustment factor for the medium

I3Particle propagate(const I3Particle &p, double distance, boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<I3Particle>> losses = boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<I3Particle>>())
  • p[in] Muon to propagate

  • distance[in] Maximum distance to propagate


an I3Particle representing the muon at the end of propagation. If the muon stopped before the given distance, the energy will be set to zero. The length of the output I3Particle is the distance traveled to reach its current position from the position given as input.

double GetStochasticRate(double energy, double fraction, I3Particle::ParticleType type = I3Particle::MuMinus) const

Differential stochastic rate: d^2N/dv/dx [1/m]

double GetTotalStochasticRate(double energy, I3Particle::ParticleType type = I3Particle::MuMinus) const

total stochastic rate: dN/dx [1/m]

Public Static Functions

static void SetSeed(int seed)

Set the (global) state of the random number generator used in the implementation.

static std::string GetName(const I3Particle &p)

Get the internal MMC name associated with a particle type

Private Functions

I3Particle::ParticleType GenerateI3Type(const PROPOSAL::DynamicData &secondary)

Get the internal MMC name associated with a particle type

I3Particle GenerateI3Particle(const PROPOSAL::DynamicData &proposal_particle)

Private Members

PROPOSAL::Propagator *propagator_
class NaturalRateInjector : public I3MuonGun::Generator

A natural-rate Generator.

NaturalRateInjector samples bundle impact points, angles, multiplicities, and radius/energy distributions at their natural frequencies on a fixed surface using a brain-dead acceptance/rejection technique. This is to MUPAGE, except that the flux parameterizations can be swapped out and the events can be combined with biased generation and reweighted to a different parameterization after the fact.

Public Functions

NaturalRateInjector(SamplingSurfacePtr surface, FluxPtr flux, EnergyDistributionPtr edist)
virtual void Generate(I3RandomService &rng, I3MCTree &tree, BundleConfiguration &bundle) const

Generate a muon bundle.

  • rng[in] A random number generator

  • tree[out] An I3MCTree to fill the generated bundle in to. The bundle axis should be used as the primary, with its type set to I3Particle::unknown

  • bundle[out] the radial offset and energy of each muon in the bundle

virtual GenerationProbabilityPtr Clone() const

Copy self into a shared pointer

virtual bool IsCompatible(GenerationProbabilityConstPtr) const

Compare to another GenerationProbability.


true if the argument is identical to *this to within a scale factor, false otherwise.

virtual double GetLogGenerationProbability(const I3Particle &axis, const BundleConfiguration &bundle) const

Calculate the differential probability per event that the given configuration was generated.

For single muons, this is \( \log(dP/dE) [\log(1/GeV)]\), for bundles \( \log(d^2P/dEdr) [\log(1/GeV m)]\)

  • axis[in] the bundle axis

  • bundle[in] the radial offset and energy of each muon in the bundle

inline virtual SamplingSurfaceConstPtr GetInjectionSurface() const

Get the injection surface this generation scheme uses.

If generation schemes are combined, the injection surfaces must be identical!

void SetSurface(SamplingSurfacePtr p)
inline SamplingSurfacePtr GetSurface()
void SetFlux(FluxPtr p)
inline FluxPtr GetFlux()
void SetEnergyDistribution(EnergyDistributionPtr e)
inline EnergyDistributionPtr GetEnergyDistribution()
double GetTotalRate() const

Integrate the configured flux over the sampling surface, summing over all allowed multiplicities.


a rate in units of \( [s^{-1}] \)

Protected Functions

void GenerateAxis(I3RandomService &rng, std::pair<I3Particle, unsigned> &axis) const

Draw a sample from the distribution of shower impact points

The shower axis and multiplcity are filled into the axis

void FillMCTree(I3RandomService &rng, const std::pair<I3Particle, unsigned> &axis, I3MCTree&, BundleConfiguration&) const

Distribute the given number of muons in the transverse plane and draw an energy for each

