.. _Usage: Usage ############ Here are two very short examples of how to use nuflux in your own project. The below code snippets will calculate a flux value for a given model, particle type, neutrino energy and cosine zenith angle. In Python --------- :: import nuflux flux = nuflux.makeFlux('honda2006') nu_type=nuflux.NuMu nu_energy=1e3 # in GeV nu_cos_zenith = 0.5 print(flux.getFlux(nu_type,nu_energy,nu_cos_zenith)) In C++ ------ :: #include int main(){ boost::shared_ptr flux; flux=nuflux::makeFlux("honda2006"); double f=flux->getFlux(nuflux::NuMu,1e3,0); std::cout << f << std::endl; }