Project stochastics

Invoke with: import icecube.stochastics

C++ I3Modules


"I3Stochastics" (C++ I3Module)


Param A_Param:

Default = 0.0, Value of parameter A for the Selection of HE stochastics

Param B_Param:

Default = 0.0, Value of parameter B for the Selection of HE stochastics

Param C_Param:

Default = 0.0, Value of parameter C for the Selection of HE stochastics

Param FreeParams:

Default = 1, Specify which parameters should be free and which should be fixed in a bitset : [b,a,gamma_mu, kappa, A,E0], set with an int. RECOMMENDED : only one free param, preferable first

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputParticleVector:

Default = 'EnergyLosses', Name of the input I3Vector<I3Particle> with the energylosses

Param MaxIterations:

Default = 1500, Maximum number of iterations of the minimizer

Param Minimizer:

Default = 'MIGRAD', Which TMinuit minimizer? MIGRAD or SIMPLEX or MINIMIZE (do simplex when migrad fails)

Param OutputName:

Default = 'Stochastics', Name of output I3EnergyLoss object

Param OutputName_red:

Default = 'Stochastics_red', Name of output I3EnergyLoss object, which only contains results from fit without found HE stochastics, if empty no output

Param SelectionType:

Default = 'Type1', There are two types for the selection process of HE stochastics, Type1 = a <dE/dX> + b * Fit^c, Type2 = a + b* Fit^c, with Fit : average bundleElossFit

Param Tolerance:

Default = 0.001, Criterium for convergence

Param Verbose:

Default = False, Spits out information about the fitting

Python I3Modules


PlotStoch (Python I3Module)


Param InputElosses:

Default = [''], List of I3Vector<I3Particle>’s which contain true And/or reco eLosses

Param InputFitResult:

Default = '', Input I3Eloss object which contains fitparams and stochastics variables

Param InputFitResultRed:

Default = '', Input I3Eloss object which contains fitparams of fit without stochastics

Param NEvents:

Default = 100, Max number of events to plot

Param OutputFileName:

Default = None, Name of outputfile, should have .ps extension.

Param RootOutputFileName:

Default = None, Name of root output file, in case you want to store the histograms in a ROOT file.