Protected Attributes

SamplingSurfacePtr surface_
FluxPtr flux_
EnergyDistributionPtr energyDistribution_
mutable double totalRate_

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class NeutrinoBinner
#include <TrackBinner.h>

Public Types

typedef histogram::histogram<3> hist
typedef boost::shared_ptr<hist> histptr
typedef std::map<int, std::vector<histptr>> histmap

Public Functions

void Consume(boost::shared_ptr<const TrackBundle> tracks, I3MCTreeConstPtr tree, I3MapI3ParticleIDDoubleConstPtr particle_weights, double weight)

Public Members

histmap histograms_
class OffsetPowerLaw

An approximate form for the underground muon energy spectrum.

The deep underground muon spectrum very nearly follows a power law with a break at low energies caused by pile-up of minimum-ionizing muons. While the details of the spectrum depend on depth, zenith angle, distance from the bundle axis, etc., this approximate form can still be used to efficiently generate plausible energies that can later be weighted to reflect their frequency under a more precise model.

Public Types

typedef double result_type

Public Functions

OffsetPowerLaw(double gamma, double offset, double emin, double emax)

Create an offset power-law energy distribution of the form \( dP/dE_{\mu} \propto (E_{\mu} + b)^{-\gamma} \)

  • gamma[in] The power law index (positive)

  • offset[in] The offset in \( (E_{\mu} + b) \)

  • emin[in] minimum generated energy

  • emax[in] maximum generated energy

double operator()(double energy) const

Calculate the probability that the given energy was generated

double GetLog(double energy) const
double GetLog(EnergyDistribution::log_value log_energy) const
double Generate(I3RandomService &rng) const

Draw an energy from the distribution

double InverseSurvivalFunction(double p) const
inline const double GetMin() const
inline const double GetMax() const
bool operator==(const OffsetPowerLaw &other) const

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)

Private Members

double gamma_
double offset_
double emin_
double emax_
double nmin_
double nmax_
double norm_
double lognorm_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
template<int N>
struct power
#include <histogram.h>

Bin edges linear in \( x^N \).

Template Parameters:

N – the exponent of the power law

Public Static Functions

static inline double map(double v)
static inline double imap(double v)
class RadialDistribution

The distribution of distance between a muon and the bundle axis.

Subclassed by I3MuonGun::BMSSRadialDistribution, I3MuonGun::SplineRadialDistribution

Public Functions

virtual ~RadialDistribution()
double operator()(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity, double radius) const

Calculate the probability of obtaining the given radial offset.

  • depth[in] vertical depth in km

  • cos_theta[in] cosine of zenith angle

  • multiplicity[in] number of muons in the bundle

  • radius[in] distance to bundle axis


a properly normalized propability \( dP/dr \,\, [m^{-1}] \)

virtual double GetLog(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity, double radius) const = 0

Calculate the logarithm of the probability of obtaining the given radial offset.

See also


virtual double Generate(I3RandomService &rng, double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity) const = 0

Draw a sample from the distribution of radii.

  • rng[in] a random number generator

  • depth[in] vertical depth in km

  • cos_theta[in] cosine of zenith angle

  • multiplicity[in] number of muons in the bundle


a radius in m

virtual bool operator==(const RadialDistribution&) const = 0
template<typename Archive> void serialize (Archive &ar __attribute__((unused)), unsigned __attribute__((unused)))

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
struct sample
#include <EnsembleSampler.h>

Public Functions

inline sample(const array_type &p, double logprob)

Public Members

array_type point
double log_probability
class SamplingSurface : public SamplingSurface
#include <SamplingSurface.h>

A surface upon which muon bundles can be generated.

SamplingSurface knows how to calculate its projected area and integrate a flux over its surface. It is assumed to be azimuthally symmetric, but its projected area may vary with zenith angle.

