Documentation and examples for running ppc.py

The ppc.py script has various options:

usage: ppc.py [-h] [--gcdfile GCDFILE] --inputfilelist INPUTFILELIST
              --outputfile OUTPUTFILE [--summaryfile SUMMARYFILE]
              [--EnableHistogram] [--HistogramFilename HISTOGRAMFILENAME]
              [--nproc NPROC] [--procnum PROCNUM] [--seed SEED] [--UseGSLRNG]
              [--IceModelLocation ICEMODELLOCATION] [--IceModel ICEMODEL]
              [--holeiceparametrization HOLEICEPARAMETRIZATION]
              [--oversize OVERSIZE] [--efficiency EFFICIENCY]
              [--PROPOSALParams PROPOSALPARAMS] [--no-PropagateMuons]
              [--PhotonSeriesName PHOTONSERIESNAME] [--GPU GPU] [--no-UseGPUs]
              [--no-RunMPHitFilter] [--gpulib GPULIB] [--volumecyl]
              [--MCTreeName MCTREENAME] [--KeepEmptyEvents]
              [--TempDir TEMPDIR]

PPC script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gcdfile GCDFILE     GeoCalibDetStatus filename
  --inputfilelist INPUTFILELIST
                        List of input filenames
  --outputfile OUTPUTFILE
                        Output filename
  --summaryfile SUMMARYFILE
                        JSON Summary filename
  --EnableHistogram     Write a SanityChecker histogram file.
  --HistogramFilename HISTOGRAMFILENAME
                        Histogram filename.
  --nproc NPROC         Number of jobs (Number of RNG streams)
  --procnum PROCNUM     job number (RNG stream number)
  --seed SEED           RNG seed
  --UseGSLRNG           Use I3GSLRandomService
                        Location of ice model param files
  --IceModel ICEMODEL   ice model subdirectory
  --holeiceparametrization HOLEICEPARAMETRIZATION
                        Location of hole ice param files
  --oversize OVERSIZE   over-R: DOM radius oversize scaling factor
  --efficiency EFFICIENCY
                        overall DOM efficiency correction
                        any other parameters for proposal
  --no-PropagateMuons   Don't run PROPOSAL to do in-ice propagation
                        Photon Series Name
  --GPU GPU             Graphics Processing Unit number (shoud default to
                        environment if None)
  --no-UseGPUs          Don't use Graphics Processing Unit for photon
  --no-RunMPHitFilter   Don't run polyplopia's mphitfilter
  --gpulib GPULIB       set gpu library to load (defaults to cuda)
  --volumecyl           Don't set volume to regular cylinder (set flag for
                        300m spacing from the DOMs)
                        Name of MCTree frame object
  --KeepEmptyEvents     Don't discard events with no MCPEs
  --TempDir TEMPDIR     Temporary working directory with the ice model