icecube.NoiseEngine.NoiseEngine module

icecube.NoiseEngine.NoiseEngine.WithCleaners(tray, name, HitSeriesName='Pulses_cleaned', OutputName='NoiseEngine_bool', If=<function <lambda>>, writePulses=<function <lambda>>)

Clustering algorithm to identify pure noise events, with some noise cleaning before it runs For documentation on how these cleaning settings were optimized, see the talk from Michael Larson in Uppsala:

  • HitSeriesName – Name of the I3RecoPulseSeries to get pulses from.

  • OutputName – Name of the output I3Bool to be written to the frame

  • writePulses – Boolean if you want the hit series that NoiseEngine sees (after the pre-processing cleaning) to stay in the frame. Default is true, set to false if you would rather just throw these out.

  • If – the usual python function, makes the segment run conditionally frame by frame.