Public Functions

virtual ~SamplingSurface()
virtual double GetAcceptance(double cosMin = 0, double cosMax = 1) const = 0

Get the integral of area*solid_angle over the given cos(theta) range

virtual double GetMinDepth() const = 0

Get the minimum vertical depth the surface occupies

virtual double IntegrateFlux(boost::function<double(double, double)> flux, double cosMin = 0, double cosMax = 1) const = 0

Integrate a flux (defined in terms of dN/dOmega(depth [km], cos(theta))) over the outer surface

virtual bool operator==(const SamplingSurface&) const = 0
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned version)

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class scheme
#include <histogram.h>

Base class for binning schemes.

Subclassed by I3MuonGun::histogram::binning::general, I3MuonGun::histogram::binning::uniform< Transformation >

Public Functions

virtual long index(double value) const = 0

Get the bin index of the given value

virtual ~scheme()
inline const std::vector<double> &edges() const

Return the edges of the bins

Protected Attributes

std::vector<double> edges_
class SplineEnergyDistribution : public I3MuonGun::EnergyDistribution

Energy distribution fit to a tensor-product B-spline surface.

The surface is fit to \( d \log{P} / d\log(E) \), which is nearly polynomial and thus easier to represent with low-order splines.

Public Functions

SplineEnergyDistribution(const std::string &singles, const std::string &bundles)
virtual double GetLog(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity, double radius, log_value log_energy) const
virtual std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> Generate(I3RandomService &rng, double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity, unsigned samples) const

Sample samples (radius, energy) pairs.

virtual double GetMaxRadius() const override
virtual bool operator==(const EnergyDistribution&) const override

Private Functions

inline SplineEnergyDistribution()
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)

Private Members

SplineTable singles_
SplineTable bundles_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class SplineFlux : public I3MuonGun::Flux
#include <Flux.h>

Total flux, fit to a tensor-product B-spline surface.

Public Functions

SplineFlux(const std::string &singles, const std::string &bundles)
virtual double GetLog(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity) const
virtual bool operator==(const Flux&) const override

Private Functions

inline SplineFlux()
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)

Private Members

SplineTable singles_
SplineTable bundles_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class SplineRadialDistribution : public I3MuonGun::RadialDistribution

Radial distribution fit to a tensor-product B-spline surface.

The surface is fit to \( d \log{P} / d{r^2} \) to remove the factor of differential area implicit in \( dP / dr \)

Public Functions

SplineRadialDistribution(const std::string&)
virtual double GetLog(double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity, double radius) const

Calculate the logarithm of the probability of obtaining the given radial offset.

See also


virtual double Generate(I3RandomService &rng, double depth, double cos_theta, unsigned multiplicity) const

Draw a sample from the distribution of radii.

  • rng[in] a random number generator

  • depth[in] vertical depth in km

  • cos_theta[in] cosine of zenith angle

  • multiplicity[in] number of muons in the bundle


a radius in m

virtual bool operator==(const RadialDistribution&) const override

Private Functions

inline SplineRadialDistribution()
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)

Private Members

SplineTable spline_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class SplineTable : public I3FrameObject
#include <SplineTable.h>

An encapsulated, serializeable interface to spline tables.

Public Functions

SplineTable(const std::string &path)

Read a spline table from a FITS file on disk.


path[in] File system path to the FITS file


std::runtime_error – If the file does not exist or is corrupt

inline SplineTable()

Default constructor; to be used only in serialization.

SplineTable(const SplineTable&) = default
SplineTable(SplineTable&&) = default
virtual ~SplineTable() = default
SplineTable &operator=(const SplineTable&) = default
SplineTable &operator=(SplineTable&&) = default
bool operator==(const SplineTable&) const

Deep comparison.

inline bool operator!=(const SplineTable &other) const
int Eval(const std::vector<double> &coordinates, double &result) const

Evaluate the spline surface at the given coordinates.

