
Muon track reconstruction with spline tables. This project is maintained by Markus Voge <voge@physik.uni-bonn.de>.

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Spline-reco is a project providing muon track reconstruction that makes use of tables containing the ice properties. Those tables contain the parameters of spline fits to the actual ice properties (absorption and scattering length), hence the name spline-reco. See project photospline for more infos on the spline tables. Spline-reco also has the option to model module noise which may be found to enhance resolution of the reconstruction.

Spline-reco was found to deliver an angular reconstruction quality superior to the previous de-facto standard, MPE reconstruction using Pandel functions to construct the likelihood. Spline-reco provides a better likelihood function, based on the photospline tables. The likelihood is used by a fitter module that does the actual fitting by minimizing it. You can choose if you want to construct an MPE (multi photo-electron) or SPE (single photo-electron) likelihood, amongst other options. You can find more information as well as comparisons of angular resolution to other reconstruction algorithms, using different settings, on this wiki page: Wiki: Improved_likelihood_reconstruction. There, you also find information on adequate spline tables to use for muon reconstruction.

This project provides a service factory I3SplineRecoLikelihoodFactory that constructs an instance of the I3SplineRecoLikelihood class internally. Use the I3SplineRecoLikelihoodFactory as input for a fitter module, e.g. install it as “LogLikelihood” in the “I3SimpleFitter” or “I3IterativeFitter” from project gulliver-modules. There are two example scripts provided: one simple, fast running script, and one that is more elaborate and computing intensive.

Running spline-reco

Please look at the example scripts in $I3_SRC/spline-reco/resources/examples for a quick start using spline-reco in an icetray script. Basically, one installs the I3SplineRecoLikelihoodFactory and uses it as LogLikelihood in an I3SimpleFitter or I3IterativeFitter.


Here is an explanation of the parameter options of the I3SplineRecoLikelihoodFactory.

  1. PhotonicsService

    Name of the I3PhotoSplineServiceFactory. This is a must, because the spline-reco likelihood is based on the spline tables. Configure the I3PhotoSplineServiceFactory and set which tables you want to use.

    Look at the scripts in resources/examples/ and on Wiki: Improved_likelihood_reconstruction for information about what spline tables to use and how to produce own tables.

  2. PhotonicsServiceRandomNoise

    Name of an I3PhotoSplineServiceFactory that is used for random noise modelling.

    You might want to apply a 1000 ns convolution to bare muon spline tables, take a look at resources/examples/spline-reco_slow.py.

  3. PhotonicsServiceStochastics

    Name of an I3PhotoSplineServiceFactory that is used to model stochastic energy losses.

    Look at the scripts in resources/examples/ and on Wiki: Improved_likelihood_reconstruction for information about what spline tables to use and how to produce own tables.

  4. Pulses

    Name of the I3RecoPulseSeriesMap to use. This is a must as well.

  5. Likelihood

    Specify which likelihood kind you want to use. Options are: MPE, SPE1st, MPEAll, SPEAll. MPE means “multi photo-electron”. It uses only the time of the first pulse, but also the total charge on the DOM (integrating all pulses or number of PEs). SPE1st means “first single photo-electron”, i.e. only the first pulse of each DOM is considered, the total charge is ignored (treated as if only a single PE hit the PMT). MPE and SPE1st both use only the first pulse time on each DOM. MPEAll uses all pulse times and the total charge on the DOM. SPEAll also uses all pulse times, but ignores charge. If ChargeWeightedLLH is set to True, SPEAll also considers the charge of each individual pulse.

    Default is SPE1st, but recommendation is to use MPE, as it seems to give good results.

  6. NoiseModel

    Select what noise modelling shall be done. Options are: none, flat, HLC, SRT. The default is “none”, i.e. no noise modeling is done. If it is not set to “none”, PhotonicsServiceRandomNoise and FloorWeight must be set as well.


Noise modelling of the PDF/CDF is only done if E_Estimators are set!

  1. FloorWeight

    Height of the constant noise floor (in PEs, I think?), only needed when NoiseModel is not “none”.

  2. ModelStochastics

    Boolean to select if stochastics spline tables are used or not. Default is False.


Stochastics modelling is only done if E_Estimators are set!

  1. NoiseRate

    Rate of noise hits in Hertz. Also needs to be set if NoiseModel is set to “none”. Default is 10 Hz.

  2. E_Estimators

    List/Vector with names of I3Particles that contain energy estimation. The arithmetic mean of all provided energy estimates is calculated and used in the spline likelihood calculation, for the modelling of light from stochastic energy losses. Only used if ModelStochastics or NoiseModel is not “none”.

  3. ChargeWeightedLLH

    Boolean to control if charge weighted SPE likelihood shall be used. This only takes effect if SPEAll is selected for Likelihood. Default is False.

  4. PreJitter

    Jitter applied directly to the time residual of the inner photospline PDF. The photospline PDF is convolved over this jitter times the jitter width of 3 ns. Convolution is only done if time residual is larger than -PreJitter * 3 ns - 5 ns and if it’s smaller than 40 ns. Default for PreJitter is 0.

  5. PostJitter

    Jitter applied to the time residual of the outer hit likelihood (i.e. MPE or SPE likelihood). The MPE/SPE likelihood (containing the PreJitter convolved photospline PDF) is convolved over this jitter times the jitter width of 3 ns. Convolution is only done if time residual is larger than -PreJitter * 3 ns - 5 ns and if it’s smaller than 40 ns. Default for PostJitter is 0.

  6. KSConfidenceLevel

    Confidence Level for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tested charge sum. Using a KS test, only certain charge and pulses are approved and used in the MPE, MPEAll and SPEAll with ChargeWeight reconstructions (late pulses can be chopped off). KSConfidenceLevel should be from [0,1,2,3,4,5] where 5 = 80% CL, 4 = 85%, 3 = 90%, 2 = 95% or 1 = 99%. For KSConfidenceLevel = 0, the total charge is used without KS test (Default). Tests showed that KSConfidenceLevel = 5 with CutMode = “late” works best for nugen MC.

  7. ChargeCalcStep

    Iterations between two charge calculations. ChargeCalcStep = 0 calculates the KS approved charge (see KSConfidenceLevel) only once at the first GetLogLlh call, ChargeCalcStep > 0 calculates it every ChargeCalcStep minimization steps.

  8. CutMode

    There are 3 different KS models: default, normalized, late. Tests showed that “late” with KSConfidenceLevel = 5 works best for nugen MC.



Class doing the actual likelihood calculation work. It is however only used internally and interfaced by the icetray service factory.


The I3_SERVICE_FACTORY that is installed in the icetray. This is the interface used by the user. The parameter options are summarized above.


Fast 1D Gaussian convolution using IIR approximation. Implements the fast Gaussian convolution algorithm of Alvarez and Mazorra (1994), where the Gaussian is approximated by a cascade of first-order infinite impulsive response (IIR) filters. Boundaries are handled with half-sample symmetric extension.

This is external C code written by Pascal Getreuer and published under the GNU General Public License.