Project dataio

Invoke with: import icecube.dataio

C++ I3Modules


"DeleteUnregistered" (C++ I3Module)



"I3InfiniteSource" (C++ I3Module)


Param Prefix:

Default = '', Path to I3 file with frames to prefix to the stream (e.g. GCD information)

Param Stream:

Default = icetray.I3Frame.DAQ, Type of frame to emit


"I3MultiWriter" (C++ I3Module)


Param CompressionLevel:

Default = 0, 0 == default compression, 1 == best speed, 9 == best compression (6 by default)

Param DropOrphanStreams:

Default = [], Vector of I3Frame.Stream types to drop if they are not followed by other frames. Default: drop nothing

Param Filename:

Default = '', The file we’ll write to. If it ends with .gz and no CompressionLevel is specified, it will be gzipped at gzip’s default compression level. In the I3MultiWriter this string must contain a %u printf formatting character. (Try %04u if you’re writing < 10000 files)

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param MetadataStreams:

Default = [icetray.I3Frame.Geometry, icetray.I3Frame.Calibration, icetray.I3Frame.DetectorStatus], Frame types to cache and write at the beginning of all new files (e.g. GCD frames). If a frame is not in Streams, even if specified here, it will never be written.

Param SizeLimit:

Default = 0, Soft Size limit in bytes. Files will typically exceed this limit by the size of one half of one frame.

Param SkipKeys:

Default = [], Don’t write keys that match any of the regular expressions in this vector

Param Streams:

Default = [], Vector of I3Frame.Stream types that we should write. Those that do not appear here will be skipped. Default: all streams enabled.

Param SyncStream:

Default = icetray.I3Frame.DAQ, Frame type to wait for to split files. New files will always begin with a frame of this type. Useful for frames from which events need to inherit (e.g. DAQ frames).


"I3Reader" (C++ I3Module)


Param DropBuffers:

Default = False, Tell I3Frames not to cache buffers of serialized frameobject data (this saves memory at the expense of processing speed and the ability to passthru unknown frame objects)

Param Filename:

Default = '', Filename to read. Use either this or Filenamelist, not both.

Param FilenameList:

Default = [], List of files to read, IN SORTED ORDER

Param SkipKeys:

Default = [], Don’t load frame objects with these keys


"I3Writer" (C++ I3Module)


Param CompressionLevel:

Default = 0, 0 == default compression, 1 == best speed, 9 == best compression (6 by default)

Param DropOrphanStreams:

Default = [], Vector of I3Frame.Stream types to drop if they are not followed by other frames. Default: drop nothing

Param Filename:

Default = '', The file we’ll write to. If it ends with .gz and no CompressionLevel is specified, it will be gzipped at gzip’s default compression level. In the I3MultiWriter this string must contain a %u printf formatting character. (Try %04u if you’re writing < 10000 files)

Param IcePickServiceKey:

Default = '', Key for an IcePick in the context that this module should check before processing physics frames.

Param If:

Default = None, A python function… if this returns something that evaluates to True, Module runs, else it doesn’t

Param SkipKeys:

Default = [], Don’t write keys that match any of the regular expressions in this vector

Param Streams:

Default = [], Vector of I3Frame.Stream types that we should write. Those that do not appear here will be skipped. Default: all streams enabled.


"QConverter" (C++ I3Module)


Param QKeys:

Default = ['DrivingTime', 'CorsikaWeightMap', 'I3MCTree', 'I3MCTreeGen', 'I3MCWeightDict', 'CalibratedATWD', 'CalibratedFADC', 'I3DAQData', 'InIceRawData', 'IceTopRawData'], Names of keys to move to the Q frame

Param QTypes:

Default = ['I3EventHeader', 'I3Map<OMKey, vector<I3Waveform> >', 'I3Map<OMKey, vector<I3DOMLaunch> >', 'I3Map<OMKey, vector<I3MCHit> >', 'I3Map<OMKey, vector<I3RecoPulse> >', 'I3Map<OMKey, I3PortiaPulse>', 'I3PortiaEvent', 'I3Tree<I3Trigger>', 'JEBEventInfo', 'I3Vector<I3MMCTrack>'], Types of keys to move to the Q frame

Param WritePFrame:

Default = True, If False, P frames are converted into Qframes without the creation of P frames

I3Tray segments


I3Reader (I3Tray segment)

Read an .i3 file. This supports remote files by specifying URLs and will stage them in an auto-configured local scratch directory.

Param DropBuffers:

Default = False, Tell I3Frames not to cache buffers of serialized frameobject data (this saves memory at the expense of processing speed and the ability to passthru unknown frame objects)

Param Filename:

Default = '', Filename to read. Use either this or Filenamelist, not both.

Param FilenameList:

Default = [], List of files to read, IN SORTED ORDER

Param SkipKeys:

Default = [], Don’t load frame objects with these keys