.. _rpdf-algorithm: ======================= Algorithms ======================= This document provides a detailed description of the algorithms used by the rpdf project. The algorithms discusses here were developed for AMANDA and continued on to IceCube with very little modification. A more detailed description can be found in the AMANDA muon reconstruction paper\ [#]_. Overview ======== The most generic description of likelihood based reconstructions is that the muon track being reconstructed is described by a set of parameters :math:`{\bf a} = \left(t_0,{\bf r}_0,{\bf \hat p}_0\right)` and a set of reconstructed pulses :math:`{\bf x}`. The likelihood is described as the product of the probability of each pulse: .. math:: \mathcal{L}({\bf x}_i|{\bf a}) = \prod_i p(x_i|{\bf a}) where the multiplication index denoted the :math:`i^{\rm th}` DOM. For numerical reasons it is easier to maximize the logarithm of the likelihood .. math:: \Lambda({\bf x}_i|{\bf a}) = \log\left[\mathcal{L}({\bf x}_i|{\bf a})\right] = \sum_i \log(p(x_i|{\bf a})) Maximizing :math:`\Lambda` is performed by the :ref:`Gulliver` reconstruction suite. The rest of this document describes the calculation of the :math:`(p(x_i|{\bf a})` portion of the calculation. Calculating the probabilities can be broken up into two steps: the geometrical parameters which are specific to the Cherenkov cone emitted by muons as they pass through matter. The second step is to calculate the probability of photons reaching the DOM as travel through the ice. Geometric Algorithms ==================== A muon traveling through ice will emit light in a Cherenkov pattern. Without any scattering one would expect all the Cherenkov light to arrive at the DOM at the time of the Cherenkov cone. The PDFs in rpdf are calculated as a function of time, with reference to the geometrical time :math:`t_{geo}`. The geometrical time is calculated as the expected time of arrival, relative to the given :math:`t_0`, for light traveling along the Cherenkov cone without scattering or jitter. This includes the time taken for the particle to travel from the :math:`t_0` to the light emission point. Since light scatters in ice, light will always come after :math:`t_{geo}`. The amount of scattering in the light will depend on how far the average photon traveled through the ice, this is approximated by :math:`d`, the distance of closest approach of the muon to the DOM in question. Due to the fact that a PMT facing toward a light source will see no delay in photons, but a PMT facing away from the source will see additional scattering due to the fact that it mostly sees back scattered photons an additional correction is applied with the PMT angle :math:`\eta`. Based on Monte Carlo simulations of light propagation the effective distance :math:`d_{eff}` was parameterized with a polynomial: .. math:: d_{eff} = 0.8395 d + 3.094 - 3.946\cos\eta + 4.636\cos^2\eta This effective distance, :math:`d_{eff}`, is used to calculate the photoelectron probability. Together :math:`t_{geo}` and :math:`d_{eff}` are referred to as the geometrical parameters of reconstruction. .. figure:: geo_bw.svg :align: center :width: 60% **Figure 1** The geometry of muon reconstruction. A muon described as passing through a vertex :math:`{\bf r}_0` at time :math:`t_0` with velocity vector :math:`{\bf \hat p}`. The geometrical distance :math:`t_{geo}` is calculated by calculating how long it take the muon to traverse to the Cherenkov cone indicated. The distance of closest approach, :math:`d`, is needed to estimate the amount of scattering. The PMT axis :math:`\eta` the angle between incident light and the direction of the PMT in the DOM is also used to calculate scattering. Derivation ---------- This section contains a derivation of the geometrical parameters for muon reconstruction. First we need to calculate intermediate values, the distance along the track from the vertex to the point of closes approach is: .. math:: d_{t} = \left({\bf r}_i - {\bf r}_0\right)\cdot{\bf \hat p} and the distance of closes approach is the cross product: .. math:: d = \left({\bf r}_i - {\bf r}_0\right)\times{\bf \hat