icecube.vuvuzela package

icecube.vuvuzela.AddNoise(tray, name, InputName='I3MCPESeriesMap', OutputName='', RandomServiceName='I3RandomService', ExcludeList=[], StartTime=-10000.0, EndTime=10000.0, ScaleFactor=1.0, mdomNoisePath='/cvmfs/*.npy', lom16NoisePath='/cvmfs/*.npy', lom18NoisePath='/cvmfs/*.npy', If=<function <lambda>>)

Module to add correlated noise. Currently uses constant parameters for each DOM, but will be updated with individual numbers soon.

  • InputName – Name of the I3MCHitSeriesMap to add noise. If blank, will produce a pure noise event.

  • OutputName – Name of the output I3MCHitSeriesMap. If blank, will replace the input hit series.

  • RandomServiceName – The name of the I3RandomService to use for noise simulation

  • ExcludeList – List of OMKeys to avoid sinulating.

  • StartTime – The amount of time before the first hit to simulate noise

  • EndTime – The amount of time after the last hit to simulate noise
