Introduction ============ Detector simulation proceeds in 4 steps: #. Event generation #. Particle propagation #. Photon propagation #. Detector simulation :cpp:class:`I3PropagatorModule` implements the second step, turning the :ref:`I3MCTree` produced by event generators (e.g. CORSIKA, MuonGun, NuGen) into a set of final, Cherenkov-emitting states (muon tracks with finite length and electromagnetic cascades). Each particle may produce one or more daughter particles as it propagates (e.g. energy losses of muons, or muons produced in hadronic showers), which in turn may produce daughter particles of their own. The final :ref:`I3MCTree` may be 10 to 100 times larger than the input tree. Because the transformation from initial to final tree is a function only of the initial state, the transformation algorithm, and a sequence of random numbers, however, it can be deleted after photon propagation and reproduced if need be. :cpp:class:`I3PropagatorModule` stores the state of the configured random number generator and will recreate it if necessary. Details ======= :cpp:class:`I3PropagatorModule` takes a :cpp:class:`std::map\` that defines the propagator to use for each particle type. It then iterates over the input :ref:`I3MCTree`, passing each particle in the tree to the corresponding propagator, if defined. The propagator may modify the particle (e.g. by setting its length), and also return secondary particles. These are attached as daughters of the propagated particle in the output tree. If the secondaries are also propagatable, they are added to the propagation stack for later processing. This allows for unlimited chains of decays, for example a tau lepton that decays to a muon which produces photonuclear losses which then also produce secondary muons.