The root tool detection script Findroot.cmake sets the usual cmake variables (see Tool detection/configuration) as well as ROOTSYS.

Using less common root components

Root is not just one library, it is a lot of libraries. You may want to use a library from the ROOT framework that isn’t added to the link line by default when one simply adds root to USE_TOOLS. For instance if you use something from root’s TMVA package, you might get runtime link errors like this:

*** Failed to load library. (exceptions.RuntimeError)
*** dlopen() dynamic loading error:
undefined symbol: _ZN4TMVA6Reader7BookMVAERK7TStringS3_

If you run that garbled looking undefined symbol through c++filt, you’ll see:

% c++filt
TMVA::Reader::BookMVA(TString const&, TString const&)

This symbol is inside root’s To fix this problem you will need to tell cmake to link libTMVA into your project’s library explicitly. First you need to ask cmake to find the library for you. In your project’s CMakeLists.txt:

find_library(ROOT_TMVA_LIB   # variable to set, containing the library
  TMVA                       # name of library to find, without 'lib' or '.so'
  PATHS ${ROOTSYS}/lib       # where to look. ROOTSYS set by root-detection script
  NO_DEFAULT_PATH            # in this case, only use the toolset ROOT

See the cmake documentation (try cmake --help-full | less) for find_library for full details on this built-in cmake macro. PATHS ${ROOTSYS}/lib means to look for the library named TMVA in the directory ${ROOTSYS}/lib. NO_DEFAULT_PATH means not to search elsewhere (this is important… you do not want to accidentally mix root versions, this is the single biggest source of frustration with root). That invocation will set the cmake variable ROOT_TMVA_LIB to the path of the library, if found, else to something like TMVA_NOTFOUND.

Then tell i3_add_library to use this library:

  USE_TOOLS  [ whatever tools you are using, including  'root' ]

With this, myproject should be linked against root’s, and the rest should happen automagically.

Having made Command line configuration, you should see the setting for ROOT_TMVA_LIB in your CMakeCache.txt:
