FAQ / common errors

I can’t make pybindings to an I3Vector of my class

the vector_indexing_suite requires that the classes inside the vector have an operator==, so that it is possible to write constructs like:

v = I3VectorMyType()
mt = MyType()

if mt in v:
   # do something

So if you get deep compiler errors that involve ‘operator==’, check that your class is equality-comparable.

No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type

If you forget to import project icetray first:

>>> from icecube import dataio
>>> f = dataio.I3File("event693.i3")
>>> frame = f.pop_physics()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type: boost::shared_ptr<I3Frame>

then you can’t just do it later, due to the way python imports work:

>>> imp
>>> f = dataio.I3File("event693.i3")  # reopen file in same session
>>> frame = f.pop_physics()
>>> print frame
[ I3Frame  (Physics):
  'CalibratedATWD' [Physics] ==> I3Map<OMKey, std::vector<I3Waveform, std::allocator<I3Waveform> > >(14043)
  'CalibratedFADC' [Physics] ==> I3Map<OMKey, std::vector<I3Waveform, std::allocator<I3Waveform> > >(5931)
  'DrivingTime' [Physics] ==> I3Time(38)
  'I3EventHeader' [Physics] ==> I3EventHeader(83)
  'I3EventIdFilter' [Physics] ==> I3Bool(27)
  'I3PfFilterMask' [Physics] ==> I3PfFilterMask(38)
  'I3TriggerHierarchy' [Physics] ==> I3Tree<I3Trigger>(126)
  'IceTopRawData' [Physics] ==> I3Map<OMKey, std::vector<I3DOMLaunch, std::allocator<I3DOMLaunch> > >(46)
  'InIceRawData' [Physics] ==> I3Map<OMKey, std::vector<I3DOMLaunch, std::allocator<I3DOMLaunch> > >(14282)

>>> f = frame['DrivingTime']
/home/troy/Icecube/meta-projects/analysis/trunk/src/icetray/public/icetray/I3Frame.h:293: TRACE: Get<boost::shared_ptr<I3FrameObject const>>("DrivingTime")
>>> f
<icecube.icetray.I3FrameObject object at 0x84f12cc>

Where f above should be an icecube.dataclasses.I3Time object, not an icecube.icetray.I3FrameObject.

Remedy: start from a fresh python session, and import like this:

from icecube import icetray, dataclasses, dataio

RuntimeError: extension class wrapper for base class I3FrameObject has not been created yet

This happens if you import a project that has a wrapped class that inherits from I3FrameObject, but haven’t imported icecube.icetray, which contains the code for the I3FrameObject wrapper:

>>> from icecube import dataclasses
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: extension class wrapper for base class I3FrameObject has not been created yet

You can just import icetray now, but that won’t automagically fix the dataclasses situation, as module icecube.dataclasses has been marked as imported even though the import failed:

>>> from icecube import icetray
>>> foo = dataclasses.I3Time()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'dataclasses' is not defined

that’s no good. If you reimport dataclasses, still no help:

>>> from icecube import dataclasses
>>> t = dataclasses.I3Time()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'I3Time'

so you have to reload() dataclasses:

>>> reload(dataclasses)
<module 'icecube.dataclasses' from '/home/troy/Icecube/meta-projects/analysis/trunk/build/lib/icecube/dataclasses.so'>
>>> t = dataclasses.I3Time()
>>> t
<icecube.dataclasses.I3Time object at 0xb36d8dec>

See the python documentation for more information on how import and reload() work. Moral of the story: be careful with the order of your imports.