  • coordinates[in] Coordinates at which to evaluate

  • result[out] Where to store the result


0 on success

inline unsigned GetNDim() const

Number of dimensions of the spline surface

std::pair<double, double> GetExtents(uint32_t dim) const

Table extents.


dim[in] The dimension to query


std::out_of_range – If dim is smaller than zero or larger or equal than the number of dimensions


The smallest and largest coordinates along the given axis where the spline surface has full support

Private Types

using splinetable_t = photospline::splinetable<>

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void save(Archive&, unsigned) const
template<typename Archive>
void load(Archive&, unsigned)

Private Members

std::shared_ptr<splinetable_t> table_
double bias_


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class StaticSurfaceInjector : public I3MuonGun::Generator

A simple rejection-sampling Generator.

StaticSurfaceInjector samples bundle impact points, angles, multiplicities, and radial distributions at their natural frequencies on a fixed surface using a brain-dead acceptance/rejection technique. Energies, on the other hand, are sampled from an OffsetPowerLaw, which both boosts efficiency and allows a measure of control over the generated energy distribution.

Subclassed by I3MuonGun::EnergyDependentSurfaceInjector

Public Functions

StaticSurfaceInjector(SamplingSurfacePtr surface, FluxPtr flux, boost::shared_ptr<OffsetPowerLaw> edist, RadialDistributionPtr rdist)
virtual void Generate(I3RandomService &rng, I3MCTree &tree, BundleConfiguration &bundle) const override

Generate a muon bundle.

  • rng[in] A random number generator

  • tree[out] An I3MCTree to fill the generated bundle in to. The bundle axis should be used as the primary, with its type set to I3Particle::unknown

  • bundle[out] the radial offset and energy of each muon in the bundle

virtual GenerationProbabilityPtr Clone() const override

Copy self into a shared pointer

virtual bool IsCompatible(GenerationProbabilityConstPtr) const override

Compare to another GenerationProbability.


true if the argument is identical to *this to within a scale factor, false otherwise.

virtual double GetLogGenerationProbability(const I3Particle &axis, const BundleConfiguration &bundle) const override

Calculate the differential probability per event that the given configuration was generated.

For single muons, this is \( \log(dP/dE) [\log(1/GeV)]\), for bundles \( \log(d^2P/dEdr) [\log(1/GeV m)]\)

  • axis[in] the bundle axis

  • bundle[in] the radial offset and energy of each muon in the bundle

inline virtual SamplingSurfaceConstPtr GetInjectionSurface() const override

Get the injection surface this generation scheme uses.

If generation schemes are combined, the injection surfaces must be identical!

void SetSurface(SamplingSurfacePtr p)
inline SamplingSurfacePtr GetSurface()
void SetFlux(FluxPtr p)
inline FluxPtr GetFlux()
inline void SetRadialDistribution(RadialDistributionPtr r)
inline RadialDistributionPtr GetRadialDistribution()
inline void SetEnergyDistribution(boost::shared_ptr<OffsetPowerLaw> e)
inline boost::shared_ptr<OffsetPowerLaw> GetEnergyDistribution()
double GetTotalRate() const

Integrate the configured flux over the sampling surface, summing over all allowed multiplicities.


a rate in units of \( [s^{-1}] \)

Protected Functions

void GenerateAxis(I3RandomService &rng, std::pair<I3Particle, unsigned> &axis) const

Draw a sample from the distribution of shower impact points

The shower axis and multiplcity are filled into the axis

void FillMCTree(I3RandomService &rng, const std::pair<I3Particle, unsigned> &axis, I3MCTree&, BundleConfiguration&) const

Distribute the given number of muons in the transverse plane and draw an energy for each

void CalculateMaxFlux()
double GetZenithNorm() const

Get the normalization term for relative weighting of zenith angles and multiplicities by integrating the flux at the top of the cylinder over all zenith angles and summing over all allowed multiplicities.

