Project neutrino-generator

Invoke with: import icecube.neutrino_generator

C++ I3Modules


"I3NeutrinoGenerator" (C++ I3Module)


Param CrosssectionColumndepthOpt:

Default = 0, option for crossection*columndepth calculation. See I3NeutrinoGeneratorBase.h

Param EventDaqTime:

Default = 1000,

Param EventYear:

Default = 1000,

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param ImpactParamOpt:

Default = 0, option for impact param calculation. See I3NeutrinoGeneratorBase.h

Param InjectorName:

Default = 'I3NuGInjector', Name of NuGInjector

Param InteractionCCFactor:

Default = 1.0, weight parameter for CC interaction at final interaction.If you want to simulate more CC events, set the factor >1. Final event weight compensate the factor so that you will get correct event weight.

Param InteractionGRFactor:

Default = 1.0, weight parameter for GR interaction at final interaction.If you want to simulate more GR events, set the factor >1. Final event weight compensate the factor so that you will get correct event weight.

Param InteractionInfoName:

Default = 'I3NuGInteractionInfo', Name of NuGInteractionInfo

Param InteractionNCFactor:

Default = 1.0, weight parameter for NC interaction at final interaction.If you want to simulate more NC events, set the factor >1. Final event weight compensate the factor so that you will get correct event weight.

Param InteractionPositionOpt:

Default = 1, option for interaction position calculation. Default value is 1, and do NOT touch the value unless you know well about the option.See I3NeutrinoGeneratorBase.h

Param InteractionWeightOpt:

Default = 1, option for interaction weight calculation. Default value is 1, and do NOT touch the value unless you know well about the option.See I3NeutrinoGeneratorBase.h

Param PrimaryNuName:

Default = 'NuGPrimary', If a frame contains an I3Particle with this name, NuGen takes the particle as primary and propagate it. By default, the PrimaryNuName is set to ‘NuGPrimary’, which is the default output-name of I3NuGDiffuseSource.If the particle does not exist in frame, NuGen uses I3NuGInjector to generate a primary particle.

Param PropagationWeightMode:

Default = icecube._neutrino_generator.PropagationMode.autodetect, * nugen::LEGACY: use legacy I3NuGEvent. * nugen::NOPROPWEIGHT: no propagation weight with I3NuGWeightedEvent. Some neutrino may be absorbed by the Earth. * nugen::NCGRWEIGHTED: CC interaction is forbidden and always NC or GR interacion is chosen if interactions occurred during propagation inside the Earth. Propagation weight is applied. No neutrino is absorbed by the Earth. * nugen::AUTODETECT use NCGRWEIGHTED for NuE and NuMu, NOPROPWEIGHT for NuTau. CAUTION: for NuTau , always use NoWeihgt option to activate tau regeneration.

Param RandomService:

Default = None, Pointer to RandomService

Param RunID:

Default = 10,

Param SteeringName:

Default = 'NuGSteering', Name of Steering


"I3NuGDiffuseSource" (C++ I3Module)


Param AngleSamplingMode:

Default = 'COS', do you want to sample zenith in cos(zen) or zenith?

Param AzimuthMax:

Default = 6.283185307179586, azimuth max

Param AzimuthMin:

Default = 0.0, azimuth min

Param EnergyMaxLog:

Default = 8.0, max energy log10

Param EnergyMinLog:

Default = 2.0, min energy log10

Param GammaIndex:

Default = 2.0, power law index

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param NuFlavor:

Default = 'NuMu', DEPRECATED: Set injection flavor. If you want to generate different flavors in one dataset(for example, NuE+NuMu etc.), use NuTypes

Param NuTypes:

Default = [], vector of name of injection neutrinos, anti-particles or even other flavors are counted separately. e.g. [‘NuMu’,’NuMuBar’,’NuTau’,’NuTauBar’].If you set this parameter, NuFlavor parameter is ignored.

Param OutNuName:

Default = 'NuGPrimary', output neutrino name

Param PrimaryTypeRatio:

Default = [1.0, 1.0], ratio of injected nu types, must be same size of NuTypes and order of the numbers must match with the NuTypes vector.

Param RandomService:

Default = None, pointer to random service

Param SteeringName:

Default = 'NuGSteer', name of steering service

Param ZenithMax:

Default = 3.141592653589793, zenith max

Param ZenithMin:

Default = 0.0, zenith min

Param ZenithWeightParam:

Default = 1.0, option for zenith-weighted generation. default 1.0 gives a flat uniform weight. set 0.1 <= alpha <= 1.9. With a larger alpha you get more vertically upgoing events.


