icecube.radcube.modules.WaveformDenoiser module

class icecube.radcube.modules.WaveformDenoiser.WaveformDenoiser(ctx)

Bases: I3Module

This module loads and applies a pre-trained ML network on the specified I3AntennaDataMap. The application of the network on the data is performed by the icecube.radcube.ml_tools.TimeSeriesDenoiser. Note that to use this class, you must have Tensorflow installed.

Beware: No checks are performed to ensure that the network is appropriate to what you are trying to denoise. Nor is this really possible.

Configure((I3Module)arg1) None :
C++ signature :

void Configure(PythonModule<I3Module> {lvalue})

Physics((I3Module)arg1, (I3Frame)arg2) None :
C++ signature :

void Physics(PythonModule<I3Module> {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<I3Frame>)