Raw I3File Access

For directly accessing an I3 file from outside an I3Tray, the convenience class I3File is available:

from icecube import icetray, dataio

file = dataio.I3File('my_file.i3')
for frame in file:
    # do something with frame

I3File supports all the compression formats as the I3Reader module does. Adding an extension should “just work”.

Access Methods

Like a regular file, I3File takes a second parameter describing the “mode” to open in:


Read mode


Write mode

# we can write to this file
outfile = dataio.I3File('output.i3','w')
for frame in file:


Always close an output file so the buffer is written to the file cleanly.

Context Manager

I3File supports the context manager:

with dataio.I3File('input.i3.gz') as file:
    for frame in file:
        # do things

This handles closing the file if an exception occurs.