
The I3ComplexVector class shadows most of the I3Position class. This class describes a 6D vector comprised of a 3D vector with complex amplitudes. Unlike for I3Position, there is only support for cartesian coordinates. This class is particularly useful for describing the Fourier Transform of an electromagnetic wave.

The amplitudes are stored as std::complex<double>. The operators that one would expect are included for this class including, addition, subtraction, dot-products, rotations, and normalizations.

In [1]: from icecube.dataclasses import I3ComplexVector

#The default constructor is full of nans
In [2]: vec = I3ComplexVector()
In [3]: print(vec)
I3ComplexVector((nan,0), (nan,0), (nan,0))

In [4]: vec = I3ComplexVector(1+2j, 2+7j, 13-9j)
In [5]: print(vec)
I3ComplexVector((1,2), (2,7), (13,-9))

In [6]: vec2 = I3ComplexVector(1+1j, 2+2j, 3-3j)

# Vector addition
In [7]: print(vec+vec2)
I3ComplexVector((2,3), (4,9), (16,-12))

# Vector subtraction
In [8]: print(vec-vec2)
I3ComplexVector((0,1), (0,5), (10,-6))

#Vector dot product
In [9]: print(vec*vec2)
#Also defined explicitly
In [10]: print(vec.Dot(vec2))

#Magnitude of the vector
In [11]: print(abs(vec))
In [13]: print(vec.magnitude())

#Normalize the vector
In [14]: vec.normalize()
In [15]: print(vec)
I3ComplexVector((0.0569803,0.113961), (0.113961,0.398862), (0.740744,-0.512823))

#Direct assignment of components
In [16]: vec.x = 1.3j
In [17]: vec.y = 1-5j
In [18]: vec.z = 9
In [19]: print(vec)
I3ComplexVector((0,1.3), (1,-5), (9,0))

#Rotations (angle given in rad)
In [20]: vec.rotate_x(3.141592653)
In [21]: print(vec)
I3ComplexVector((0,1.3), (-1,5), (-9,-2.94897e-09))

The class also includes support for scalar math

In [1]: from icecube.dataclasses import I3ComplexVector

In [2]: vec = I3ComplexVector(1+2j, 2+7j, 13-9j)

In [3]: print(vec * 3)
I3ComplexVector((3,6), (6,21), (39,-27))

In [4]: print(vec / 3)
I3ComplexVector((0.333333,0.666667), (0.666667,2.33333), (4.33333,-3))

#In place operators
In [5]: vec *= 7
In [6]: print(vec)
I3ComplexVector((7,14), (14,49), (91,-63))