icecube.sim_services.propagation module

icecube.sim_services.propagation.RecreateMCTree(tray, name, MCTree='I3MCTree', RawMCTree='I3MCTreeRaw', RNGState='RNGState', Propagators=None, Paranoia=True)

Recreate the results of lepton propagation and shower simulation that were discarded in order to save space.

  • RawMCTree – name of the un-propagated I3MCTree to use as input

  • MCTree – name of the re-propagated I3MCTree to put back in the frame

  • RNGState – name of the object storing the state of the random number generator

  • Propagators – an I3ParticleTypePropagatorServiceMap giving the propagators to use for each kind of particle. If this is None, use PROPOSAL for muons and CMC for showers.

  • Paranoia – if True, compare the re-propagated result to the original when it is present in the frame and raise an assertion if they differ.


Set up a stable of propagators for muons, taus, and cascades.