icecube.DOMLauncher.domlauncher module

icecube.DOMLauncher.domlauncher.DetectorResponse(tray, name, pmt_config={}, dom_config={})

I3Tray segments should have docstrings. This one doesn’t. Fix it.

icecube.DOMLauncher.domlauncher.effective_domsim(frame, mapname='I3MCPulseSeriesMap', outputmap='I3RecoPulseSeriesMap')

A module similar to mcpulse_to_recopulse above. It does an effective DOM electronics simulation by adding jitter to the time and charge to the pulse while converting the MCPulse to a reco pulse. The values for the spread of the gaussian jitter were found by studying the spread of 1PE extracted pulses. The module is intended to be use with the PMTResponseSimulator output in situations when one wants to avoid the actual DOM simulation for some reason.

icecube.DOMLauncher.domlauncher.mcpulse_to_recopulse(frame, mapname='I3MCPulseSeriesMap', outputmap='I3RecoPulseSeriesMap')

A module that does a direct conversion of I3MCPulses to I3RecoPulses. It is intended to be used with PMTResponseSimulator output when one wants to avoid the DOM simulation for some reason (no DOM electronic simulation. ie no launches but PMT effects such as saturation is present).