Project MuonGun

Invoke with: import icecube.MuonGun

C++ I3Modules


"I3MuonGun::GeneratorModule" (C++ I3Module)


Param Generator:

Default = None, Muon bundle generator


"I3MuonGun::WeightCalculatorModule" (C++ I3Module)


Param Generator:

Default = None, Generation spectrum for the bundles to be weighted

Param I3MCTree:

Default = 'I3MCTree', name of I3MCTree in the frame

Param MMCTrackList:

Default = 'MMCTrackList', name of MMCTrackList in the frame

Param Model:

Default = None, Muon flux model for which to calculate a weight


"Muonitron" (C++ I3Module)

a utility module for recording the state of a muon bundle as it propagates to depth

Param Crust:

Default = None, Air and firn layers surrounding the bulk medium

Param Depths:

Default = [], Propagate muons to these vertical depths (in meters)

Param Propagator:

Default = None, MuonPropagator instance

I3Tray segments


GenerateBundles (I3Tray segment)

Generate muon bundles from a parametrization.

Param Generator:

Default = None, an instance of I3MuonGun.Generator

Param RunNumber:

Default = 1,

Param NEvents:

Default = 100,

Param GCDFile:

Default = '/data/sim/sim-new/downloads/GCD_31_08_11/GeoCalibDetectorStatus_IC79.55380_L2a.i3.gz',

Param FromTime:

Default = I3Time(2010,158112000000000000L),

Param ToTime:

Default = I3Time(2010,158112000000000000L),