Icetray Modules

The following icetray modules, utilizing the seededRT ST algorithm, are provided:

  • I3SeededRTCleaningModule

  • I3RTVetoModule

These icetray modules are derived from the I3STModule icetray module and are C++ class templates, so they can be used for different hit types and output types.


This icetray module provides the seededRT hit cleaning functionality. This module template comes with three different hit-output-type specializations:

  • I3SeededRTCleaning_RecoPulse_Module: Takes an I3RecoPulseSeriesMap or I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask as input and outputs I3RecoPulseSeriesMaps.

  • I3SeededRTCleaning_RecoPulseMask_Module: Takes an I3RecoPulseSeriesMap or I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask as input and outputs I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMasks.

  • I3SeededRTCleaning_DOMLaunch_Module: Takes an I3DOMLaunchSeriesMap as input and outputs I3DOMLaunchSeriesMaps.


The I3SeededRTCleaningModule extends the list of parameters of the I3STModule icetray module with seededRT hit cleaning specific parameters:

  • SeedProcedure: Possible string values are: "AllHLCHits", "AllCoreHits", "HLCCoreHits", "OMKeyHits", "FirstOMKeyHits", "HitSeriesMapHitsFromFrame"

  • NHitsThreshold

  • AllowNoSeedHits

  • SeedOMKeyList

  • SeedHitSeriesMapName

  • MaxNIterations

  • OutputDiscardedHLCHitSeriesMapName

  • OutputDiscardedSLCHitSeriesMapName

To see all available parameters and their description type into your env-shell:

icetray-inspect STTools


from icecube import icetray, STTools
from icecube.icetray import I3Units
from icecube.icetray import I3Tray

# Create a ST configuration service that will be used by the icetray module.
stConfigService = STTools.seededRT.configuration_services.I3DOMLinkSeededRTConfigurationService(
    allowSelfCoincidence    = False,            # Default: False.
    useDustlayerCorrection  = True,             # Default: True.
    dustlayerUpperZBoundary =    0*I3Units.m,   # Default: 0m.
    dustlayerLowerZBoundary = -150*I3Units.m,   # Default: -150m.
    ic_ic_RTTime            = 1000*I3Units.ns,  # Default: 1000m.
    ic_ic_RTRadius          =  150*I3Units.m    # Default: 150m.

tray = I3Tray()

# ...

tray.AddModule("I3SeededRTCleaning_RecoPulse_Module", "MySeededRTCleaning",
    InputHitSeriesMapName  = "OfflinePulses",
    OutputHitSeriesMapName = "MyCleanedPulses",
    STConfigService        = stConfigService,
    SeedProcedure          = "HLCCoreHits",
    NHitsThreshold         = 2,
    Streams                = [icetray.I3Frame.DAQ]

# ...



This is a special module that utilizes the seededRT algorithm. For each hit of the input hit map, a new seededRT cleaning is performed with this hit as the seed. The cleaned map with the most hits is then selected and written to the frame. This allows to find a cluster in a given input hit map. If for example an I3RecoPulseSeriesMap is split into a DeepCore pulse map and a “rest of IceCube” (veto) pulse map, an event may be discarded if the size of the cluster inside the veto pulse map is above a certain threshold.

This module template comes with three different hit-output-type specializations:

  • I3RTVeto_RecoPulse_Module: Takes an I3RecoPulseSeriesMap or I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask as input and outputs an I3RecoPulseSeriesMap.

  • I3RTVeto_RecoPulseMask_Module: Takes an I3RecoPulseSeriesMap or I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask as input and outputs an I3RecoPulseSeriesMapMask.

  • I3RTVeto_DOMLaunch_Module: Takes an I3DOMLaunchSeriesMap as input and outputs an I3DOMLaunchSeriesMap.


This module adds no extra parameters to the already existing I3STModule parameters.