Selecting pulses: I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask


IceCube events consist of a collection of photoelectron pulses reconstructed from waveforms recorded in the DOMs. It is often desirable to consider only a subset of the pulses in an event when calculating observables for an event. This procedure is generally known as “pulse cleaning.” Since many different selection schemes exist, simply copying a subset of the pulse data to represent the selection leads to much wasted storage space. The I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask class exists to efficiently represent a pulse selection. Internally, the class is just a bitmask with one entry for every pulse in the parent pulse collection and a string storing the name of the parent pulse collection in the frame.



The easiest way to create a I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask is via a callback function of the form

callback(omkey, index, pulse)

Return True if the pulse should be selected, otherwise False

  • omkey – The OMKey of the DOM that recorded the pulse

  • index – The index of the current pulse within the series on the given DOM

  • pulse – The I3RecoPulse itself

Select the first pulse on every DOM:

frame['FirstInIcePulses'] = dataclasses.I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask(frame, 'InIcePulses', lambda omkey, index, pulse: index == 0)

Select only pulses from HLC launches:

frame['InIcePulsesHLC'] = dataclasses.I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask(frame, 'InIcePulses', lambda omkey, index, pulse: pulse.flags & pulse.LC)

Select only pulses from DeepCore strings:

frame['DeepCorePulses'] = dataclasses.I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask(frame, 'InIcePulses', lambda omkey, index, pulse: omkey.string > 78)


I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask can be combined with logical operators. Continuing the previous example, HLC pulses in DeepCore can be had by taking the logical AND of the HLC and DeepCore masks:

frame['DeepCorePulsesHLC'] = frame['InIcePulsesHLC'] & frame['DeepCorePulses']

Retrieving the underlying pulses

I3RecoPulseSeriesMap may be represented as I3RecoPulseSeriesMap, I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask, or as unions of I3RecoPulseSeriesMap from different sources. No matter what the underlying representation, a compatible frame object can be converted to an I3RecoPulseSeriesMap like this:

dc_pulses = dataclasses.I3RecoPulseSeriesMap.from_frame(frame, 'DeepCorePulses')