Writing and extending converters

tableio makes it particularly easy to write converters for FrameObjects defined in your own project. These can be written either in Python or C++.

A converter must complete two tasks:

1. Create a table description based on a frame object. This includes the data type, name, unit, and docstring of each field, as well as the number of elements in the field if it should store an array.

2. Fill a table structure with data extracted from the frame object. This will be passed to the table writer service, which interprets it according to the description and writes it out to disk. The data may come directly from the frame object or be the result of a calculation (e.g. the number of entries in a DOMLaunchSeriesMap, which can be useful for identifying high-energy events).

Best practices

First, there are a few conventions you should follow to make the output of your converter useful.

Field names

Your field names should be all lower-case, separated by underscores, like ‘raw_atwd_0’, ‘fit_status’, or ‘zenith’.


Always include unambiguous units in your table descriptions. Even if you’re using the standard I3Units (e.g. gigameters per second for velocity), you should document it.


Include a useful documentation string whenever applicable. This is especially important if there is any possible ambiguity about how the field’s value was calculated or should be interpreted.

Data types

In Python, you use the predefined types (e.g. tableio.types.Float32 or tableio.types.UInt8) to specify the type of the field. For enumerated types, you can create an I3Datatype from a boost-python-wrapped enum as shown in the example below.

In C++, you have slightly more freedom and thus more responsibility. In order to prevent the output of your converter from depending on the architecture and operating system on which it is compiled, you should use the C99 fixed-length integer types rather than the C89 integers, whose length is implementation-defined. If you require a 64-bit unsigned integer, write:

descPtr->AddField<uint64_t>("far","m","Distance to Markarian 501")

rather than the ambiguous:

descPtr->AddField<unsigned long>("far","m","Distance to Markarian 501")

which will create a 32-bit field on 32-bit systems and a 64-bit field on 64-bit systems.


Fields are arranged in the table in the order they were added. It is best to arrange the types from largest to smallest (e.g. doubles, then 32-bit integers, then bytes) in order to achieve the most efficient memory layout.

Writing new converters

You can write converters the easy way, Writing an I3Converter in Python, or the hard way, Writing an I3Converter in C++.

Extending an existing converter

It is particularly simple to add additional fields to an existing converter. Suppose that for a particular analysis, we wish to extend the I3Particle converter to book celestial coordinates in addition to detector coordinates. We would define a new converter for I3Particle that looks something like this:

class SkyBooker(tableio.I3Converter):
    """Demo of a booker extension, e.g. to book celestial coordinates"""
    def CreateDescription(self,part):
        desc = tableio.I3TableRowDescription()
        desc.add_field('RA', tableio.types.Float64,'radian','right ascension')
        desc.add_field('galactic_latitude (epoch 2000)', tableio.types.Float64,'radian','Galactic latitude (epoch 2000)')
        desc.add_field('galactic_longitude',tableio.types.Float64,'radian','Galactic longitude')
        return desc
    def Convert(self,particle,row,frame):
        """Here, we would have to get the event time from the header
        In order to transform from detector to celestial coords."""
        # coordinate-service magic
        coord = coordinate_service.Coordinate(frame['I3EventHeader'],particle)
        row['RA'] = coord.RA
        row['Dec'] = coord.Dec
        row['galactic_latitude'] = coord.GalacticLatitude
        row['galactic_longitude'] = coord.GalacticLongitude

        return 1

We can then pass a list of converters to I3TableWriter instead of a single converter instance:

types = {dataclasses.I3Particle: [I3ParticleConverter(), SkyBooker()]}

Each converter will get a chance to fill the table structure with the appropriate data.