Expression Histograms ===================== Creating an ExpressionHistogram is very similar to a regular histogram except you're passing a valid python expression to calculate the quantity to be binned. NB: '''You should not use this class directly.''' Instead use one of the frame histograms, which run on the respective frames. * DAQHistogram * PhysicsHistogram * GeometryHistogram * CalibrationHistogram * DetectorStatusHistogram What's available: * 'frame' - The frame is exposed. * I3Units - I3Units from I3Tray. * math - Everything from the python math library (e.g. log10). Example: :: from icecube.production_histograms.histograms.frame_histograms import DAQHistogram expression = "log10(frame['SomeFrameKey'].member/I3Units.GeV)" h = DAQHistogram(0, 10, 10, "Log10SomeEnergy", expression)