Protected Attributes

SamplingSurfacePtr surface_
FluxPtr flux_
boost::shared_ptr<OffsetPowerLaw> energyGenerator_
RadialDistributionPtr radialDistribution_
double maxFlux_
mutable double totalRate_
mutable double zenithNorm_

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class SurfaceScalingFunction

Subclassed by I3MuonGun::BasicSurfaceScalingFunction, I3MuonGun::ConstantSurfaceScalingFunction

Public Functions

virtual ~SurfaceScalingFunction()
virtual SamplingSurfacePtr GetSurface(double energy) const = 0

Propose a target surface for the given energy.

virtual bool operator==(const SurfaceScalingFunction&) const = 0

Compare for equality.

template<typename Archive> void serialize (Archive &ar __attribute__((unused)), unsigned version __attribute__((unused)))

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class Track : public I3Particle
#include <Track.h>

A particle that moves in a straight line, and loses energy as it does so.

Public Functions

inline Track()
Track(const I3MMCTrack &mmctrack, const I3MCTree::sibling_const_iterator &secondaries_begin, const I3MCTree::sibling_const_iterator &secondaries_end)
double GetEnergy(double length) const

Get the energy of the particle at the given down-track distance, assuming that the “continuous” contribution to the energy loss is constant between measurement points.


length[in] distance from the track origin


an energy if 0 <= length < range; otherwise 0

I3Position GetPos(double length) const
double GetTime(double length) const
inline std::vector<Checkpoint> GetCheckpoints() const
inline std::vector<LossSum> GetLosses() const

Public Static Functions

static std::list<Track> Harvest(const I3MCTree&, const I3MMCTrackList&)

Extract energy losses from frame objects.

Find the stochastic energy losses associated with each I3MMCTrack in the I3MCTree, and store them together in a Track.

Private Members

std::vector<Checkpoint> checkpoints_
std::vector<LossSum> losses_
class TrackBinner
#include <TrackBinner.h>

A utility class for filling muon bundles into histograms.

Public Functions

TrackBinner(double mindepth, double maxdepth, unsigned steps)
void Consume(boost::shared_ptr<const TrackBundle> tracks, double energy, double zenith, double weight)

Public Members

boost::shared_ptr<histogram::histogram<2>> primary_
boost::shared_ptr<histogram::histogram<3>> multiplicity_
boost::shared_ptr<histogram::histogram<4>> radius_
boost::shared_ptr<histogram::histogram<5>> energy_
struct TrackBundle : public I3FrameObject, public std::map<double, std::vector<CompactTrack>>
#include <CompactTrack.h>

The state of a muon bundle at a set of vertical depths.

Public Functions

virtual ~TrackBundle()
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive&, unsigned)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
template<typename Transformation = identity>
class uniform : public I3MuonGun::histogram::binning::scheme
#include <histogram.h>

An equispaced binning scheme.

In this optimal case the bin edges are uniform under some transformation between set limits and the bin index can be found in constant time

Template Parameters:

Transformation – the transformation that makes the bin edges equispaced

Public Functions

inline uniform(double low, double high, size_t nsteps)
inline virtual ~uniform()
inline virtual long index(double value) const

Get the bin index of the given value

Public Static Functions

static inline boost::shared_ptr<uniform<Transformation>> create(double low, double high, size_t nsteps)

Private Functions

inline double map(double value) const
inline double imap(double value) const

Private Members

double offset_
double range_
double min_
double max_
size_t nsteps_
template<typename Base>
class UprightSurface : public Base
#include <UprightSurface.h>

A surface consisting only of vertical and horizontal faces.

Public Functions

inline double GetMinDepth() const
inline double IntegrateFlux(boost::function<double(double, double)> flux, double cosMin = 0, double cosMax = 1) const

Protected Functions

virtual double GetSideArea() const = 0
virtual double GetTopArea() const = 0
virtual double GetLength() const = 0
virtual std::pair<double, double> GetZRange() const = 0
inline double GetDifferentialTopArea(double coszen) const
inline double GetDifferentialSideArea(double coszen) const
template<typename A, typename B>
inline UprightSurface(A a, B b)
template<typename A, typename B, typename C>
inline UprightSurface(A a, B b, C c)
inline UprightSurface()

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
inline void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned version)


friend class icecube::serialization::access
class WeightCalculator
#include <WeightCalculator.h>

Utility class to calculate weights for muon bundles.

