Project BadDomList

Invoke with: import icecube.BadDomList

Python I3Modules


BadDomListModule (Python I3Module)

This module adds a list of bad doms to the D frame.

Param AddGoodSlcOnlyKeys:

Default = True, Add SLC only keys to the bad dom list.

Param CustomBadKeys:

Default = [], User defined list of bad keys (OMKey) that should be added to the bad dom list. Note that custom bad keys are ALWAYS added

Param DisabledKeysOnly:

Default = False, Add only disabled doms.

Param I3LiveAuth:

Default = {'user': 'icecube', 'pass': 'skua'}, Authentication for I3Live. Only for Simulation = False (default)

Param I3LiveUrlRunDoms:

Default = '', Url from where the dom information should be requested. Use %s for where the run id should be added. Only for Simulation = False (default)

Param I3LiveUrlSnapshotExport:

Default = '', Url from where the snapshort information for the run should be queried. If None, snapshot stop times will be ignored. Only for Simulation = False (default)

Param IgnoreNewDOMs:

Default = False, Ignore going through all the new modules in GCD files for Upgrade/Gen2 simulations(list of ignored OM types defined in NewDOMTypes)

Param ListName:

Default = <Unprintable>, Name of the bad dom list in frame

Param NewDOMTypes:

Default = [icecube._dataclasses.OMType.mDOM, icecube._dataclasses.OMType.DEgg, icecube._dataclasses.OMType.PDOM, icecube._dataclasses.OMType.LOM, icecube._dataclasses.OMType.LOM16, icecube._dataclasses.OMType.LOM18, icecube._dataclasses.OMType.UnknownType], List of new OMTypes to ignore if IgnoreNewDOMs is True

Param RunId:

Default = -1, The run id if you are using experimental data

Param Simulation:

Default = False, If you need a bad dom list for simulation

Param TemporaryBadDomsOnly:

Default = False, Add only temporary bad doms. Does not work with Simumation = True


IceTopBadDomListModule (Python I3Module)


Param BadDomListName:

Default = 'BadDomsList', The full bad DOMs list, including IceTop and in-ice

Param ListName:

Default = 'IceTopBadDOMs', Name of the output bad DOMs list, IceTop only


IceTopBadTankListModule (Python I3Module)


Param IceTopBadDOMListName:

Default = 'IceTopBadDOMs', Name of the IceTop bad DOM list

Param ListName:

Default = 'IceTopBadTanks', Name of the output bad tanks list

I3Tray segments


BadDomList (I3Tray segment)

Adds the bad dom list to the DetectorStatus frame.

Param Simulation:

Default = False,

Param RunId:

Default = 0,

Param AddIceTopBadDoms:

Default = True,