Project linefit

Invoke with: import icecube.linefit

C++ I3Modules


"Debiasing" (C++ I3Module)


Param Distance:

Default = 116.0, Distance in phase space a hit is allowed to be from the trackbefore we discard it

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputResponse:

Default = 'Pulses_delay_cleaned', HitSeriesMap to use for input

Param OutputResponse:

Default = 'Pulses_delay_cleaned', Name to give the new pulse series.

Param Seed:

Default = 'linefit', The seed we use to determine whether hits are far or near


"DebiasingEHE" (C++ I3Module)


Param Distance:

Default = 116.0, Distance in phase space a hit is allowed to be from the trackbefore we discard it

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputResponse:

Default = 'Pulses_delay_cleaned', HitSeriesMap to use for input

Param OutputResponse:

Default = 'Pulses_delay_cleaned', Name to give the new pulse series.

Param Seed:

Default = 'linefit', The seed we use to determine whether hits are far or near


"DelayCleaning" (C++ I3Module)


Param Distance:

Default = 156.0, Radius of sphere in which we look for other hits

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputResponse:

Default = 'NFEMergedPulses', HitSeriesMap to use for input

Param OutputResponse:

Default = 'debiasedPulses', Name to give the new pulse series.

Param TimeWindow:

Default = 778.0, The window that we consider local.


"DelayCleaningEHE" (C++ I3Module)


Param Distance:

Default = 156.0, Radius of sphere in which we look for other hits

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputResponse:

Default = 'NFEMergedPulses', HitSeriesMap to use for input

Param OutputResponse:

Default = 'debiasedPulses', Name to give the new pulse series.

Param TimeInterval:

Default = 10000.0, The time interval considered to be independent.

Param TimeWindow:

Default = 778.0, The window that we consider local.


"HuberFit" (C++ I3Module)


Param Distance:

Default = 153.0, The Huber parameter. This is the cutoff that separates thelinear and quadradic regime.

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputRecoPulses:

Default = 'Pulses_delay_cleaned', HitSeriesMap to use for input

Param Name:

Default = 'HuberFit153', The name of the output fit


"HuberFitEHE" (C++ I3Module)


Param Distance:

Default = 153.0, The Huber parameter. This is the cutoff that separates thelinear and quadradic regime.

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputRecoPulses:

Default = 'Pulses_delay_cleaned', HitSeriesMap to use for input

Param Name:

Default = 'HuberFitEHE153', The name of the output fit


"I3LineFit" (C++ I3Module)

IceTray module to implement the linefit first guess routine.

Param AmpWeightPower:

Default = 0.0, Hits are weighted with the amplitude raised to this power. Typically 0. (for all hits weight=1) or 1. (weight=amplitude).

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param InputRecoPulses:

Default = '', RecoPulseSeriesMap to use for input

Param LeadingEdge:

Default = 'ALL', What hits to use. ALL=all leading edges, FLE=just first LE

Param MinHits:

Default = 2, Minimum number of hits: events with fewer hits will not be reconstructed.

Param Name:

Default = 'LineFit', Name to give the fit the module adds to the event

Python I3Modules


LFTest (Python I3Module)



LFTestCompare (Python I3Module)



LFTestIC23 (Python I3Module)



LFTestMinHit (Python I3Module)



LFTestRecoos (Python I3Module)


I3Tray segments


simple (I3Tray segment)

Computes a robust first-pass reconstruction on a data set.

Param inputResponse:

Default = 'Pulses_cleaned', Name of the data series to get pulses from.

Param fitName:

Default = 'linefit_improved', Name of the output reconstruction.

Param If:

Default = <function <lambda> at 0x1070a4400>,