SnowStorm Frame Objects

A list of all paramterizations (more details) used, along with their sampling distributions is stored in an S-Frame. Individual sampled values are being kept in the M-Frame. This is an overview of all frame objects/keys used by snowstorm for bookkeeping.

M-Frame Objects


Number of events this particular perturbation (M-Frame) was applied to on simulation level (i.e. before triggering and filtering).


Dictionary containing a key for each perturbed parameter mapping to its sampled value.


Vector of floats containing the sampled values for the parametrizations.


There are some additional keys in the M-Frame used for updating the CLSim photon propagation kernel with the modified ice/detector properties, namely: AngularAcceptance, MediumProperties, WavelengthAcceptance and WavelengthGenerationBias

S-Frame Objects


Vector of integer pairs [start_index, stop_index] for looking up the sampled values for each parametrization in the SnowstormParameters vector (some parametrizations like e.g. HoleIce depend on multiple parameters).


Vector of strings with the names of the applied parametrization.


Serialized sampling distributions for each parametrization.