
Documentation and examples for running L1 and L2 filtering on IC86_2012 data and simulation.

Environment Setup

First obtain a copy of the IceRec meta-project:

$ svn co http://code.icecube.wisc.edu/svn/meta-projects/icerec/releases/IC2012-L2_V13-01-00_IceSim4compat_V3 src
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../src
$ make


The IceRec version listed here is the special L2 variant for 2012, with IceSim 4 compatibility.


make -j12 on servers will run 12 threads of compiling in parallel, building your meta-project faster.

Possible Errors

  • glshovel

    A glshovel cmake error like this:

    CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
    Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
        linked by target "glshovel" in directory /scratch/dschultz/IC86_2012/src/glshovel
    -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

    The solution is to delete the glshovel project, since it is old and unsupported.

    $ rm -rf ../src/glshovel

Experimental Data

An example of how to run L2 on a PFFilt file (not that you should ever do this yourself, as production has already done it.)

I am assuming you have a GCD and i3 file:

$ cp /data/exp/IceCube/2012/filtered/PFFilt/0608/PFFilt_PhysicsTrig_PhysicsFiltering_Run00120270_Subrun00000000_00000000.tar.bz2 .
$ cp /data/exp/IceCube/2012/filtered/level2/0608/Level2_IC86.2012_data_Run00120270_0608_GCD.i3.gz .

Next, load the environment:

$ ./env-shell.sh
*                                                                      *
*                   W E L C O M E  to  I C E T R A Y                   *
*                                                                      *
* Version icerec.branches.IC2012-L2_V13-01-00-icesim4_rel2     r124584 *
*                                                                      *
*                You are welcome to visit our Web site                 *
*                        http://icecube.umd.edu                        *
*                                                                      *

Icetray environment has:
   I3_SRC       = /scratch/dschultz/IC86_2012/src
   I3_BUILD     = /scratch/dschultz/IC86_2012/build
   I3_PORTS     = /cvmfs/icecube.wisc.edu/py2-v1/RHEL_6_x86_64/i3ports
   Python       = Python 2.7.3

The process.py script has various options:

$ python lib/icecube/filter_2012/process.py -h
Module iceprod.modules not found. Will not define IceProd Class
Usage: process.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --simulation      Mark as simulation (MC)
  -i INFILE, --input=INFILE
                        Input i3 file(s)  (use comma separated list for
                        multiple files)
                        GCD file for input i3 file
  -o OUTFILE, --output=OUTFILE
                        Output i3 file
  -n NUM, --num=NUM     Number of frames to process
  --dstfile=DSTFILE     DST root file (should be .root)
  --gapsfile=GAPSFILE   gaps text file (should be .txt)
                        Output IceTop file
                        Output EHE i3 file
                        Output SLOP file
                        Output root file
                        Directory with photonics tables

For experimental data, most of the default configuration is fine. Use as such:

$ lib/icecube/filter_2012/process.py -i PFFilt_PhysicsTrig_PhysicsFiltering_Run00120270_Subrun00000000_00000000.tar.bz2 -g Level2_IC86.2012_data_Run00120270_0608_GCD.i3.gz -o Level2_IC86.2012_data_Run00120270_Part00000000.i3.bz2
Warning in <TUnixSystem::SetDisplay>: DISPLAY not set, setting it to
Module iceprod.modules not found. Will not define IceProd Class
infiles:  ['Level2_IC86.2012_data_Run00120270_0608_GCD.i3.gz', 'PFFilt_PhysicsTrig_PhysicsFiltering_Run00120270_Subrun00000000_00000000.tar.bz2']
Reader:  Filenamelist = ['Level2_IC86.2012_data_Run00120270_0608_GCD.i3.gz', 'PFFilt_PhysicsTrig_PhysicsFiltering_Run00120270_Subrun00000000_00000000.tar.bz2']

... (many, many lines of output) ...

This may take a while for a full PFFilt file (2-4 hours is normal).

At the end, you should get a file named:


If you want the other files, specify filenames for those options.


