Project tensor-of-inertia

Invoke with: import icecube.tensor_of_inertia

C++ I3Modules


"I3TensorOfInertia" (C++ I3Module)


Param AmplitudeOption:

Default = 1, DEPRECATED : Treatment of small pulses in amplitude calculation

Param AmplitudeWeight:

Default = 1.0, Weight applied to virtual masses in the reconstruction

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputReadout:

Default = 'RecoPulses', Data Readout to use for input

Param InputSelection:

Default = '', OMResponse selector to use for input

Param MinHits:

Default = 3, Minimum number of hits needed for reconstruction

Param Name:

Default = 'ti', Name given to the fit the module adds to the event