p} The time it takes a muon to travel from the vertex to the emission point is going to be the distance along the track minus the leg of the large triangle divided by the speed of the muon: .. math:: t_{\mu} = \frac{d_{t} - d / \tan\theta_c}{c} Where :math:`\theta_c` is the Cherenkov angle: .. math:: \theta_c = \cos^{-1}\left(\frac{1}{\eta_{ph}}\right) where :math:`\eta_{ph}` is the phase velocity index of refraction. The time it takes the photon to travel from the emission vertex to the OM is the hypotenuse of the large triangle divided by the speed of light in the medium .. math:: t_{\gamma} = \frac{ d\csc\theta_c}{ c/\eta_{gr}} = \frac{ \eta_{gr} d}{\sin\theta_c} where :math:`\eta_{gr}` is the group velocity index of refraction in ice. The geometric time is then: .. math:: t_{geo} = t_{\mu}+t_{\gamma} = \frac {1}{c}\left[d_{t}+ d\left(\frac{\eta_{gr}}{\sin\theta_c}-\frac{1}{\tan\theta_c}\right)\right] .. note:: In the AMANDA era it was assumed that the group and phase velocities were the same in ice which lead to a simpler expression for :math:`t_{geo}` which was simply :math:`t_{geo} = (d_t + d\tan\theta_c )/c`. This is what is stated in the AMANDA reconstruction paper, it is incorrect. The correct formula is what is stated above. Photoelectron Probability ========================= In general, a photoelectron probability is the probability that a photon will hit a given DOM at time :math:`t` given a certain track hypothesis :math:`(t_0,{\bf r}_0,{\bf \hat p}`, and is written as :math:`p(t;t_0,{\bf r}_0,{\bf \hat p})`. In practice it is difficult to minimize complicated photoelectron probabilities and they are simplified to :math:`p(t_{res};d_{eff})` where :math:`t_{res}` is the residual time: the time that an unscattered photon will hit the DOM, and :math:`d_{eff}` is the effective distance discussed above. The residual time is the time of the hit subtracted from the expected geometric time: .. math:: t_{res} = t_{hit}-t_{geo}-t_0 The Pandel Function =================== The function used to characterize light propagation for muon reconstructions is called the Pandel function. It is named after Dirk Pandel a diploma student at DESY working on the Baikal Deep Underwater Neutrino Telescope\ [#]_. He derived the relation empirically from observing laser light scattering through water. It works just as well for light traveling through ice although ice has different parameters. The theoretical basis for the Pandel function is as follows: imagine a photon traveling through a mostly transparent medium where it occasionally scatters. If the ice has a scattering length :math:`\lambda` and you measure at a distance :math:`d`, then the number of scatters you expect will be :math:`d/\lambda`, and the distribution of the actual number of scatters will be Poisson distribution with rate parameter :math:`d/\lambda`. If each scattering event only deflects the photon by a small angle that is normally distributed with shape parameter, then the delay can be characterized by a random process where the number of interactions is Poisson and the amount of delay is a random walk with the number of steps sampled from the Poisson distribution. This random process is the well known `gamma distribution `_. .. math:: P_{Pandel}(t_{res};\rho,\xi) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(\xi)} \rho^\xi {t_{res}}^{\xi-1}e^{-\rho\cdot t_{res}} where .. math:: \xi = \frac{d_{eff}}{\lambda} \qquad \rho=\frac{1}{\tau} + \frac{c_{\rm medium}}{\lambda_a} where :math:`\lambda` is the scattering length, :math:`\lambda_a` is the absorption length, and :math:`\tau` which is due to the non-linearity of scattering in the ice. Several ice models were considered with AMANDA, H2 was considered as standard and is as follows: .. math:: \tau = 556.7\,{\rm ns} \qquad \lambda_{a} = 98.0\,{\rm m} \qquad \lambda = 33.29\,{\rm m} The Pandel function was derived for a point source of photons with the same direction such as a laser. However, simulation of photons traveling through a scattering medium show that it is an appropriate PDF for Cherenkov photons from muon tracks as well. .. figure:: pparam_2c.svg :align: center :width: 