icecube.shovelart module

class icecube.shovelart.ActivePixmapOverlay

Bases: PixmapOverlay

SceneObject subclass created using SceneGroup.addActivePixmapOverlay

class icecube.shovelart.Arrow

Bases: SceneObject, ColoredObject, BaseLineObject

SceneObject subclass created using SceneGroup.addArrow

class icecube.shovelart.ArtistHandle

Bases: instance

property description
property isActive
property keys
property numRequiredKeys
settingValue((ArtistHandle)arg1, (str)arg2) object
property settings
class icecube.shovelart.ArtistHandleList

Bases: instance

append((ArtistHandleList)arg1, (object)arg2) None
extend((ArtistHandleList)arg1, (object)arg2) None
class icecube.shovelart.BaseLineObject

Bases: instance

setLineWidth((BaseLineObject)arg1, (object)arg2) None :

Set this object’s line width to a constant number or a VariantFloat

setStipplePattern((BaseLineObject)arg1, (int)arg2) None :

Set this object’s line stippling pattern.

setStippleScale((BaseLineObject)arg1, (int)arg2) None :

Set this object’s line stippling scale. 0 indicates no stippling.

class icecube.shovelart.ChoiceSetting

Bases: instance

An integer choice from a collection of options

property options
property value
class icecube.shovelart.ColorMap

Bases: instance

static getPythonMapByName((str)arg1) ColorMap
value((ColorMap)arg1, (float)arg2) PyQColor
class icecube.shovelart.ColoredObject

Bases: instance

setColor((ColoredObject)arg1, (object)arg2) None :

Set this object’s color as a RGB[A] tuple, a PyQColor, or a VariantPyQColor

class icecube.shovelart.ConstantColorMap

Bases: ColorMap

class icecube.shovelart.ConstantFloat

Bases: PyVariantFloat

class icecube.shovelart.ConstantQColor

Bases: PyVariantQColor

class icecube.shovelart.ConstantTime

Bases: PyVariantTime

class icecube.shovelart.ConstantVec3d

Bases: PyVariantVec3d

class icecube.shovelart.Cylinder

Bases: SolidObject

SceneObject subclass created using SceneGroup.addCylinder

axis((Cylinder)arg1, (float)arg2) vec3d :

Get the main axis at the specified time

setAxis((Cylinder)arg1, (object)arg2) None :

Set the main axis of this cylinder to a Vec3d or a VariantVec3d

setBaseRadius((Cylinder)arg1, (object)arg2) None :

Set the base radius of this cylinder to a number or a VariantFloat

setTopRadius((Cylinder)arg1, (object)arg2) None :

Set the top radius of this cylinder to a number or a VariantFloat

class icecube.shovelart.DynamicLines

Bases: SceneObject, ColoredObject, BaseLineObject

SceneObject subclass created using SceneGroup.addDynamicLines

class icecube.shovelart.FileSetting

Bases: instance

A filename setting

property value
class icecube.shovelart.I3TimeColorMap

Bases: ColorMap

class icecube.shovelart.KeySetting

Bases: instance

A key setting for a given type of I3FrameObjects

property value
class icecube.shovelart.LinterpFunctionFloat

Bases: PyVariantFloat

add((LinterpFunctionFloat)arg1, (float)arg2, (float)arg3) None
class icecube.shovelart.LinterpFunctionQColor

Bases: PyVariantQColor

add((LinterpFunctionQColor)arg1, (PyQColor)arg2, (float)arg3) None
class icecube.shovelart.LinterpFunctionVec3d

Bases: PyVariantVec3d

add((LinterpFunctionVec3d)arg1, (vec3d)arg2, (float)arg3) None
class icecube.shovelart.OverlayLine

Bases: SceneObject, BaseLineObject, ColoredObject

SceneObject subclass created using SceneGroup.addOverlayLine

class icecube.shovelart.OverlaySizeHint

Bases: instance

A read-only value containing the size in pixels of a screen overlay

property height

Pixel height of the overlay

property width

Pixel width of the overlay

property xpos

x pixel position of overlay, measured from the left

property ypos

y pixel position of the overlay, measured from the top

class icecube.shovelart.OverlaySizeHints

Bases: instance

A list of OverlaySizeHints, backed by a std::vector.

