Using I3Units

In general, you want to “add units” when you store them in container, and “remove” them when you fetch them. This ensures that all data is stored uniformly. For example:

double myvoltage = 45.00 * I3Units::V;

And later:

readvoltage = myContainerPtr->GetVoltage()/I3Units::V;

Alternatively, if you prefer mV:

readvoltage = myContainerPtr->GetVoltage()/I3Units::mV;

Note, however, that there is no real need to divide out the unit when you fetch the data. Doing so means you have made a choice of units (for readvoltage in this case) which other people reading your code need to be aware of. If instead you just do:

readvoltage = myContainerPtr->GetVoltage();

you get a voltage with “dimension”. You can then use it like, e.g.:

if(readvoltage > 10*I3Units::mV) { ... };

while for the second way of access above you would have to write:

if(readvoltage > 10) { ... };

and the reader of the code would have to remember that you chose mV for readvoltage higher up in the code.

The IceCube unit system

In the IceTray software a set of “units” have been defined in the file I3Units.h. These units live in namespace I3Units, for example I3Units::GeV. We have, for example:

static const double eplus             = 1.;   // positron charge
static const double electronvolt      = 1.0e-9;
static const double gigaelectronvolt  = 1.e+9 * electronvolt;
static const double eV                = electronvolt;
static const double millivolt         = (electronvolt * 1.e-3) / eplus;

A few basic units (like eplus and electronvolt) are defined quite arbitrarily, and most units are calculated from these (as above). It is important to realize that the I3Units are just numbers, although the idea is to USE them as real units.

A unit is a quantity with dimension (the original kilogram was for example the mass of a thing in Paris). You divide other quantities of the same dimension (mass, in the case of the kilogram) by the unit in order to obtain a “dimensionless” number specifying their value in that unit. In other words:

quantity = number * unit

As long as we deal with quantities with dimension we do not need to choose the unit. We can write, for example:

distance = 10 * I3Unit::m;
time     = 40 * I3Unit::ns;

The quantities so constructed are not tied to any particular units. We can divide distance by I3Units::m to get the value in meters, or with I3Units::ft to get it in feet. So we can pass these quantities around between modules without caring about units, and in some other module we can set:

speed = distance / time;

which will give us the speed, again without specific unit. It is only when we want to communicate with some external code which expects quantities expressed in (i.e. divided by) some specific unit that we must divide by the appropriate unit, like:

speed_in_metres_per_second = speed / (I3Units::m / I3Units::s);

Of course, if we want to print the speed in metres per second we must also do the above.

Need for a convention!

There is one case which can cause trouble: It is possible for the user to provide parameters for modules in a steering script either as just a number or as number * I3Unit. This is dimensionally incorrect, and opens up for confusion if the particular I3Unit does not equal one. It is therefore essential that a convention is adopted. All modules should assume that parameters with dimension include the unit, and all users should be aware of this.

To exploit the benefits of the I3Units we should also avoid converting to specific units inside the code, and in particular when passing parameters to functions and services. If we don’t do this the I3Unit approach only serves to complicate things!

Using in Python Scripts

Using I3Units in python scripts to specify parameters is simple. As long as you have this line:

from icecube.icetray import I3Units

then you can use I3Units like this:

AzimuthRange = [-azimuth *, azimuth *]