80% **Figure 2** Comparison of the Pandel function (dashed curves) with the detailed simulation based on light traveling through a scattering medium (black histograms) at two different distances :math:`d` from the muon track. Note that the function is very sharply peaked for the observer close to the track, while for the further away observer the function is not. Convoluted Pandel Function ========================== The Pandel function by itself does not make a good likelihood, it is undefined for :math:`t_{res}<0` and exhibits asymptotic behavior at :math:`t_{res}=0` when the track is close to the DOM. In order for the minimization algorithm to work the likelihood must be defined for all values of `t_{res}` and the likelihood must increase as the fit approaches the physically allowed region. In addition, negative values of the residual time are possible due to timing uncertainties in the DOMs as well as pre-pulses. To solve these the Pandel function is convoluted with a normal distribution, this makes the value of the function acceptable in the negative region. The convolution is defined as: .. math:: P_{\rm conv}(t_{res},d_{eff},\sigma) = \int_0^\infty \frac{{\rm d}x}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} P_{Pandel}(t;d_{eff}) e^{-(t_{res}-t)^2 / 2\sigma^2} where :math:`\sigma` is called the jitter. In principle the jitter should be the timing uncertainty of the DOMs which is about 3 ns. In practice better results are obtained if the jitter is set unphysically large. The default is :math:`\sigma = 15\,{\rm ns}`. The integral has an analytic solution\ [#]_: .. math:: P_{\rm conv}(t_{res};d_{eff},\sigma) = \frac{\rho^\xi \sigma^{\xi-1} e^{-(t_{res})^2/2\sigma^2}}{2^{(1+\xi)/2}} \left[ \frac{_1F_1(\frac{1}{2}\xi,\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}\zeta^2)}{\Gamma(\frac{1}{2}(\xi+1))} -\sqrt{2}\zeta\,\frac{_1F_1(\frac{1}{2}(\xi+1),\frac{3}{2},\frac{1}{2}\zeta^2)}{\Gamma(\frac{1}{2}\xi)} \right] where .. math:: \zeta = \rho\sigma - \frac{t_{res}}{\sigma} and :math:`_1F_1` is the confluent hypergeometric function. The sum of two confluent hypergeometric functions is a class of functions refered to as the parabolic cylinder functions\ [#]_. However the parabolic cylinder functions typically included in mathematical packages are not useful for our application. Methods for evaluating :math:`_1F_1` are available in the ``GSL`` library, but they are slow and the difference between them can cause numerical artifacts in certian regions. .. figure:: 10nss.svg :align: center :width: 50% **Figure 3** Different Regions used for the approximation of the convoluted Pandel function. A scheme for quickly approximating the solution was developed\ [#]_. The Gaussian-convoluted Pandel calculation is broken down into five regions shown in figure 3. In region 1 (small distances, small time residuals), the analytic representation can be used exactly. In the other regions, the analytic representation results in a GSL over/underflow error, and an approximation is used. Approximately 90% of the evaluations (for IceCube data) fall into region 1. To improve performance in this region, we use three different techniques to evaluate the PDF: 1. For large time residuals and large distances, we use the existing calculation of the Gaussian-convoluted Pandel PDF. This calculation takes the difference of 1F1 confluent hypergeometric functions computed by GSL. 2. For negative time residuals (eta > 1.35), the two terms in the above computation are almost equal, resulting in poor conditioning. For this portion of region 1, we instead use Tricomi's hypergeometric function, which is well-conditioned and more precise. 