Subclassed by I3MuonGun::WeightCalculatorModule

Public Functions

inline WeightCalculator(const BundleModel &m, GenerationProbabilityPtr g)
  • m[in] Target model of the muon flux as a function of angle, depth, multiplicity, radius, and energy

  • g[in] Generation scheme according by which the events were generated.

double GetWeight(const I3Particle &axis, const BundleConfiguration &bundle) const

Calculate a weight corresponding to the frequency with which the given bundle configuration appears in the flux model.

  • axis[in] The bundle axis

  • bundle[in] The radial offset and energy of each muon in the bundle


a weight in units of \( [s^{-1}] \)

inline SamplingSurfaceConstPtr GetSurface()
inline void SetSurface(SamplingSurfacePtr s)

Protected Functions

inline WeightCalculator()

Protected Attributes

SamplingSurfaceConstPtr surface_
FluxConstPtr flux_
RadialDistributionConstPtr radius_
EnergyDistributionConstPtr energy_
GenerationProbabilityConstPtr generator_
class WeightCalculatorModule : public I3Module, protected I3MuonGun::WeightCalculator

Interface between WeightCalculator and IceTray.

WeightCalculatorModule handles the details of extracting energies and radial offsets of muons from an I3MCTree and MMCTrackList.

Public Functions

inline WeightCalculatorModule(const I3Context &ctx)
inline void Configure()
inline void DAQ(I3FramePtr frame)
void Finish()

Private Members

std::string mcTreeName_
std::string mmcTrackListName_
namespace [anonymous]
namespace [anonymous]
namespace I3MuonGun


typedef boost::bimap<I3Particle::ParticleType, std::string> bimap_ParticleType
typedef std::list<BundleEntry> BundleConfiguration


template<typename T, size_t N>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const boost::array<T, N> &vals)
GenerationProbabilityPtr operator*=(GenerationProbabilityPtr p, double n)
GenerationProbabilityPtr operator*(GenerationProbabilityPtr p, double n)
GenerationProbabilityPtr operator*(double n, GenerationProbabilityPtr p)

Scale the distribution by the given number of events

GenerationProbabilityPtr operator+(GenerationProbabilityPtr p1, GenerationProbabilityPtr p2)

Combine the distributions to form a GenerationProbabilityCollection (or append to it if any of the arguments is already one)

double GetDepth(double z)

Convert an IceCube z-coordinate [m] to a vertical depth [km]

double Integrate(boost::function<double(double)> f, double low, double high, double epsabs, double epsrel, size_t limit)
inline std::string GetMMCName(I3Particle::ParticleType pt)
std::vector<I3Particle> GetMuonsAtSurface(I3FramePtr frame, I3Surfaces::SurfaceConstPtr surface)
template<typename Signature>
double Integrate(boost::function<Signature> f, typename detail::traits<Signature>::array_type low, typename detail::traits<Signature>::array_type high, double epsabs = 1.49e-6, double epsrel = 1.49e-6, size_t limit = 0)


static const bimap_ParticleType I3_PROPOSAL_ParticleType_bimap
namespace [anonymous]
namespace [anonymous]
namespace [anonymous]
namespace [anonymous]
namespace [anonymous]
namespace detail
namespace histogram
namespace binning
namespace I3Surfaces


namespace simclasses
namespace std

STL namespace.

file CompactTrack.cxx
#include <icetray/serialization.h>
#include <icetray/I3FrameObject.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


file CompactTrack.h
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Vector.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file CORSIKAGenerationProbability.cxx
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h>
#include <MuonGun/Flux.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file CORSIKAGenerationProbability.h


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file cubature.h

Adaptive multidimensional integration of a vector of integrands.

