icecube.common_variables.time_characteristics package

The time_characteristics sub project of CommonVariables provides C++ utility functions (with pybindings), icetray modules, and icetray segments to calculate and to book the following track characteristics cut variables:

  • TimeLengthFWHM

  • TimeLengthLastFirst

  • TimeLengthMaxGap

  • ZPattern

Variable Definitions

This section lists the definitions of the variables calculated by the common_variables.time_characteristics module.


Considered are only the first pulses per DOM. These pulses are ordered in time. This variable gives the full width at half maximum of all those pulses.


Considered are only the first pulses per DOM. These pulses are ordered in time. This variable gives the difference between the last minus the first pulse in this order.


Considered are only the first pulses per DOM. These pulses are ordered in time. This variable gives the maximum gap in time between those pulses.


Considered are only the first pulses per DOM. These pulses are ordered in time. It is looped over those pulses. If a pulse is at a DOM with higher z-position than its preceeding pulses’ DOM, zpattern is enhanced by 1. If the DOM is lower in the detector, zpattern is decreased by 1. If the DOM is at the same height, nothing is done.