3. For small time residuals and small distances, we can efficiently compute :math:`_1F_1` hypergeometric functions using a power series by precomputing the denominators in the hypergeometric power series terms. This is approximately 10x faster than GSL with similar accuracy. Jitter is set in ``I3RecoLLH`` module with the parameter ``JitterTime``, the default is 15 ns. DOM Likelihoods =============== The above mentioned Pandel function only pertains to a single photon incident on a single DOM. To calculate a likelihood for an event hypothesis we first need to combine the hits from a DOM. The obvious thing to do would be to simply add the Pandel function from every photon that hits a DOM in a particular event. Unfortunately, since we are already dealing with a crude approximation adding too much information makes the likelihood space too complicated which makes it difficult for the minimizer to find the global minimum. Many proposals were tried in the AMANDA days, only two of them were found useful in IceCube: - SPE1st - This method simply calculates the Pandel function at the time of the first hit and calls it a day. The rational behind this is that the first hit is most likely incurred less scatters than photons which arrive later, and hence contains more information about the track. - MPE - Calculates the probability that the first hit arrived at the specified time considering that there were N hits total. This works under the same rational that the first hit contains more information, but takes into consideration that events with more hits moves the probability of the first hit to earlier times. To calculate the MPE likelihood consider the distribution of the first hit of a DOM which experiences N hits. It is the probability of a hit at :math:`t_{res}` times the probability that all the other hits occur afterwards: .. math:: p^{MPE}(t_{res}) = p(t_{res})\cdot N\cdot \left[\int_{t_{res}}^{\infty} p(t_{res}){\rm d}t\right]^{N-1} = N\cdot p(t_{res})\cdot {\rm SF}(t_{res})^{N-1} where :math:`{\rm SF}(t_{res})` denotes the survival function of the Pandel function. This requires an analytic solution to the survival function. ``rpdf`` uses a method of quickly evaluating this integral that was developed by Dima Chirkin. A detailed explanation of this method is beyond the scope of this document. The ``DOMLikelihood`` parameter in ``I3RecoLLH`` selects which method to use. It takes a string, valid options are ``"SPE1st"`` (the default) and ``"MPE"``. Approximation ------------- An fast approximation for calculating the survival function of the convoluted Pandel was developed by D. Chirkin\ [#]_. It works by replacing the Gaussian with a box function of the same first and second moment. It then calculates the integral of the Pandel function inside the box using a number of equally spaced steps. In addition, there is a correction due to the singularity in the Pandel function at :math:`t_{res}=0` calculated separately. This approximation has been shown to to be very accurate. Noise ===== Since DOMs are subject to random noise an additional noise term is added to the DOM likelihood. Noise is not easy to implement in mathematically correct way. It was determined to create a "noisy PDF" by simply adding a small constant to the PDF, This is a constant with respect to time. In principle the value used should be the same as the observed noise rate of the DOMs. In practice, it was found that using a value higher than the physical value gives better reconstruction results. This can be set with the parameter ``NoiseProbability`` in the ``I3RecoLLH`` module. References ========== .. [#] \J. Ahrens, et al., "Muon Track Reconstruction and Data Selection Techniques in AMANDA", NIM A524, p.169-194 (2004). :arxiv:`astro-ph/0407044`. .. [#] \D. Pandel, "Bestimmung von Wasser- und Detektorparametern und Rekonstruktion von Myonen bis 100 TeV mit dem Baikal Neutrinoteleskop NT-72," Diploma Thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1996 (in German). :docushare:`74814`. .. [#] \G. Japaridze and M. Ribordy, "Realistic arrival time distribution from an isotropic light source", :arxiv:`astro-ph/0506136`. .. [#] \R. Vidunas and N. M. Temme, "Parabolic Cylinder Functions: Examples of Error Bounds For Asymptotic Expansions", :arxiv:`math/0205045`. .. [#] \N. van Eijndhoven, O. Fadiran, G. Japaridze, "Implementation of a Gauss convoluted Pandel PDF for track reconstruction in neutrino telescopes," Astroparticle Physics 28, 456 (2007). :arxiv:`0704.1706`. .. [#] \D. Chirkin "New implementation of convoluted MPE pandel function", https://icecube.wisc.edu/~dima/work/WISC/cpdf/a.pdf