.. _radcube_tables: ======================= Radcube Tables and Data ======================= This project requires several files with tabulated values regarding the response of the electronics and the antenna. Since these files are large, they are not checked into the codebase directly and are instead either left in an easily findable place (CVMFS) or can be downloaded by a user. The radcube project uses the ``RadcubeDataUtility`` class to handle how these files are loaded. This parses a formatted ASCII file, ``radcube/resources/data/DataLocations.txt`` to know where to look. .. _acquiringRadcubeFiles: ------------------- Acquiring the Files ------------------- The files are available on CVMFS for all IceCube users to access. If you are running this code on any machine that has access to CVMFS, then you do not need to do anything. However, if you are running the software on your private machine, you will need to transfer the files. A script has been made to do this for you: ``radcube/resources/scripts/CopyRadcubeDataFromServer.sh``. Run the script and it will first ask you for a location on your local computer to put all of the radcube files. Then it will ask for you IceCube username so that it can perform an ``rsync`` of the radcube files from CVMFS where the files live to your specified directory. Finally, it will ask you if you want to let radcube know to use these transferred files. In most cases, you should answer yes and then everything should be ready to be used. However, if you simply want to download the files to, for example, simply inspect the radcube files, then you can decline. For this second option, as a peek under the hood of what is going on, .. _radcubeFileContents: ------------- File Contents ------------- The data files used by the project include: 1. 3D table of the antenna response as a function of arrival direction and frequency 2. Tables of the electronics response (i.e. cables, LNA, etc.) as a function of frequency and temperature