"I3NuGPointSource" (C++ I3Module)


Param Azimuth:

Default = 0.7853981633974483, point source azimuth

Param AzimuthSigma:

Default = 0.0, sigma of azimuth

Param EnergyMaxLog:

Default = 8.0, max energy log10

Param EnergyMinLog:

Default = 2.0, min energy log10

Param GammaIndex:

Default = 2.0, power law index

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param NuFlavor:

Default = 'NuMu', DEPRECATED: Set injection flavor. If you want to generate different flavors in one dataset(for example, NuE+NuMu etc.), use NuTypes

Param NuTypes:

Default = [], vector of name of injection neutrinos, anti-particles or even other flavors are counted separately. e.g. [‘NuMu’,’NuMuBar’,’NuTau’,’NuTauBar’].If you set this parameter, NuFlavor parameter is ignored.

Param OutNuName:

Default = 'NuGPrimary', output neutrino name

Param PrimaryTypeRatio:

Default = [1.0, 1.0], ratio of injected nu types, must be same size of NuTypes

Param RandomService:

Default = None, pointer to random service

Param SourceName:

Default = '', name of point source

Param SteeringName:

Default = 'NuGSteer', name of steering service

Param Zenith:

Default = 0.7853981633974483, point source zenith

Param ZenithSigma:

Default = 0.0, sigma of zenith


"I3NuGSourceSelector" (C++ I3Module)


Param EnergyBiasPowerIndex:

Default = 0.0, Neutrino is selected with pow(energy [GeV], index)

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param KeepDarkNeutrinos:

Default = False, Do you want to keep dark neutrinos?

Param ParticleBiases:

Default = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], Bias ratio for NuE:NuEBar:NuMu:NuMuBar:NuTau:NuTauBar. must be 6-dim vector<double>

Param RandomService:

Default = 'I3RandomService', pointer to random service

Param SteeringName:

Default = 'NuGSteer', name of steering service

Param UseZeVForm:

Default = False, If your neutrino bundle contains ~ZeV neutrinos set it true.

C++ ServiceFactorys


"I3NuGInjectorFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param AngleSamplingMode:

Default = 'COS', do you want to sample zenith in cos(zen) or zenith?

Param AzimuthMax:

Default = 6.283185307179586, injection azimuth max

Param AzimuthMin:

Default = 0.0, injection azimuth min

Param EnergyMaxLog:

Default = 9.0, injection energy max log10

Param EnergyMinLog:

Default = 1.0, injection energy min log10

Param GammaIndex:

Default = 1.0, injection gamma index

Param NuFlavor:

Default = 'NuMu', injection nu

Param PointSourceAzimuth:

Default = 0.7853981633974483, point source injection azimuth

Param PointSourceAzimuthSigma:

Default = 0.0, point source azimuth sigma

Param PointSourceDirectionName:

Default = '', Name of I3Direction that stores point source dir

Param PointSourceZenith:

Default = 0.7853981633974483, point source injection zenith

Param PointSourceZenithSigma:

Default = 0.0, point source zenith sigma

Param RandomService:

Default = None, Pointer to random service

Param SimulatePointSource:

Default = False, do you want to simulate point source?

Param SteeringName:

Default = '', Name of SteeringService

Param ZenithMax:

Default = 3.141592653589793, injection zenith max

Param ZenithMin:

Default = 0.0, injection zenith min

Param ZenithWeightParam:

Default = 1.0, option for zenith-weighted generation. default 1.0 gives a flat uniform weight. set 0.1 <= alpha <= 1.9. With a larger alpha you get more vertically upgoing events.


"I3NuGInteractionInfoDifferentialFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param CrossSectionModel:

Default = 'csms', select from csms, css, cteq5

Param RandomService:

Default = None, pointer to random service

Param SteeringName:

Default = '', name of Steering

Param TablesDir:

Default = '', Directory that contains the cross section tables


"I3NuGInteractionInfoFactory" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param CrossSectionModel:

Default = 'csms', select from csms, css, cteq5

Param RandomService:

Default = None, pointer to random service

Param SteeringName:

Default = '', name of Steering

Param TablesDir:

Default = '', Directory that contains the cross section tables


"I3NuGInteractionManager" (C++ ServiceFactory)


Param CrossSectionModel:

Default = 'csms', Name of cross section model (=modelname). modelname.list must exist under cross_section_data, either in $I3_DATA/neutrino-generator/ or $I3_TESTDATA/neutrino-generator.

Param PathToFileDir:

Default = '', Path to the directory containing the data files

Param RandomService:

Default = None, pointer to random service

Param SteeringName:

Default = '', name of Steering