Portions (see comments) based on HIntLib (also distributed under the GNU GPL, v2 or later), copyright (c) 2002-2005 Rudolf Schuerer. (


Steven G. Johnson


Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Steven G. Johnson

Portions (see comments) based on GNU GSL (also distributed under the GNU GPL, v2 or later), copyright (c) 1996-2000 Brian Gough. (

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA


typedef void (*integrand)(unsigned ndim, const double *x, void*, unsigned fdim, double *fval)
typedef void (*integrand_v)(unsigned ndim, unsigned npt, const double *x, void*, unsigned fdim, double *fval)


int adapt_integrate(unsigned fdim, integrand f, void *fdata, unsigned dim, const double *xmin, const double *xmax, unsigned maxEval, double reqAbsError, double reqRelError, double *val, double *err)
int adapt_integrate_v(unsigned fdim, integrand_v f, void *fdata, unsigned dim, const double *xmin, const double *xmax, unsigned maxEval, double reqAbsError, double reqRelError, double *val, double *err)
file Cylinder.cxx
#include <MuonGun/Cylinder.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


file Cylinder.h
#include <phys-services/surfaces/detail/CylinderBase.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::Cylinder, 1)
file EnergyDependentSurfaceInjector.cxx
#include <MuonGun/Cylinder.h>
#include <MuonGun/Flux.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Constants.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTreeUtils.h>
#include <phys-services/I3RandomService.h>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file EnergyDependentSurfaceInjector.h
#include <boost/function.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::SurfaceScalingFunction, 0)
I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::ConstantSurfaceScalingFunction, 0)
I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::BasicSurfaceScalingFunction, 0)
I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::EnergyDependentSurfaceInjector, 0)
file EnergyDistribution.cxx
#include <phys-services/I3RandomService.h>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


file EnergyDistribution.h
#include <icetray/I3Units.h>
#include <icetray/serialization.h>
#include <icetray/I3PointerTypedefs.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::EnergyDistribution, 0)
I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::SplineEnergyDistribution, 0)
I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::BMSSEnergyDistribution, 0)
I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::OffsetPowerLaw, 0)
file EnsembleSampler.h
#include <icetray/I3Logging.h>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <phys-services/I3RandomService.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file ExtrudedPolygon.cxx


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


file ExtrudedPolygon.h
#include <phys-services/surfaces/detail/ExtrudedPolygonBase.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::ExtrudedPolygon, 0)
file Floodlight.cxx
#include <MuonGun/Cylinder.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Position.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Direction.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTreeUtils.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>


file Floodlight.h


I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::Floodlight, 1)
file Flux.cxx
#include <MuonGun/Flux.h>
#include <icetray/I3Units.h>
#include <icetray/I3Logging.h>
#include <limits>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


file Flux.h
#include <icetray/I3PointerTypedefs.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file Generator.cxx
#include <icetray/I3Module.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTreeUtils.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Double.h>
#include <phys-services/I3RandomService.h>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


file Generator.h
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <icetray/I3PointerTypedefs.h>
#include <icetray/I3FrameObject.h>
#include <icetray/serialization.h>
#include <I3/hash_map.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/detail/I3MCTree_fwd.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::Generator, 0)
I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::GenerationProbability, 0)
I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::GenerationProbabilityCollection, 0)
file histogram.cxx


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file histogram.h
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
#include <boost/array.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file I3MuonGun.cxx
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Constants.h>
#include <phys-services/I3RandomService.h>
#include <icetray/I3Logging.h>
#include <icetray/I3Units.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


gsl_error_handler_t *handler_
file I3MuonGun.h
#include <icetray/I3PointerTypedefs.h>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/array.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file MuonGunBackgroundService.cxx
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTreeUtils.h>
#include <phys-services/I3RandomService.h>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>