An example of how to run L2 on a generated simulation file.

I am assuming you have a GCD and i3 file:

$ cp /data/sim/IceCube/2012/generated/CORSIKA-in-ice/11042/00000-00999/IC86.2012_corsika.011042.000000.i3.bz2 .
$ cp /data/sim/sim-new/downloads/GCD/GeoCalibDetectorStatus_2012.56063_V1.i3.gz .

Next, load the environment:

$ ./env-shell.sh
*                                                                      *
*                   W E L C O M E  to  I C E T R A Y                   *
*                                                                      *
* Version icerec.branches.IC2012-L2_V13-01-00-icesim4_rel2     r124584 *
*                                                                      *
*                You are welcome to visit our Web site                 *
*                        http://icecube.umd.edu                        *
*                                                                      *

Icetray environment has:
   I3_SRC       = /scratch/dschultz/IC86_2012/src
   I3_BUILD     = /scratch/dschultz/IC86_2012/build
   I3_PORTS     = /cvmfs/icecube.wisc.edu/py2-v1/RHEL_6_x86_64/i3ports
   Python       = Python 2.7.3

Because this is simulation, L1 still needs to be run to turn it into a PFFilt-like file. The script has various options:

$ python lib/icecube/filter_2012/level1_SimulationFiltering.py -h
Module iceprod.modules not found. Will not define IceProd Class
Usage: level1_SimulationFiltering.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INFILE, --input=INFILE
                        Input i3 file(s)  (use comma separated list for
                        multiple files)
                        GCD file for input i3 file
  -o OUTFILE, --output=OUTFILE
                        Output i3 file
  -n NUM, --num=NUM     Number of frames to process
  --qify                Apply QConverter, use if file is P frame only
  --no-retrigger        Do not retrigger
                        Set the Min Bias prescale to something other than
                        Directory with photonics tables
  --domsimulator        MC is produced by DOMSimulator (default=False)

Pay special attention to the --domsimulator option. IceSim3 needs this option. The --no-retrigger option is needed for IceSim4 production datasets.

$ python lib/icecube/filter_2012/level1_SimulationFiltering.py -i IC86.2012_corsika.011042.000000.i3.bz2 -g GeoCalibDetectorStatus_2012.56063_V1.i3.gz -o PFFilt_IC86.2012_corsika.011042.000000.i3.bz2 --no-retrigger
Warning in <TUnixSystem::SetDisplay>: DISPLAY not set, setting it to
Module iceprod.modules not found. Will not define IceProd Class
infiles:  ['GeoCalibDetectorStatus_2012.56063_V1.i3.gz', 'IC86.2012_corsika.011042.000000.i3.bz2']

Configuring mue in "/scratch/dschultz/IC86_2012/build/mue/resources/ice/mie/"
Using 6-parameter ice model at l=400 nm: np=1.31943 ng=1.35611
average sca=23.7124 abs=83.0609 depths=(1093.47;2803.47)
Wavecalibrator for sim (DOMLauncher) selected

... (many, many lines of output) ...

This may take a while for a full simulation file (30 minutes to 1 hour).

At the end, you should get files named:


The next step is to run through L2, which is much like experimental data but with the --simulation or -s flag:

$ lib/icecube/filter_2012/process.py -s -i PFFilt_IC86.2012_corsika.011042.000000.i3.bz2 -g GeoCalibDetectorStatus_2012.56063_V1.i3.gz -o Level2_IC86.2012_corsika.011042.000000.i3.bz2
Warning in <TUnixSystem::SetDisplay>: DISPLAY not set, setting it to
Module iceprod.modules not found. Will not define IceProd Class
infiles:  ['GeoCalibDetectorStatus_2012.56063_V1.i3.gz', 'PFFilt_IC86.2012_corsika.011042.000000.i3.bz2']

... (many, many lines of output) ...

This may take a while (30 minutes to 1 hour is normal).

At the end, you should get a file named:


If you want the other files, specify filenames for those options.