icecube.common_variables.direct_hits.segments module

The segments Python module of the direct hits sub project of the CommonVariables project contains all available IceCube tray segments for calculating and booking direct hits.

icecube.common_variables.direct_hits.segments.I3DirectHitsCalculatorSegment(tray, name, BookIt=False, **i3module_kwargs)

This tray segment adds the icecube.common_variables.direct_hits.I3DirectHitsCalculator icetray module to the tray. The traysegment takes the same arguments as the icetray module does, plus the following additional keyword arguments:


BookIt (bool) –

The switch if this tray segment should also generate and return the tableio converter keys for the calculated direct hits.

The name of the output tableio table for the calculated hits will be the same as the name of the frame object holding the calculation results.

Default value is False.

Return None:

If the “BookIt” keyword argument has been set to False.

Return list:

The list of tableio converter keys to book the direct hits, if the “BookIt” keyword argument has been set to True.

icecube.common_variables.direct_hits.segments.I3DirectHitsValuesBookerSegment(tray, name, DirectHitsDefinitionSeries, OutputI3DirectHitsValuesBaseName)

This traysegment generates and returns tableio converter keys to book the direct hits calculation results from the frame.

The parameters of this traysegment have the same types and meanings as the parameters of the icecube.common_variables.direct_hits.I3DirectHitsCalculator icetray module.

For each direct hits definition, it will create one tableio table having the name structure {OutputI3DirectHitsValuesBaseName}{}.

Return list:

The list of tableio converter keys.