Basic Information About VEMCal Project ====================================== details about the files included in vemcal/private/vemcal, with corresponding libraries in vemcal/public/ pe photo-electron VEM vertical equivalent muon #. I3HGLGPairSelector.cxx #. Takes I3RecoPulseSeriesMap and returns frame object OutputPulseMask #. Output gives only paired DOMs for high gain and low gain comparisons #. I3VEMCalData.cxx #. Grab HG and LG chip and channel information, also charge in pe #. Information specific to DOM for calibration use #. HGLGhits and MinBiasHits #. I3VEMCalExtractor.cxx #. Pulls HG and LG information for separate frame object #. Also looks for local coincedence #. I3VEMCalHistWriter.cxx #. Makes histograms for HG and LG hits #. HG and LG charge histos #. Time diff histos, charge diff histos #. Makes muon spectrum for HG DOM that was hit #. I3VEMCalTreeWriter.cxx #. Root files for HG and LG trees, also VEM in HG DOM #. Includes DOM, string, charge in pe, time in ns