append((OverlaySizeHints)arg1, (object)arg2) None
extend((OverlaySizeHints)arg1, (object)arg2) None
class icecube.shovelart.ParticlePath

Bases: StaticLines

SceneObject subclass created using SceneGroup.addParticlePath

addPoint((ParticlePath)arg1, (float)arg2, (vec3d)arg3, (PyQColor)arg4) None
class icecube.shovelart.ParticlePoint

Bases: PyVariantVec3d

value((ParticlePoint)arg1, (float)arg2) vec3d
class icecube.shovelart.Phantom

Bases: SceneObject

SceneObject subclass created using SceneGroup.addPhantom

class icecube.shovelart.PixmapOverlay

Bases: SceneOverlay

SceneObject subclass created using SceneGroup.addPixmapOverlay

class icecube.shovelart.PyArtist

Bases: instance

Python wrapper for Artist class. Python-defined artists must subclass this type, and must define methods description() and create(). They must also either set numRequiredKeys and provide an isValidKey() method if more than zero key types are required, or else set requiredTypes to a list of I3FrameObject types

addCleanupAction((PyArtist)self, (object)action) None :

Specify a callable object to be called when this artist is deleted. Use in place of destructors to release any resources acquired by the artist.

addSetting((PyArtist)self, (str)name, (object)value) None :

Add a setting. Should only be called from __init__.

create((PyArtist)self, (I3Frame)frame, (SceneGroup)output) None :

[Abstract base class method, must be overridden.] Generate SceneObjects for this artist. The values of frame[self.keys()] are guaranteed to be valid if this artist accepts keys.

defineSettings((PyArtist)self, (object)settings) None :

Specify new settings as a dictionary mapping from strings to values (loosing order), or as a tuple of alternating keys and values. Should only be called from __init__.

isValidKey((PyArtist)self, (I3Frame)frame, (int)key_idx, (str)key) bool :

Return true if frame[key] is a valid key_idx’th input to this artist; must be overridden in child classes unless a requiredTypes list is given or numRequiredKeys is 0.

keys((PyArtist)self) vector_string :

Return the currently set keys of this artist. When called from within create(), the Artist may assume that the returned keys are valid according to isValidKey()

overlayScalingFactor((PyArtist)self, (SceneGroup)output) float :

Get the current scaling factor for overlays, allowing artists to make pixel density adjustments

overlaySizeHints((PyArtist)self, (SceneGroup)output) OverlaySizeHints :

Fetch size hints for any resizable overlays this artist has generated. Used by matplotlib artists to size their figures; most artists do not need to call this method.

setting((PyArtist)self, (str)setting_key) object :

Return the value of the given setting. If the setting is a RangeSetting, returns its current floating-point value.

class icecube.shovelart.PyQColor

Bases: instance

property alpha
property blue
static fromRgb((int)r, (int)g, (int)b[, (int)a=255]) PyQColor
static fromRgbF((float)r, (float)g, (float)b[, (float)a=1.0]) PyQColor
property green
property red
rgb((PyQColor)arg1) tuple
rgbF((PyQColor)arg1) tuple
class icecube.shovelart.PyQFont

Bases: instance

static fromString((object)arg1) PyQFont
property pointSize
toString((PyQFont)arg1) object
class icecube.shovelart.PyVariantFloat

Bases: instance

value((PyVariantFloat)arg1, (float)arg2) float

value( (PyVariantFloat)arg1, (float)arg2) -> None

class icecube.shovelart.PyVariantQColor

Bases: instance

value((PyVariantQColor)arg1, (float)arg2) PyQColor

value( (PyVariantQColor)arg1, (float)arg2) -> None

class icecube.shovelart.PyVariantTime

Bases: instance

value((PyVariantTime)arg1, (float)arg2) float

value( (PyVariantTime)arg1, (float)arg2) -> None

class icecube.shovelart.PyVariantVec3d

Bases: instance

value((PyVariantVec3d)arg1, (float)arg2) vec3d

value( (PyVariantVec3d)arg1, (float)arg2) -> None

class icecube.shovelart.RangeSetting

Bases: instance

A range setting as defined by a min and max, a number of steps, and initial value

property value
class icecube.shovelart.Scenario

Bases: instance

add((Scenario)arg1, (str)name[, (vector_string)keys=[]]) ArtistHandle :

