icecube.online_filterscripts.base_segments.pole_base_reco_dst module

Base pole reconstructions used as start of filters.

This segment will: - clean pulses (seededRT and simple Time Window cleaning) - Apply Flaring DOM search (creating LIDerrata and FlaringDOMs JSON message) - Applies the old pole reconstructions (PoleMuonLinefit, PoleMuonLlhFit) - Calculate common variables/direct hits based on PoleMuonLlhFit - Calculate energy estimate MuE based on PoleMuonLlhFit - Create I3DST22 and I3DSTHeader (1/1000 frames) objects

  • This filter also will save the following objects for later use/archiving

  • - PoleMuonLlhFit, PoleMuonLlhFitFitParams

  • - PoleMuonLinefit, PoleMuonLinefitParams

  • - PoleMuonLlhFitMuE

icecube.online_filterscripts.base_segments.pole_base_reco_dst.online_basic_recos(tray, name='pole_basic_reco', If=<icecube.icetray.pypick.pypick object>)

Apply some standard pulse cleaning and recostructions.

icecube.online_filterscripts.base_segments.pole_base_reco_dst.online_dst(tray, name='pole_dst', If=<icecube.icetray.pypick.pypick object>)

DST creation- Create I3DST22 and I3DSTHeader (1/1000 frames) objects.