
gcdserver is a set of tools for importing data into the MongoDB GCD database and retrieving that data to build I3Geometry, I3Calibration, and I3DetectorStatus objects. Each supported data type has a specific import script. Supported data types include DOMCal, VEMCal, snow depth, and baseline XML files, noise rate JSON files, and run configuration XML files. Pymongo, zmq, and pyzmq are required dependencies for running import scripts and tests.

gcdserver consists entirely of Python code and does not need compilation. Tests are run assuming the availability of a mongoDB server on ‘localhost’



Due to security restrictions on the MongoDB server at WIPAC, most of these tools must be run either inside the WIPAC network or on SPS/SPTS. To run on SPS/SPTS, you must include --dbhost=dbs --i3livehost=i3live --i3mshost=i3ms in your command-line arguments.

  • BuildGCD.py: Build a GCD file using the gcdserver database for the specified run.

  • DBDaemon.py: Daemon that listens for GCD database updates from I3MS and adds them to the MongoDB database at WIPAC

  • GCDDiff.py: Compare two GCD files and list the differences

  • I3OmDbDump.py: Import initial geometry/calibration data from I3OmDb database tables into gcdserver

  • I3OmDbRunImport.py: Import calibration data for a specific run into the gcdserver database

  • InitializeDB.py: Create the ‘omdb’ database in MongoDB and add indexes. Optionally drop existing data.

  • TransactionManager.py: Manage gcdserver database transactions


--list=N: List the last N transactions
--replay=i: Resend data in transaction i over I3MS
--rollback=i: Rollback transaction i in the local database.  Note that
              rollbacks are not synchronized over I3MS and must be done
              seperately at WIPAC and at SPS