icecube.filterscripts.icetop_slccal module

icecube.filterscripts.icetop_slccal.ExtractHLCsAsSLCs(tray, name)

Segment to add a list of HLC pulses that have been processed like SLCs. It starts from the raw data, discards pulses with LC bit off, takes the pulses with LC bit on and turns it off, and extracts the pulses.

This segment is only to get each DOM’s SLC calibration constants. Most users do not need to use it.

class icecube.filterscripts.icetop_slccal.LaunchDowngrader(ctx)

Bases: I3Module

This module duplicates an IceTopRawData object in the frame. The duplicate is exactly the same as the input except that all launches that have the LC bit off are discarded and those that have the LC bit on are ‘downgraded’, turning the LC bit off.

Configure((I3Module)arg1) None :
C++ signature :

void Configure(PythonModule<I3Module> {lvalue})

DAQ((I3Module)arg1, (I3Frame)arg2) None :
C++ signature :

void DAQ(PythonModule<I3Module> {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<I3Frame>)