MPHitFilter ============= The purpose of this module is to optimize the efficiency of coincident event simulation by filtering all event which would not produce hits in the detector. Otherwise, a majority of events would contain only one particle which is actually detected and therefore no different than a single event. One can set the threshold as a minimum number of hits. It is possible, for example to request that each event should on its own be able to trigger the detector. At present we set the threshold to 1 hit per particle. In addition, MPHitFilter can also trim-down the I3MCTree and remove all branches whose particles don't produce enough PEs in the detector, making it much easier to read and reducing the storage requirements. MPHitFilter has the following configurable paramters: MPHitFilter:: CleanHitMap Description : Remove hitseries for missing DOMs Default : True HitOMThreshold Description : Minimum number of hit OMs to pass filter Default : 1 HitSeriesMapName Description : Name of HitSeriesMap object to scan Default : HitSeriesMapNames Description : List of names of HitSeriesMap objects to scan Default : NumberOfPrimaries Description : Number of primary particles to merge Default : 1 WeightMap Description : map of weights to merge Default : 'CorsikaWeightMap' WeightSumName Description : Name to store weightsum in summary service Default : 'WeightSum' This module should be run after the photon propagation (ClSim or PPC). The following example uses PoissonMerger to combine events which are then propagated and their light emission has been simulated. MPHit filter then trims down the MCTree and removesEvents that did not produce light in the detector:: from icecube.icetray import I3Units from icecube.polyplopia import CoicidentI3ReaderService # Read events from file ""BACKGROUNDFILE.i3" background = polyplopia.CoincidentI3ReaderService()"BACKGROUNDFILE.i3") tray.AddModule("PoissonMerger","merge", BGWeights = "CorsikaWeightMap", CoincidentEventService = background, ) tray.AddModule("Rename",keys=["I3MCTree","I3MCTree_preMuonProp"]) tray.AddSegment(segments.PropagateMuons, "PropagateMuons", RandomService = randomServiceForPropagators) from icecube.simprod import segments tray.AddSegment(segments.PropagatePhotons, "normalpes", RandomService = "I3RandomService", HybridMode = False, IgnoreMuons = False, IgnoreCascades = False, UseGPUs = True, UseAllCPUCores = False, InputMCTree = "I3MCTree", UseGeant4 = False) tray.AddModule("MPHitFilter","hitfilter", HitOMThreshold=1, WeightMap="CorsikaWeightMap")