
I3LaputopParams stores the fit result of Laputop, using ParameterStorage class as its foundation.

To get a deeper understanding of how I3LaputopParams works, we suggest the documentation of ParameterStorage , then this document, and finally the doxygen documentation (or the source code). A mini-tutorial follows.


In C++

#include <recclasses/I3LaputopParams.h>
#include <recclasses/LaputopEnums.h>
// see LaputopEnums.h for the available parameter names

// useful typedef to make names shorter
typedef Laputop::Parameter Par;

// [...] get a frame from somewhere

// get I3LaputopParams from frame
I3LaputopParamsConstPtr params =
// ... also works if the frame contains an old I3TopLateralFitParams!

// get fitted values (short prefix "Par::" only works
// with the typedef from above)
const double lg_s125 = params->GetValue(Par::Log10_S125);
const double beta = params->GetValue(Par::Beta);

// get a fit error
const double lg_s125_err =

// get a covariance
const double cov_lg_s125_beta =
    params->GetCovariance(Par::Log10_S125, Par::Beta);

// for more things to retrieve, see the class documentation

In Python

from icecube.recclasses import I3LaputopParams, LaputopParameter as Par
from icecube.icetray import I3Units

# [...] get a frame from somewhere

# get I3LaputopParams from frame
params = I3LaputopParams.from_frame(frame, "Laputop")
# ... also works if the frame contains an old I3TopLateralFitParams!

# get values, errors, covariance
lgS125_value = params.value(Par.Log10_S125)
beta_error = params.error(Par.Beta)
cov_lgS125_Beta = params.cov (Par.Log10_S125, Par.Beta)

# other values (not parameters) accessed in usual way
chi2_LDF = params.chi2_LDF

# query LDF
s_predicted = params.expected_signal(10 * I3Units.meter)

# query curvature model (time difference to plane shower front)
dt_predicted = params.expected_shower_front_delay(10 * I3Units.meter)

# get energy estimate
energy = params.Energy() # returns most up-to-date calibration for that data

# you can also ask for a specific energy calibration
from icecube.recclasses import LaputopEnergy as LE
params.Energy(LE.IC73SpectrumPaperProton)  # get proton-calibrated energy
params.Energy(LE.IC73SpectrumPaperIron)  # get iron-calibrated energy

# for more things to retrieve, see the class documentation

Parameters and errors computed on the fly

I3LaputopParams extends the functionality of the ParameterStorage by computing certain parameters on the fly, which can be obtained via a transformation form the original stored parameters. Currently, this is implemented for the parameters Theta and Phi.

All this is transparently done behind the scenes, the user just calls I3LaputopParams::GetValue(...) and I3LaputopParams::GetCovariance(...) as usual.

Angular resolution

I3LaputopParams has an option to return the angular resolution I3LaputopParams::GetAngularResolution(...). We define it as the angular distance between the true direction and the reconstructed direction that contains 68 % of the reconstructed directions. It is computed from the reconstructed uncertainty of the shower direction, therefore it is only accurate if the reconstructed uncertainty is accurate.