Code Review for I3SPEFitInjector

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Claudio (via slack…paraphrasing) :

Recommended changing copying the frame object and immediately deleting it to mimic const-ness on the C++ side. This protects against silently modifying frame objects on-the-fly causing weird problems for C++ code that reasonably expects and relies on the const-ness of frame objects.

Remove whitespace before ‘:’ to appease Guido.

“Compound statements are generally discouraged.” Move ‘continue’ to the next line with proper indentation.

Configure uses a local variable fit_dict and a class variable self.fit_dict. This may be a little confusing so the local variable should be renamed to something like json_fit_dict. I chose json_fit_values.

Olivas : Make the python 3 crowd happy by using print functions.


Olivas : There’s one test that reads the frame object in the Calibration stop and verifies that the correct number of valid entries exists. That should be pretty complete line coverage, but there could be some cases that aren’t coming to me that I could be testing for.