Add an artist to the scenario

changeSetting((Scenario)arg1, (ArtistHandle)arg2, (str)arg3, (object)arg4) None
clear((Scenario)arg1) None
getArtists((Scenario)arg1) ArtistHandleList :

Get a list of handles to the scenario’s current artists

static listAvailableArtists() vector_string
overlaySizeHints((Scenario)arg1, (ArtistHandle)arg2) OverlaySizeHints
static registerArtist((object)arg1) None
remove((Scenario)arg1, (PyArtist)arg2) None
selectOMKeys((Scenario)arg1, (vector_OMKey)arg2) None
setIsActive((Scenario)arg1, (PyArtist)arg2, (bool)arg3) None
setKey((Scenario)arg1, (PyArtist)arg2, (int)arg3, (str)arg4) None
setOverlaySizeHints((Scenario)arg1, (PyArtist)arg2, (OverlaySizeHints)arg3) None
class icecube.shovelart.SceneGroup

Bases: instance

Output structure used within PyArtist.create(). Call methods on this object to create SceneObjects.

addActivePixmapOverlay((SceneGroup)self, (object)redraw_function) ActivePixmapOverlay :

Add an overlay that redraws itself over time. The redraw_function should accept an integer time paramter, and return a tuple (width, height, data) corresponding to the arguments of addPixmapOverlay

addArrow((SceneGroup)arg1, (PyVariantVec3d)start_vertex, (PyVariantVec3d)stop_vertex, (float)head_angle, (float)head_length) Arrow :

Add an arrow with the given parameters

addCylinder((SceneGroup)arg1, (vec3d)vertex, (vec3d)axis, (float)baserad[, (float)toprad=0.0]) Cylinder :

Add a cylinder with the given parameters

addDynamicLines((SceneGroup)self, (VariantVec3dList)variant_vertices) DynamicLines :

Add a set of 3D lines by specifying a list of their vertices as VariantVec3ds. This allows the lines to be animated. addStaticLines should be used if a static object is required.

addOverlayLine((SceneGroup)arg1, (SceneOverlay)start, (vec3d)end) OverlayLine :

Add an overlay line from the middle of start, which is a SceneOverlay object, and end, which is a vec3d. This effectively draws a line from 2D pixel space to 3D object space.

addParticlePath((SceneGroup)arg1) ParticlePath :

Add a ParticlePath object, a specialized form of DynamicLines optized to show the progress of a particle through space.

addPhantom((SceneGroup)arg1, (object)cleanup_action[, (object)draw_action=None]) Phantom :

Create a pseudo scene object that represents nothing in the visible scene. When the SceneGroup this object is in is deleted, it will run the given cleanup action. It will run the optional draw action whenever the current visible time changes, which allows PyArtists to hook into the animation system, at the expense of performance. Both these features should be used sparingly (see the matplotlib artists for examples).

addPixmapOverlay((SceneGroup)arg1, (int)width, (int)height, (object)data) PixmapOverlay :

Create an RGB image overlay with the given width, height, and data

addSphere((SceneGroup)arg1, (float)radius, (vec3d)location) Sphere :

Add a sphere with the given radius and vertex location.

addStaticLines((SceneGroup)self, (Vec3dList)vertices) StaticLines :

Add a set of motionless 3D lines by specifying a list of their vertices.

addText((SceneGroup)arg1, (str)text, (vec3d)pos) Text :

Add a text label at a specific position in 3D space.

addTextOverlay((SceneGroup)arg1, (str)text[, (PyQFont)font=PyQFont.fromString(', -1, -1, 5, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0')]) TextOverlay :

