Release Notes ============= main ---- Feb. 20, 2024 don la dieu (nega at --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.9.2 * add check to prevent segfault * Delete mailinglist files (#3357) Dec. 14, 2023 don la dieu (nega at --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.9.0 * Remove Uber Header (I3.h) (#3151) * general python cleanups (ruff/E712) (#3268) * general python cleanups (ruff/E713) (#3269) * Relax test tolerance on Apple Silicon (#3213) June 22, 2023 don la dieu (nega at --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.7.0 * Make I3Tray.I3Tray and icecube.icetray.I3Tray the same thing. (#3102) * Remove all references to load_pybindings (#3086) * Tilt correction for infinite muon splines (#3083) Dec. 12, 2022 don la dieu (nega AT --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.5.0 * Added fitname argument in (#2985) * Reintegrate SegmentedSplineReco (#2630) * Documentation cleanups Jul. 29, 2022 don la dieu (nega AT --------------------------------------------------- IceTray Release v1.4.0 * Drop support for Python 2 * Clean up python bindings / modules * Move icetray.load after load_pybindings to avoid the ROOT dynamic loading error on Macs * Make Photospline optional (#2847) * Prevent accumulation of shared memory segments from running tests * Clean up documentation Dec. 20, 2021 Martina Karl ( --------------------------------------------------- github Release V01-03-00 * Creates a branch of photonics-service for ice anisotropy and effective distance extension * Photonics digest spline tables that have azimuth extension up to 360 deg, effective distance, and ice tilt z shift tables * Includes gradient transformation, pybindings, tests and some more documentation and pretty print * Adds tilt correction. To use, set tiltTableDir to point to resources/tilt * Passes timingSigma keyword as needed since arg order has changed * Initializes ``extension_`` to NULL to avoid segfault. Pass kwarg * updates path as the effectivedistancetable doesn't exist on ``I3_TESTDATA`` * Uses now-existing ``I3_TESTDATA`` path for effective distance table * Refactor fill and transformation of jacobian with effective distance tables -- Tianlu Yuan, Marcel Usner, Dmitry A Chirkin, Jakob van Sanden, Juliana Stachurska Dec. 20, 2019 Alex Olivas ( ------------------------------------------- Combo Release V00-00-00 December 8, 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Release V00-02-05 * Handle Npulses as a double to prevent overflow for events with a very high charge November 30, 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Release V00-02-04 * Bugfix: missing curly braces were affecting SPEAll and SPE1st likelihood * squash type mismatch warning * Script Cleanup: Remove `TrashCan` and `Finish()` March 24, 2017 Mike Richman ( -------------------------------------------------------------------- Release V00-02-03 * Allow explicitly passing the name of the output particle to the fitter, instead of using the name of the module. Now, the behaviour is the same as for the lilliput fitter segments. (March 23, 2017) -- Thomas Kintscher (noted by from svn log) * Related to ticket 1900. This C++ test did not pass the test for the I3SplineRecoLikelihoodfunction. After many testing, it seems to me that the problem was in the I3_TESTDATA/reco-toolbox/I3TestEvent_Pulse_2.i3.gz. I decided to create a (fake) Geometry and Physics frames via the Process function, to be used intead of I3_TESTDATA. Now all the tests pass. (January 23, 2017) -- Giuliano Maggi * Don't copy the geometry for every event. Along the way, actually check that OMKeys exist in the geometry. This causes a poorly written test to fail; see #1900. * Call SelectModule() instead of SelectModuleCoordinates(). This allows the implementation to do sneaky things behind the scenes, such as dealing with new sensor types. (October 17, 2016) -- Jakob van Santen (noted by from svn log) May 2, 2016 Alex Olivas -------------------------------------------------------------------- Release V00-02-02 * Added maintainer to docs (index.rst) * Added trunk section to RELEASE_NOTES and reformatted RELEASE_NOTES * Changed example script to use test data -- Markus Voge April 3, 2015, Meike de With ( -------------------------------------------------------------------- Release V00-02-01 * Recognize I3_TESTDATA -- Alex Olivas * Change default spline table location to cvmfs * Fix the code where I3PhotoSplineServiceFactory is added, since that no longer has ServiceName as an argument * Fix the check whether the service exists, so multiple segments can be added to the tray -- Leif Raedel * Fixes for new I3MCTree -- David Schultz * Fix tests so they refer to I3_TESTDATA for the .fits files -- Don la Dieu December 10, 2014, Meike de With ( --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 00-02-00 * Add tray segments for fast and slow spline reconstructions -- Marcel Zoll / Kai Schatto * Comment out parameters which no longer exist in current I3ParametrizationService for examples * Add recursion test script (which already existed but was not actually being run) -- Meike de With * ServiceName is no longer a parameter in I3PhotoSplineServiceFactory, so no longer try to set it -- Jakob van Santen / Meike de With * Add more improvements (which also make the reconstruction slower): energy-dependent convolution and MPE formula modification. Both are off by default -- Kai Schatto September 23, 2014, Meike de With ( --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 00-01-01 * Fixed small bug in modifications (noiseModel != "none") which are disabled in the default reconstruction -- Kai Schatto April 8, 2014, Meike de With ( --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 00-01-00 * Initial release!