
Claudio wants to send GCD information from the South Pole to the North in real time, which has a message size limit of 50KB. We can take advantage of the fact that the GCD almost never changes to only send the parts that do change. Thus, this project was born.

Why a New Project?

From a discussion on slack (2015-03-10):

dschultz: olivas: as the "coordinator", what are your thoughts on where to put claudiok's Diff classes and modules?
        directly in dataclasses, or in a separate project?

claudiok: you know my opinion
        these shouldn't go in dataclasses if you ask me

olivas: i'd also agree not dataclasses
        dataclasses is supposed to be just frame objects
        these are utilities

dschultz: I suppose, though the classes are frame objects

olivas: right, so these act on frame objects which live in dataclasses, but that's true in some sense of nearly everything else
        maybe a separate project?
        we can make a new one

claudiok: how about `frame_object_diff` (if you want to keep it generic) or `GCD_diff`?
        as the project name
        and then I3GeometryDiff, I3CalibrationDiff
        as the frame object names
        the module and frame objects would all be in the new project
        you need this project to work on the frame objects anyway
        and no other project should ever need to access them directly
        so there won’t be any new dependencies