Add a text label as an overlay with the given text and, optionally, a specific font

addZPlane((SceneGroup)arg1, (float)z[, (float)xwidth=2000[, (float)ywidth=2000[, (float)xctr=0[, (float)yctr=0]]]]) ZPlane :

Add a z-oriented quadrangle represented by a grid of lines, e.g. as the surface of the ice sheet. The arguments specify the width and center of the quad.

class icecube.shovelart.SceneObject

Bases: instance

class icecube.shovelart.SceneOverlay

Bases: SceneObject

class icecube.shovelart.SolidObject

Bases: ColoredObject

setLocation((SolidObject)arg1, (object)arg2) None :

Set this object’s reference locaton to a Vec3d or a VariantVec3d

setSelectionContent((SolidObject)arg1, (object)arg2) None :

Set this object’s selection content; OMKey is the only accepted type.

class icecube.shovelart.Sphere

Bases: SolidObject

SceneObject subclass created using SceneGroup.addSphere

setShader((Sphere)arg1, (int)arg2) None
setSize((Sphere)arg1, (object)arg2) None
class icecube.shovelart.StaticLines

Bases: SceneObject, ColoredObject, BaseLineObject

SceneObject subclass created using SceneGroup.addStaticLines

class icecube.shovelart.StepFunctionFloat

Bases: PyVariantFloat

add((StepFunctionFloat)arg1, (float)arg2, (float)arg3) None
value((StepFunctionFloat)arg1, (float)arg2) float
class icecube.shovelart.StepFunctionQColor

Bases: PyVariantQColor

add((StepFunctionQColor)arg1, (PyQColor)arg2, (float)arg3) None
value((StepFunctionQColor)arg1, (float)arg2) PyQColor
class icecube.shovelart.StepFunctionTime

Bases: PyVariantTime

add((StepFunctionTime)arg1, (float)arg2, (float)arg3) None
value((StepFunctionTime)arg1, (float)arg2) float
class icecube.shovelart.StepFunctionVec3d

Bases: PyVariantVec3d

add((StepFunctionVec3d)arg1, (vec3d)arg2, (float)arg3) None
value((StepFunctionVec3d)arg1, (float)arg2) vec3d
class icecube.shovelart.Text

Bases: SceneObject

SceneObject subclass created using SceneGroup.addText

setFont((Text)arg1, (PyQFont)arg2) None
class icecube.shovelart.TextOverlay

Bases: SceneOverlay

SceneObject subclass created using SceneGroup.addTextOverlay

setFont((TextOverlay)arg1, (PyQFont)arg2) None
class icecube.shovelart.TimePoint

Bases: enum

COLOR_END = icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.COLOR_END
COLOR_START = icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.COLOR_START
CURRENT = icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.CURRENT
END = icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.END
START = icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.START
names = {'COLOR_END': icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.COLOR_END, 'COLOR_START': icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.COLOR_START, 'CURRENT': icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.CURRENT, 'END': icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.END, 'START': icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.START}
values = {0: icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.START, 1: icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.COLOR_START, 2: icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.CURRENT, 3: icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.COLOR_END, 4: icecube.shovelart.TimePoint.END}
class icecube.shovelart.TimeWindow

Bases: instance

class icecube.shovelart.TimeWindowColor

Bases: PyVariantQColor

value((TimeWindowColor)arg1, (float)arg2) PyQColor
class icecube.shovelart.VariantVec3dList

Bases: instance

append((VariantVec3dList)arg1, (object)arg2) None
extend((VariantVec3dList)arg1, (object)arg2) None
class icecube.shovelart.Vec3dList

Bases: instance

append((Vec3dList)arg1, (object)arg2) None
extend((Vec3dList)arg1, (object)arg2) None
class icecube.shovelart.ZPlane

Bases: SceneObject, ColoredObject, BaseLineObject

SceneObject subclass created using SceneGroup.addZPlane

class icecube.shovelart.vec3d

Bases: instance

mag((vec3d)arg1) float :

length of the vector

property x

x component

property y

y component

property z

z component