Generator.cxx 137064 2015-08-31 18:24:47Z jvansanten


Jakob van Santen




2015-08-31 13:24:47 -0500 (Mon, 31 Aug 2015)

file MuonGunBackgroundService.h
#include <sim-services/I3GeneratorService.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTreeUtils.h>
#include <phys-services/I3RandomService.h>


file Muonitron.cxx
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTree.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTreeUtils.h>
#include <phys-services/I3Calculator.h>
#include <simclasses/I3MMCTrack.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


file Muonitron.h
#include <icetray/I3Module.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Constants.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h>
#include <phys-services/surfaces/Sphere.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file MuonPropagator.cxx
#include <boost/assign.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/bimap.hpp>
#include “MuonGun/MuonPropagator.h


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file MuonPropagator.h
#include “MuonGun/I3MuonGun.h
#include “dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h”
#include “icetray/I3Units.h”
#include “phys-services/surfaces/Surface.h”


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file NaturalRateInjector.cxx
#include <MuonGun/Cylinder.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Constants.h>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <icetray/I3Module.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Double.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTree.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTreeUtils.h>
#include <phys-services/I3RandomService.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


file NaturalRateInjector.h
#include <MuonGun/Flux.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::NaturalRateInjector, 0)
file RadialDistribution.cxx
#include <phys-services/I3RandomService.h>
#include <icetray/I3Units.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


file RadialDistribution.h
#include <icetray/I3PointerTypedefs.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::RadialDistribution, 0)
I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::SplineRadialDistribution, 0)
file SamplingSurface.cxx
#include <icetray/I3Logging.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


file SamplingSurface.h
#include <phys-services/surfaces/SamplingSurface.h>
#include <boost/function.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::SamplingSurface, 0)
file SplineTable.cxx
#include “MuonGun/SplineTable.h
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <serialization/binary_object.hpp>
#include <icetray/I3Logging.h>

Implementation of spline table interface

(c) 2013 the IceCube Collaboration $Id$






file SplineTable.h
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <photospline/splinetable.h>
#include <icetray/I3FrameObject.h>
#include <icetray/serialization.h>

Definition of spline table interface

(c) 2013 the IceCube Collaboration $Id$






I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::SplineTable, 0)
file StaticSurfaceInjector.cxx
#include <MuonGun/Cylinder.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Constants.h>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <icetray/I3Module.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Double.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTree.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTreeUtils.h>
#include <phys-services/I3RandomService.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


file StaticSurfaceInjector.h
#include <MuonGun/Flux.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


I3_CLASS_VERSION (I3MuonGun::StaticSurfaceInjector, 1)
file Surface.cxx
#include <MuonGun/Surface.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Position.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Direction.h>
#include <phys-services/I3RandomService.h>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


file Track.cxx
#include <MuonGun/Track.h>
#include <simclasses/I3MMCTrack.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/next_prior.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file Track.h
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTree.h>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


typedef I3Vector<I3MMCTrack> I3MMCTrackList


file TrackBinner.cxx
#include <boost/assign.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <icetray/I3Units.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file TrackBinner.h
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTree.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

file UprightSurface.h
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
file WeightCalculator.cxx
#include <MuonGun/Cylinder.h>
#include <MuonGun/Flux.h>
#include <MuonGun/Track.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <icetray/I3Module.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTreeUtils.h>
#include <dataclasses/I3Double.h>
#include <simclasses/I3MMCTrack.h>
#include <phys-services/I3Calculator.h>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen


file WeightCalculator.h
#include <icetray/I3PointerTypedefs.h>
#include <icetray/I3Frame.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3Particle.h>
#include <dataclasses/physics/I3MCTree.h>
#include <tableio/I3Converter.h>


$Revision$ $Date$


Jakob van Santen

dir cubature
dir icetray
dir MuonGun
dir MuonGun
dir MuonGun
dir private
dir public