icecube.simprod.segments.HybridPhotonicsCLSim module

icecube.simprod.segments.HybridPhotonicsCLSim.LoadCascadeTables(ice_model_dir, table_path='/data/sim/sim-new/spline-tables')
icecube.simprod.segments.HybridPhotonicsCLSim.PropagatePhotons(tray, name, GCDFile, If=<function <lambda>>, RandomService=None, KeepIndividualMaps=False, HybridMode=False, IgnoreMuons=False, IgnoreCascades=False, UseGPUs=False, UseAllCPUCores=False, KeepSlicedMCTree=False, IceModel='spice_3.2', CascadeService=None, IceModelLocation=None, UseCascadeExtension=True, UseGeant4=False, CrossoverEnergyEM=None, CrossoverEnergyHadron=None, DOMEfficiency=1.0, DOMOversizeFactor=5.0, HoleIceParameterization='/Users/buildbot/actions-runner/_work/icetray/icetray/ice-models/resources/models/ANGSENS/angsens/as.h2-50cm', InputMCTree='I3MCTree', UseI3PropagatorService=False, OutputPESeriesMapName='I3MCPESeriesMap', OutputPhotonSeriesName=None)

This traysegment offers multiple tweaks for adapted processing in different energy ranges, for example GEANT4 in conjunction with Parametrizations for the treatment for lowest energies and a HybridMode with the use of tables for the treatment of high energies. In any case, please refer to the documentation of clsim to find suitable settings for your simulation needs

icecube.simprod.segments.HybridPhotonicsCLSim.ensure_compatibility(ice_model_dir, hole_ice_param)

This function checks the compatibility between the configured ice model and hole-ice model (because the selected spline table(s) for the hybrid simulation depends on both). This is strictly necessary only when one simulates muons with CLsim (i.e., when IngoreMuons is not True), however, check anyway.

The “hard-coded” compatibility is as of Nov 2023 and need to be extended once new spline tables based on different combinations of ice and hole-ice models are available.

See also


  • ice_model_dir (str) – Name of the ice model directory. This is only used to load the cascade service for the hybrid simulation.

  • hole_ice_param (str) – Name of the hole-ice model. This is used for the CLsim simulations of muons (in hybrid mode).

icecube.simprod.segments.HybridPhotonicsCLSim.taskset(pid, tt=None)